Poor President Biden and Seante Majority Leader Chuck Schumer….
In a valiant effort to get one last spending bill to deal with climate change, prescription drugs, energy, and tax hikes on the rich they have had to negotiate with their own party’s Senator Manchin….
(Rememebr how Biden was gonna work WITH Republican’s in his old stomping grounds of Congress???)
Republican Senate leader McConnell says he’ll tie the Senate in knots if the Democrats get a deal to go ahead vote past the Republicans…..
Remember folks….
This is SAME McConnell who did the same thing with Supreme Court appointments by Democrats….
The SAME thing with 2017 tax bill that gave rich people and big business tax breaks paid for by taking away state and local deductions for Blue States…
The Republican Senate leaders says he’ll hold up the Defense Bill (A LOT of that money goes to Red States)that Congress added Billions more then Biden asked for….
On the Senate’s first day back in several weeks, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell went after the reinvigorated Democratic push for their party-line social spending and climate change legislation. He said moving forward with that bill would paralyze the chamber.
“Democrats have already picked the American people’s pocket once. And now their solution is to pick your pockets a second time. First with inflation. And now with tax hikes. … Now is a terrible, terrible time to paralyze the Senate by trying to tax us into recession on a partisan basis.”
— Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell
McConnell reiterated his threat that the China competitiveness legislation, slowly languishing amid ongoing negotiations between the House and Senate, would not move forward if the Democrats continue their social spending push. “Our side cannot agree to frantically steamroll through delicate bipartisan talks in order to meet an artificial timeline, so our Democratic colleagues can clear the decks to ram through a party-line tax hike,” he said. McConnell also singled out the annual National Defense Authorization Act as a piece of important legislation possibly being neglected in the push….
This ain’t looking good for Schumer and Biden folks….
Yeah and it’s the same You who was telling us an the beginning of Bidens term that “Ol Mitch” and “Ol Lindsay” would be open to working with the new administration because “Republicans are gonna want stuff.”
THATis NOT the case, eh?
Ur US Senator is gonna get grilled by the Fulton County DA’s people for dancing with Trump…..
They all are gonna learn being with Trump hirys in the end….