In their first party get together since 2018?
Declared President Biden not legimatly elected….
Knocked their own party US Senator Cornyn for working on gun control….
Called homosexuality “an abnormal lifestyle choice”….
Getting rid of the Fedral income tax and the Federal Reserve….
The party of the Bush family seems to have been WTF back in the day….
The actions capped a convention that highlighted how adamantly opposed the party’s most active and vocal members are to compromising with Democrats or moderating on social positions, even as the state has grown more diverse and Republicans’ margins in statewide elections have shrunk slightly in recent years.
Votes on the platform were collected at the end of the party’s three-day convention in which party activists moved to add multiple items to the official Texas GOP platform. As the convention closed, two separate sets of ballots — one allowing delegates to choose eight of 15 legislative priorities and another allowing delegates to vote on the 275 platform planks — were gathered. Those will now need to be tallied and certified in Austin, but it is rare for a plank to be rejected, according to party spokesperson James Wesolek.
The convention reinforced the extent to which former President Donald J. Trump’s unfounded claims of a stolen election continue to resound among the party faithful — even though his claims have repeatedly been debunked, including by many of his own former aides, and after a week of televised hearings about the Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021…..
We will likely see more of this at other state party conventions in the future.
This is what the Republican Party has become.
Maybe this was a”reality check” for those who insist ,,with no evidence other than irrelevant and insignificant anecdotes here and there, that Trumpism has radicalized the Republican Party far beyond what is was prior to Trumps nomination in 2016.
Hate,Hate and more Hate.
The above post should have after the word”has” the word “not”