The Former Labor Sec. Robert Reich is trippin…..
Liz Cheney IS a Republican Thru and Through….
Reich hasn’t taken the time to check her voting record….
She mught be hell bent against Donald Trump…
But she’s NOT what Reich could stomach ten minutes after she would become President….
Reich gotta stop sniffing the Pixie Dust…..
I trust Joe Biden’s steadiness and judgment, and if he runs again, I’ll probably back him in 2024. But today I want to suggest someone who isn’t even a Democrat, and whose positions on many issues I (and I suspect you) strongly disagree with — but who could possibly be the best president of the United States for the perilous time we’re entering.
I’m referring to Liz Cheney.
Before you reject this idea out of hand, please bear with me.
I’ve been in and around American politics for well over a half century. I’ve never seen this nation as bitterly divided as it is now — not during the Civil Rights movement, not during the Vietnam War, not during Watergate. And it looks as if the current division is growing deeper and even more dangerous.
Donald Trump didn’t just attempt a coup. He attempted to push America into a civil war. And he’s still at it — endorsing candidates who will repeat his Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him, encouraging states to change their election laws so Republican lawmakers can disregard the popular vote, and pushing them to install secretaries of state and other election officials who will count votes in ways favorable to Republicans — especially him, should he run for president again in 2024.
In short, Trump wants a civil war centered on himself — on his Big Lie, and on the racist nationalism he fueled to build his political base. Trump’s narcissism is so poisonous that he is committed to splitting the nation over its commitment to him. As president, Trump never understood his responsibility to America as a whole. He felt responsible only to his supporters, whom he called “my people.” Those who didn’t support him were his enemies. Since the 2020 election, he has done everything possible to stoke war between his supporters and his perceived enemies. Clearly, that’s his aim in 2024.
It will be impossible to reunite this nation without a leader who is the exact opposite of Trump — driven not by narcissism but by a passion for the rule of law and the Constitution — someone who has staked everything on opposing Trump’s demagogic authoritarianism, someone with huge stores of courage and integrity.
Since the attack on the Capitol, Liz Cheney has demonstrated more courage and integrity than any other politician in America. Democratic lawmakers have opposed Trump’s Big Lie, to be sure, but most knew they wouldn’t pay a price for their opposition. Cheney knew she would pay a price — and she has….
image..Of better times for them all….USA Today
Your editorial comments above are humorous.
You don’t even understand the point Reich was making.
I’m not sure I agree with it but I see where he’s coming from.
As i say
Cheney is a die hard Republican
Someone u have said is unable to change stripes
She joins a hit parade of other Republicans that have little use for Trump, but would continue the standard GOPer policies….
Reich IS tripping to even write this
Liz Chaney is an interesting choice but I would probably prefer to support someone more liberal than her.
I interpreted Reich as not so much personally supporting Cheney (indeed in the first sentence he essentially reaffirms his support of Biden)but urging Cheney to seek the Republican nomination .Presumably he feels that if Cheney somehow won the nomination ,then the two major candidates could be counted on to defend democracy.He asserts that the next election will be more about a battle between democracy and authoritarianism than between Democrats and Republicans.
I essence, he is saying that while his policy differences with Cheney would remain,a President Cheney would not cause him to fear for democracy.I understand his argument (James Doesnt,Surprise!) ;however ,I see almost no chance that Cheney could be a viable candidate for the Republican nomination as that party remains in the throes of Trumpism(vast majorities of Republicans continue to claim the election was stolen and continue to downplay the Republican led domestic terrorism assault on the Capitol.)
Reich would nominate her
Policies and all….
U usually doesn’t cut Republicans any slack
Why now?
Robert Reich
Liz Cheney is a firm conservative and I oppose many of her positions. But she has demonstrated tremendous courage and integrity in the face of Trump’s Big Lie.
She is a breath of fresh air for the Republican Party.
You still don’t understand what Reich was saying and what”slack” am I cutting the Republicans?
I specifically said in the last sentence above that Reichs idea that the Republicans could nominate Cheney wasn’t viable in my view.
What’s amusing is not only your inability to understand his point ,but your blasting away at Cheney and her views ,while being totally mesmerized by Ron DeSantis ,a truly evil radical Right Wing extremist.
However I long ago gave up expecting anything rational from a clownish figure who constantly flips from one view to another with any consistency and less thought.
Actually Jack?
I’get it’
And still think Reich should give up the Pixie Dust….
Cheney IS A tried abd true Republican
Going after Trump does NOT in any way change THAT….
I don’t want her to be the American President….
Neither would most on progressives Reich runs with….
He needs to he over himself….
Good idea Z