This IS the President’s problem….
It isn’t ‘back in the day’….
These days?
House and Senate Republicans seldom ‘come around’ for things Biden or Democrats might want…
One doubts Gun Control will be any different even afte TWO mass shooting in the past several weeks…
President Joe Biden insisted Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is “rational” and could agree to gun control, despite the party’s longtime refusal to seriously entertain policy changes on firearms.
On Monday, Biden told reporters that he was unsure of whether Republicans would compromise, noting that he has “not been negotiating with any of the Republicans yet.”
“I don’t know. McConnell is a rational Republican. Cornyn is as well,” Biden said. “I think things have gotten so bad that everybody is getting more rational about it.”
He added that only Congress can pass gun control measures, denying that he has the ability to implement widespread gun reform through executive action. On a visit to Uvalde over the weekend, demonstrators begged the president to “do something” about gun violence….
But the Senate Minority Leader has spent decades in Congress discouraging his peers from supporting gun legislation in the wake of mass shootings and refused to bring gun control bills to a vote despite more deadly mass shootings when Republicans controlled the Senate, The Washington Post reported.
The appeal to Republicans to compromise is the latest push by Biden to seek the GOP’s help in passing legislation; previous efforts have been met with little success as rank-and-file Republicans and party leadership have shot down many of Biden’s legislative priorities…
We even have been made aware that then President Trump wanted to do something about gun control after two mass shooting’s…
He was told to forget it...
Pursuing the issue would cost him his job…
He didn’t…
He lost his job anyways though….
Well maybe you have learned something too.
Some of us remember that right after Biden was elected you were telling us how things were going to be so much better.
Trump was gone and the Republicans would return to being open to all sorts of things.
You were telling us how “ol Mitch” and “ ol Lindsay”would come around and help Biden “get things done.”
As you said,”Republicans Gonna want stuff.”
Of course.Trump isn’t “gone.”
The Republican Party is thoroughly”Trumpized”
“ Compromise” is no longer in their vocabulary.
“Ol Mitch” and “Ol Lindsay” just ain’t who you thought they were
And I guess hamstringing Biden is more important than the alleged “stuff” they wanted .
Things have NOT gone back to the past way of doing things….
Ole Mitch has been a foil to his President….
But ole Mitch and Lindsey while sayonmg ‘NO’…
Has NOT matched in lock step with Trump…
Compromise on most big issues is NOT …
But quietly BOTH parties do vote for stuff….
Knocking Biden for mistakes and miscues is no more than what this dog did against Obama…
Ur the guy who knocking straight out ‘cheerleading’….
I cannot in good conscience just walk past Joe Biden’s lack of ajusting to being the President NOT the lawmaker or the 2nd wheel….
We ALL learn things….
Even a guy as smart as U….
Ridiculous word salad coming from the man who said, “January 6th is in the rear view mirror.”
Jack is completely right here, no amount of incomprehensible double talk only slightly masquerading as political commentary can hide this fact.
The “stuff they want” is to make Biden a one term President. The want power, even if it means overthrowing a legitimate election.
In fact Jan 6. IS gone….
The House probe will NOT damage Donald Trump….
House GOPer’s don’t want to come in from the cold and tell their story….
I DOUBT Garland will go after them….
The minions that followed Trump’s lead are taking the hit…
The effort to derail an election by an ex-President is LOG GONE and he’s trying to run again so he can take over the Government AGAIN ….
Rearview mirror…
Gee, James just told us how the calendar works.
Like Jack said, Trump isn’t gone and either is the attempt to overthrow our government.
Your word salad needs dressing James.
Trump’s limping along Yup
Lotta excess baggage….
Ur right
He’d lie, cheat or steal to get his okd job back…
James’s problem is he refuses to see what has happened to the Republican Party.
All he cares about is getting rid of Trump.That won’t really matter that much.
Because Trump has succeeded is totally radicalizing the Republican Party .Its been “Trumpized.”
Indeed the leading candidate to succeed Trump is largely Trumps creation.Trump endorsed the backbencher then Congressman for Governor in 2018.DeSantis returned the favor by being a loyal footman ,parroting Trump on almost every issue.Then ,when Trump tried to steal the election,DeSantis was busy sending recommendations to his staff on how to effect the steal.
DeSantis is nothing but Trump part two.
James gets all giddy when some Republican utters something that seems even mildly critical of Trump.Big deal? Trump growls at them and most fall back into line.(See Graham, Lindsay).He doesn’t understand that McConnell (whom he affectionately labels “Ol Mitch”) is a power in the Senate but not the National Republican Party.Hell he probably can’t even get a seat at the convention.
He got all excited when Kemp won in Georgia.Apparently forgetting that Kemp led the charge to “reform” Georgia voting laws to suppress minority voting.A Trump move if there ever was one.
Now his answer to all this is the same that it’s been for six years .Get rid of Trump and everything will change.
No,it won’t.
Yes Jack…
I DO get giddy noting that the Grand ole Party ain’t THAT ‘grand’
Damn REAL!
“There is no Trump ‘fever’ that is going to break because Trumpism is now not a fever.It is an entrenched, all- encompassing fact of Republican and conservative life; one that is likely to be with us for quite a while Trump May personally fade, but Trumpism is here to stay…”
Bill Kristol,well known conservative commentator
Echoes what some us have been trying to explain to James ,who then lies and claims that we think Trump is God or some such other hyperbolic nonsense.
Well don’t ya?
He CAN walk on the water and do all sorts of things….
Was unable to keep his job…
Making him a ‘Loser’ ….
Something that fucks him up….
Define Trumpism Jack?
As I have posted here…
I see Donald Trump as a guy who pimped some of the GOP’s points from back in the day to fit his ego…
And here we finally have it.
After six years of nothing but Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, James plaintively asks
“What is Trumpism?”
Conceding apparently that he doesn’t even know what has been going on in the Republican Party.
Might be a fitting epitaph for this site. After thousands of words, blaring headlines and convoluted verbal meanderings, he finally admits that he doesn’t even understand the political landscape which he has spent years lecturing those who came here as to the finer points thereof.
“What is Trumpism?
Translated roughly “please tell me what is going on because I just don’t know!”
Define you view of the word please ?