This dog smelled this coming….
A political excutive…Not Senator….
A guy 20 years younger then the current President…
A guy who has danced with progressives….
A guy who beat back efforts to get fired….
A Democrat ….
One who seems to be looking to be the first in the bullpen if Joe Biden does not get up at bat for 2024….
Gavin Newsom keeps picking exactly the kinds of fights that presidential candidates like to pick.
On Thursday, he joined Donald Trump’s social media network — to rebut “Republican lies,” he said. He posted another “truth” on the former president’s site on Monday, using the platform to promote what he cast as the superior economic performance of blue states.
For months, Newsom, the 54-year-old governor of California, has been taking swipes at red-state governors known to have presidential ambitions.
He has ripped unnamed fellow Democrats, too: In May, after Politico published a draft Supreme Court decision that would strike down Roe v. Wade, Newsom groused that Republican cultural warriors were winning on issues like abortion and L.G.B.T.Q. rights with no vigorous response from the left.
“Where the hell’s my party?” Newsom said. “Where’s the counteroffensive?”
He is always careful to explain that he means no disrespect to the gerontocratic official leaders of the Democratic Party: President Biden (who is 79), Speaker Nancy Pelosi (82) and Senator Chuck Schumer (71), the majority leader.
And though Newsom has declared that he has “subzero interest” in running for president — and aides insist that he is deadly earnest about that — he appears to be not only positioning himself as a point man for blue states but also laying the groundwork for a future White House run….
As demoralized Democrats search for political heroes, Newsom offers the allure of a proven winner. He crushed a recall attempt last year and emerged stronger. In California’s recent primary election, he finished ahead of his closest opponent by nearly 40 percentage points…..
The surge of interest in Newsom comes as Democrats begin to openly debate whether Biden, given his age (which is high) and his approval ratings (which are low), ought to bear the party’s standard again in 2024.
Most such conversations begin with two assumptions: that Vice President Kamala Harris is Biden’s natural heir, and that she would face many Democratic challengers should he bow out.
On Saturday, Gov. J.B. Pritzker of Illinois was the keynote speakerat a dinner for the Democratic Party of New Hampshire, prompting speculation that his motives go beyond the stated goal of helping fellow governors who support abortion rights….
This is the second guy mentioned as a successor to a no Biden 2024……
And yes….
Vice President Kamala Harris would be the in the equation…..
Gavin Newsom Gets Noticed at the White House
Politico: “Newsom has stressed that he isn’t challenging President Joe Biden — either on his stewardship of their party or as a candidate in two years. He’s reminded people that Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris separately trekked across the country to stump for him in his recall election.”
“But taken together, the moves have been widely interpreted as a relatively young executive using the specter of a future presidential bid to shine a bright spotlight on himself. And they’ve been enough to elicit early brushbacks from allies of Biden and Harris.”