This IS gonna be the next battlefield for anti-abortionists….
The Republican Senator maybe on the side of High Court Juistice Kavanagh who has also expessed doubts on the subject based on the concept, not listed ‘Right’ of unimpeded interstate travel.…
Congress IS considering walk around’s to the High Courts decision and the limitation’s that some states have already enacted….
On Wednesday, Grassley said “we cannot stop people from traveling anyplace they want to,” the Des Moines Register reported. “It’s a constitutional issue and a freedom.”
Earlier this week, Senate Democrats introduced legislation to combat anticipated state efforts to make it harder or altogether illegal for people to travel across state lines to receive an abortion, including banning efforts to “restrict or in way sanction, hold liable, discriminate against, or otherwise disadvantage any individual from traveling to another State to receive or provide reproductive health care that is legal in that State.”
Health care providers who assist in abortion services for interstate abortion patients would also be protected by the bill.
But a request from Senate Democrats to pass the legislation unanimously was halted on Thursday by Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.).
Interstate travel for abortions is anticipated to become more common given the Supreme Court’s decision to eliminate the constitutional right to an abortion, which has since led a patchwork of states to curb or ban abortion procedures….
I’m interested in exactly how these authoritarian ,freedom hating Republicans are going to prohibit women from physically leaving a state.
Are the totalitarians going to keep a register of all pregnant women and how exactly will that work anyway?
Really this whole discussion is simply goofy
They go after one or two providers….
They as for informants …
Of course this aisn’t gonna stop ALL abortions….
Ur prohibition view holds…
Every case is WRONG…..
There will be some who can travel….
So who won’t….
Let’s hope they are rational….
I have no idea what you are responding to but it certainly isn’t my post.
Previous on women traveling for procedures
Whatever you say..
However I still don’t understand what “providers” has to so with any woman buying an airplane ticket in Mississippi ,traveling to New York,and having an abortion.
Once again how do the Republican authoritarians propose to stop that from happening!
They are gonna try to do the Texas thing….
Allow private citizens to sue the provider…..
WTF wants onerous lawsuits piling up from crazy assed anti-abortion wing nuts….
On second thought?
What about interstate warrants for breaking the states FELONY providing abortions?
Even if it ain’t in their state?
Sounds weak legally….BUT?
Who want to take a chance?
Grassley’s right of course….
How many GOPer Senators will vote on the House Bill against states doing this very thing?
Grassley Leads By 8 Points in Iowa
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has an 8-point lead on his Democratic opponent, retired Navy Adm. Michael Franken, 47% to 39%, in the latest Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll.
The last time Grassley, 88, won an election by just 8% was his first election to the U.S. Senate in 1980.
Iowa is now a red state .
Of course Grasskey is going to win.
No surprise at all.
His support of travel Abortion should NOT affect his numbers I would think?
So the authoritarians are going to “ allow” private citizens to sue providers in states will abortion is legal for violating a law in a state where the provider doesn’t. Live or work?
That idiotic and nonsensical.
Nevertheless it WILL be a worry for those providers who could be saddled with YUGE legal fee’s and insurance hikes…..
It IS a campaign of harassment….
But the mere mentions of it has everyone worried…..
I do mention Kavanguh and Grassley support for the interstate’Right’ that isn’t codified….