She’s Right of course….
Rep. Cheney of Wyoming is not likely to be a House member next year unless a LOT of Democrats in her state vote for her….
She is hammering Donald Trump, and THAT is makiing her radioactive politically back home to Republicans…
But her point about her party leader should not be dismmised so fast….
Donald Trump is being hammered by expose ‘ s from the House Select Committee holding public media hearings on Trump & Co. actions on and around Jan.6 2022, the day of the protest/riot/violence at the Nation’s Capitol Building…The Committee is laying out a case for the US Attorney Gewneral to indict Trump on multiple Federal charges along with his cronies…..
Trump, who has not stopped crying about Joe Biden beating him, is also being mentioed as under investigation by the FBI on having secret files taken from the White House to his Florida home after leaving office….
In addition?
Trump will appear before the New York Attoreny General’s lawyers on a civil case that might turn criminal involving possibe real estate fraud that the Manhattan DA has put aside but that the NY AG could pick up….
In addition?
The Fulton County, Georgia DA has impanelled a Specail Grand Jury to investigate if Trump’s action’s concerning Georgia election vote tampering is strong enough for another garnd jury to pass up criminal indictments ….
On top of ALL opf this legal stuff?
We have Ron DeSantis leading a growing list of 2024 GOP Presidentail nomination sweepstakes wannabee’s….
The Big guy is down in the polls among all Americans , and now is coming in behind DeSantis in a ever increasing numbers of Republican polls……
Make no mistake…
LiZ Cheney IS a Republican…
Just because she’ on Trump’s case does NOT make sympathic to Democarts….
(We now her mussing about her own possible 2024 Presidental run)
But the lady makes a good point….
Battered and possibly on the verge of fighting the legal battle of his life?
His party can ill afford to make DEmocrats happy with a 2024 Donald Trump second try for the job he lost….
Run Donald Run?
Cheney emphasized that the committee’s aims were not political, but also that the Justice Department should not refrain from prosecuting Trump out of concerns about political optics if the evidence warrants criminal prosecution.
“I think it’s a much graver constitutional threat if a president can engage in these kinds of activities, and the majority of the president’s party looks away, or we as a country decide we’re not actually going to take our constitutional obligations seriously,” Cheney said.
Cheney went on to express grave concerns about the idea of Trump running as the GOP presidential nominee for a third time.
“I think there’s no question, I mean, a man as dangerous as Donald Trump can absolutely never be anywhere near the Oval Office ever again,” Cheney said.
The Republican Party, she said, could not survive if Trump were its 2024 presidential nominee.
“Millions of people, millions of Republicans have been betrayed by Donald Trump. And that is a really painful thing for people to recognize and to admit, but it’s absolutely the case,” Cheney said. “And they’ve been betrayed by him, by ‘the big lie,’ and by what he continues to do and say to tear apart our country and tear apart our party.”….
image…ABC7 Chicago/J Scott Applewhite
I’ve been hearing this “line” for over fifty years.
In 1964 after Goldwaters landslide loss commentators were pronouncing they death of the Republican Party.Two years later the Republicans gained 47seats in the House .Four years later they elected a President.
Then afterWatergate more funeral dirges for the GOP from those “in the know.”After a drubbing in 1974,the Republicans rebounded and came within a hair of returning the The pardoner of Nixon to the presidency.Four years later?Ronald Reagan won in a landslide.
So we have heard all this before.
The Republican Party isn’t going away,Liz Cheney notwithstanding.
I get Liz though.She wants her Republican Party as it was pre 2016.That party is gone yet she can’t face it
What’s your excuse?
I have no excuse….
But I do understand where Cheney is coming from and again….
She on point….
I’ve always said Trump did a hostile takeover and has been pimping the GOPer’s for more than 4 years…..
The problem with this “pimping” analysis is the facts don’t bear it out.
Far from a hostile takeover ,as your belief implies, the Republican Party has overwhelmingly acquiesced to Trumps supposed “takeover.”Veteran Republican politicians ,not only went along with Trumps “takeover” but became enthusiastic supporters of it.
