Was common knowledge among the Secret Service Washington agents….
It seems that several Republicans are trying to challenge Cassidy Hutchinson’s spilling the beans on the episode ….
Even to the point that a agent on loan to the Trump campaign, Tony Ornato, made denials of the situation, only to be counted with doubts on his ability to tell the truth about this an other situations….
To the agents credit?
They did NOT let a loose cannon, cursing and menacing Chief Executive get his wish to lead a mob to the Capitol to try and over throw and election and possibly harm his Vice President…
Then-President Donald Trump angrily demanded to go to the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, and berated his protective detail when he didn’t get his way, according to two Secret Service sources who say they heard about the incident from multiple agents, including the driver of the presidential SUV where it occurred.
Update on the Trump in the limo caper…..
Hutchinson DOES relate that she got her story second hand on the ex-President reaching for the subarban’s steering wheel….
Her basic that Trump was cursing and mad at the agents for NOTR letting his sorry ass march with the crowd IS confirmed….
Hutchinson HAS come under Republican attack for outing the things she has said….
The effort to discredit the witness IS on going….
Two Secret Service sources told CNN on Friday that they heard about former President Donald Trump lunging at the driver of his presidential SUV on January 6, 2021.
The pair of sources, who spoke under the condition of anonymity, backed up much of former Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson’s explosive testimony on the altercation in the motorcade vehicle known as “the Beast” after Trump found out he wouldn’t be driven to join his supporters at the Capitol.
“He had sort of lunged forward – it was unclear from the conversations I had that he actually made physical contact, but he might have. I don’t know,” one of the Secret Service sources told CNN. “Nobody said Trump assaulted him; they said he tried to lunge over the seat – for what reason, nobody had any idea.”…