Donald Trump HAS the neck of the Republican Party ?
Whatever he says goes?
His choice to replace Republican Georgia Governor Kemp, who defied Trump’s effort to change the Georgia 2020 vote , Pedue is way behind Kemp in the polling in the Republican Governor primary ….
Stacy Abrams is running from the Democratic side, and she barely lost four years ago, when she was nowhere near the media icon she is now….
Donald Trump contriues to be his OWN worst political enemy….
(Biden is hoping Trump runns for President again, eh?)
New York Times: “Early polls have steadily shown Mr. Perdue, a former senator, trailing Mr. Kemp by about 10 percentage points. The governor has the backing of many of the state’s big donors and remains far ahead of Mr. Perdue in fund-raising. After pursuing a deeply conservative legislative agenda, Mr. Kemp has secured support from most of the top state leaders and lawmakers, even those who have, until now, aligned with Mr. Trump.”
“Mr. Perdue’s sputtering start may hint at a deeper flaw in Mr. Trump’s plan to punish the governor for refusing to work to overturn Georgia’s 2020 election results: Mr. Trump’s grievances may now largely be his alone. While polls show many G.O.P. voters believe lies about fraud and irregularities in the 2020 election, there is little evidence that Republicans remain as fixated on the election as Mr. Trump.”
The Atlanta Journal Constitution quotes Trump last night: “I hope, David, you’re going to be the governor, or I just wasted a helluva lot a time tonight.”
Erick Erickson: “The Trump turnout on a Saturday in Georgia was anemic. That does not bode well for his slate of candidates. Not all the people there were from Georgia or even able to vote. And Perdue and the other candidates had to foot the bill. Oof.”
A loss by Republicans for Governor in Georgia, and a Warnock hold on the US Senate seat would reduce the ‘Red’ defination for Georgia, a Southern State….
More evidence against Trump’s endorsement ‘thing’….
Trump Backed Candidate Says Election Wasn’t Stolen
“Going into Thursday’s debate among Republican contenders for governor in Nebraska, we know top candidates’ answers to at least one burning question: Who do they believe is the president of the United States?,” the Omaha World Herald reports.
“The top four Republican candidates agree that it’s President Joe Biden. That includes Conklin CEO Charles Herbster (R), who’s endorsed by former President Donald Trump, the main source of baseless assertions that the election was stolen.”
Kemp and Walker ARE gonna be the Georgia GOP primary Governor/US Senate picks…..
Friday, April 15
Race/Topic (Click to Sort) Poll Results Spread
Georgia Governor – Republican Primary WGCL-TV/Landmark Kemp 52, Perdue 28, Taylor 10, Davis 1 Kemp +24
Georgia Senate – Republican Primary WGCL-TV/Landmark Walker 62, Black 9, King 4, Saddler 5, Clark 3, McColumn 0 Walker +53