However ,this is off topic.My point was that Cheney’s claim that a Trump nomination would threaten the existence of the Republican Party is a rehash of various other predictions of the demise of the GOP in the past.None of which turned out to be accurate.
You said, “Shes( Cheney) right of course,”indicating your agreement with her statement.
Your reply to me was unresponsive on that point and reverted to your well known “claim” that Trump somehow “conned” Republican ,when all available evidence is that they were willing participants in and overwhelmingly supportive of this “takeover.”
My pimping view is backed up by the FACT that Donald J. Trump IS taking supporters money for his ‘OWN’ non-campaign bills….
Accordingly his fundraising cash in flow has dropped dramatically….
Overwhelmingly acquiesced?
Bull Shit….
Eraly 2016 witnessed a brutal beatdown of Republicans from Cruz, to Bush & Co. , to McConnell and others….
How soon we forget?
Even since 2020…..
Trump still beats down those who don’t accept his fraud Bull Shit….
Cheney’s comments ARE supported in this post…
Weither U accept them is another story….
Anyone who refuses to see that Trump has been the overwhelmingly dominant figure in the Republican Party over the past six years is either totally delusional or has little knowledge of politics.
As anyone who has visited this site and read your totally ridiculous claims that Trump hasn’t dominated the Republican Party in this time well knows both of the above characteristics well apply to you.
Amusingly ,even the anti Trump Republicans like Romney, Cheney, etc. readily admit that Trump dominates the party as does every commentator and political analyst in the country.
You’re a fool.
I’m counting on the pimp master to ‘dominate’ the party to a worst loss even if the Big Guy is on criminal trial in several different places…..
Ler’m ALL go down with him!
Anyone who thinks that if the Republicans nominate Trump in 2024 the party is going to cease to existence.
Is a damn idiot.
If the shoe fits? Wear it dumb dumb.
Of course there will BE GOP….
His loss should wise MORE of them up
And save the country which would ONLY have to deal with the Alito 5
Jack is completely right, the racist base of the Republican Party created Trump as he, like all good grifters, saw his opportunity to fill a hate filled vacuum and take over.
He owns them and will be their nominee even from a jail cell. He speaks their language.
My only question: why does Jack even try to explain things to someone incapable of understanding?
Cause he does….
I want Trump top be the nominee to get him another LOSS….
He seems to damaged that DeSantis or someone else COULD very knock him out of the nomination….
If Jack is right ?
Trump WOULD help Democrats keep the White House in his rage to beat up on whoever was the Republican choice over him…..
Now as to your man crush ,Ron DeSantis.
Trump complains, with some justification, that DeSantis is his creation. DeSantis, a backbench congress person, was originally considered an underdog to Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam for the Republican gubernatorial nomination in 2018, but with Trumps full throated support ,won the nomination and then narrowly defeated the Democratic candidate by less than 1% of the vote.
DeSantis has always marched in lockstep with Trump and the term “Trumpist” certainly applies to this homophobic , Right Wing extremist whose views and actions are straight out of the Trump playbook.DeSantis fully supported Trumps attempt to steal the election in 2020, even advising the thieves on how to accomplish the theft.
There’s no difference between DeSantis and Trump, other than the Ivy League educated DeSantis is probablysmarter than Trump. DeSantis, however, takes no second place to the typical Right Wing Republican extremist and any differences between him and Trump are purely cosmetic.
Seemingly, however, you, and maybe Liz Cheney, would prefer him to Trump, simply because of your hatred of Trump.
Anyone who thinks that a President DeSantis would be,in any significant way ,different from Trump as for as issues and support for Republican extremist positions needs a definite “reality check.”
Good analysis Jack….
I believe Ron is Donald on STERIODS….
And has decided to talk MORE shit…..
I do NOT ‘want’ DeSantis to be the GOP nominee come 2024
I actually have said here time again I (and Biden) would love to have a wounded and battered Trump up for an even 2nd BIGGER defeat….
Cheney is much closer to knowing all the criminal like stuff that went on…..