Significant numbers of Republican House members joined Democrats on this one…..
We’ll see how things go in the Senate….
Tuesday’s bipartisan vote proves a striking evolution on the issue of same-sex marriage for members of both parties. Just a decade ago, Democratic Vice President Joe Biden got castigated for announcing his support for gay marriage before the sitting president, Barack Obama, had announced his own views on the issue. More than a decade before that, Biden helped pass the Defense of Marriage Act in the Senate, while House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) and Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) joined 116 Democrats supporting it in the House….
Yet just more than 20 percent of the Republican conference voted in support of the legislation, a sign that even though marriage equality has become more broadly accepted across the country, Republicans don’t have a unified view on what some consider progressive social issues.
It’s unclear if the legislation has enough support in the Senate for passage. And Democratic leaders didn’t commit to bringing it up for a vote, stating the legislative schedule ahead of the midterms may not allow for immediate consideration….
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) also was noncommittal, saying he hasn’t decided if he’d support the measures should they be voted on in the Senate….
Once again you miss the significant story and that is that 80% of Republicans voted AGAINST the bill.
This, despite the fact that Republicans usually ,when questioned on the subject, declare that it is “settled” law or some other such insipid response
As I have previously stated , most Republicans have never really accepted gay marriage or gay rights in general and now that they think the Supreme Court might go along with them are rapidly dropping the facade of “agreement.”
None of this should be surprising as the “radical homosexual agenda” has long been a staple of Right Wing extremism that now totally dominates the Republican Party .
U miss the significance that 20% DID VOTE WITH DEMOCRATS!……
THAT does NOT happen too much….
McConnell Won’t Comment on Same-Sex Marriage Bill
“Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) won’t say whether he will support bipartisan House-passed legislation to require states to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states until the bill comes to the Senate floor,” The Hill reports.
Politico: “Some of the heaviest hitters on the religious right are urging Senate Republicans not to support legislation writing same-sex marriage into federal law.”