The ex-President and his crew where as serious as those out in the Capitol grounds and building in trying to subvert a n America lawful election process by using the Government’s Homeland Security and Defense Departments…..
The leadership of those agencies did NOT entertain the Ex-President ‘s jackel’s efforts to possibly undo his biggest LOSS….
The system held against the ‘panned’ assaults on several levels from a mam who swore to defend the Constitution and Country, carried less…..
Trump Directly Involved in Plans to Seize Voting Machines
New accounts show that Donald Trump “was more directly involved than previously known in exploring proposals to use his national security agencies to seize voting machines as he grasped unsuccessfully for evidence of fraud that would help him reverse his defeat in the 2020 election,” the New York Times reports.
“The existence of proposals to use at least three federal departments to assist Mr. Trump’s attempt to stay in power has been publicly known. The proposals involving the Defense Department and the Department of Homeland Security were codified by advisers in the form of draft executive orders.”
“But the new accounts provide fresh insight into how the former president considered and to some degree pushed the plans, which would have taken the United States into uncharted territory by using federal authority to seize control of the voting systems run by states on baseless grounds of widespread voting fraud.”
Trump blasted Lindsay Graham as a RINO yesterday for disagreeing with him over pardoning the Republican domestic terrorists who invaded the Capitol last year.
Now,if history be any guide?
Lindsay will hurry down to Mar a Lago to make amends or at least appear on one of the Fox News/entertainment shows and assert his fealty to the Leader.Maybe he will pull a Cruz and change his position on the air?
By saying he would pardon them, Trump essentially admitted that The domestic terrorists who stormed the Capitol were not FBI agents or Antifa. They were disproportionately Republicans. And they were all his supporters. Recall how Trump supporters were initially told that the insurgents were Antifa or FBI agents.
Jack can clarify this……
Trump doesn’t know or care about this…..
In doing such an act?
He would confirming their guilt….
I said this recently…..
Gramham IS gonna be working with Democrats for the near future….
Court vote and other essential legislation…..
He’ll have to join McConnell and take the hits which will actually bleed away more Trump political capital but get him media attention,,,,
I don’t see Graham “working with Democrats” to any significant extent.
Ole Lindsey don’t have much choice going forward with legislative stuff to get done PERIOD…..
Gonna be more from him and other’s
Trump can bitch from the sidelines
But the guys ‘have to ‘ work to get shit done ….
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Wednesday defended his stance against offering pardons to Jan. 6, 2021, defendants a day after former President Trump called him a “RINO,” an acronym that means “Republican In Name Only.”
“I stand with the police officers who protect our streets, federal courthouses, and the United States Capitol against rioters. They deserve our respect and support and I will not second-guess the decisions they made under dire circumstances,” the senator said in a statement.….
The Hill…..
You assume that Republicans like Graham want to “ get stuff done.”
I don’t make that assumption at all.The Republicans are perfectly fine with nothing much happening in Congress and just bide their time until they can get control again.
You haven’t figured that out yet?
And never, ever, EVER let a Democratic President take credit for having done anything….
True THAT DSD..,.,,
Right leaning media doing big city crime and borders stories now I believe…..
Lindsey is GONNA have his hands in the court pick
It’s part of his job….
There is some legislation I believe MUDT be passed in a month or two
He HAS disregard most of Trump’s noise
That’s ridiculous.
Lindsay has been one of Trumps most ardent supporters and just a few weeks ago Implored Republicans to stick with Trump,essentially endorsing him for President.
Just because of this little flare up between them doesn’t mean there is some real split.Indeed, look for Lindsay to come out shortly with some fawning tribute to Trump.He always does this.
And what “hands in the court pick?” He has a vote.He will probably vote for Judge Child’s because she’s from SC if she is the pick.As to someone else,I don’t know what he will do,neither do you..I do know that the last person Biden will listen to is Lindsay Graham.If you’re hinting at that?Thats absurd
Once again,you don’t deal in facts ,rather you just make stuff up to fit with the way you want things to be.not the reality of the way they are.
You just confirmed my comments…..
Thank You……
Oh of course!
Why everyone here can see that!
Well we know that the most flamboyant senator in the USA generally loves media attention – other than those clips of him getting bood at the airport.