Please look at the map of countries in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization….
Moving past the screaming headlines and action going on right now by the Russian Military overrunning the Ukraine ?
There IS an issue that Joe Biden IS worried about ….bet on it….
By moving into the Ukraine because he’s worried about NATO?
The Russian President has actually placed himself right on NATO’s doorstep….
Almost a half a dozen NATO countries HAVE borders with Russia….
The American President has justified the sending of about 7,000 American troops to Poland ….
President Biden as we have come to know is the ‘Evacuation President’….
He is has Afghanistan behind him and now the Ukraine….
No one wants a World War….
And American’s ARE tired of sending their men and women to fight for others…
But America has a promise in being in NATO to go ‘one for all’….
Joe Biden IS gonna have to deal with NATO countries looking at him for some reassurance that that the treaty they signed is worth the ink its written with…
THAT is gonna probably mean a good amount of American soldiers, sailors and pilots relocating to Europe, (NOT a few thousand) something Biden is NOT gonna be happy about…
I’m willing to bet that sooner or later?
Biden is gonna have to follow in the footsteps of just about every modern day American President in using America’s military to project foreign policy….
Most of time things don’t turn out too good….
But losing a good chuck of Europe , not just one country, isn’t gonna just gonna let America and President Biden just stand on the sideline….
“Russia has attacked Ukraine,” Stoltenberg told journalists from NATO headquarters in Brussels. “Peace in our continent has been shattered.”
Stoltenberg’s remarks followed an extraordinary meeting of NATO members and formal requests by officials in eight Eastern European and Baltic nations, including Poland and Estonia, to hold a security consultation under Article 4 of NATO’s 1949 founding treaty. The measure lets allies register their defense concerns in a way that stops short of a formal request for assistance after an attack…
The United States is the most powerful NATO member and has agreed to come to the defense of all NATO allies if they are in need. Earlier this month, President Biden pledged that “the United States will defend every inch of NATO territory with the full force of American power,” and characterized the U.S. commitment to Article 5 as “sacrosanct.”
Gotkowska said NATO would be expected to invoke Article 5 only if Russia attacked one of its member countries directly — what Stoltenberg on Thursday referred to as a “spillover” of the conflict into nearby NATO member states, such as Hungary, Slovakia or Poland….
I’m not at all sure that there will be a lot of support for sending large numbers and of troops to Europe.
Probably not Jack…
But I’m willing to bet Biden will HAVE to….
And not just a few thousand and he’s gonna be VERY upset at having to do so….
Won’t be Jack….
But with the Eastern small NATO Countries tries request for troops?
Biden will NOT much of a choice…
EVERYBODY WILL waiting to see what he does…..
Here’s something Biden CAN smile about…
Alec Luhn
Russia’s interior ministry tells TV viewers to “refrain from unsanctioned protests” & or they’ll be “arrested & brought to responsibility.”
That’s because there are “coronavirus restrictions, including on public events.”
Not because of calls to protest the war or anything
Alexander S. Vindman
Pushkin Square, maybe less than 1000 meters from Red Square and the Kremlin, is the cite of a significant protest. These people know the risks of challenging the regime. They’re on the street in-spite of major personal costs.
If countries such as Poland request US troops, then they should be willing to pay most, if not all. of the cost to do so.
Straight from the Trump text book eh z?
The NATO treaty does NOT mention ‘buying’ protection like Business Man Trump tried to extract…..
America gets pay back in other things besides cash…
How do we get paid back?
NATO imposes no requirement that we station troops in countries that request them.
Please read the linked piece…..
Of COURSE countries CAN ask for troops and equipment
WTF would there be a mutual aid provision????
Biden has committed to the first 5,000 troops plus a new 7,000 I believe, which is 12,000 already…..
I’m thinking more easily
Biden to send 7,000 more troops to Germany….
This is just the beginning….
So how many troops do you think Biden will send?
Let’s get you on the record.
At least 10 to 20 thousand …..
Remember NATO counties like Canada have to send. Troops also
Well if it’s 10000 and he is already sending 7000?
That’s 70% .
So instead of being “just the beginning “ as you said above?
He’s almost finished.
Which means this is merely symbolic.
He ain’t finished
I’m just quoting you.
I asked you how many troops he would send.You said “10000 to 20000.”
Using the low number?
My statement is totally accurate.
President Joe Biden approved the deployment of 7,000 additional U.S. troops to Germany on Thursday, bringing the total of U.S.-based forces sent to Europe to 12,000 this month.
The 7,000 troops will deploy to Germany and will include an armored brigade combat team with “associated capabilities and enablers,” according to a Defense Department statement….
Hey Jack?
…The U.S. military has also placed upward of 12,000 American troops on alert following Friday’s announcement that the NATO Response Force has been activated for the first time, which Kirby called a “historic moment.” …
If this happens?
The figure would go up to 24,000 US Troops….
Just keeping it REAL ….
Because this is barely symbolic.
Should we start the draft back up?
Nope on the draft that conservative’s tried to get pasted months ago
The Atlantic is out with an article saying this could mean nuclear war .
Ok Jack?
U ever heard of MAD as it pertains to Nuclear Weapons policy?
‘Mutuality Assured Destruction’
Unless Putin gone MAD?
Any reference to Nuclear Weapons shoo be ignored
It is just something to flex with bit NEVER to be actually used……
The US, France and British ALL. Have nuclear weapons .., There would nothing left of Russia and us….
He’s just flexing on something he can’t use…
Some reporter and editor with ‘hair on fire’ piece….
Gee I’m glad you told me that.
I was heading for the nearest bomb shelter(do they still have those?)
I was just posting something I saw.I didn’t say I agreed with it.
I saw the same thing a few days ago…..
It is immaterial…….
The question is how hard they hit with the sanctions
Meanwhile a perennial candidate for the coveted award of the Dumbest Member of the Senate Alabama Republican Tommy Turbeville says the reason Putin invaded Ukraine was “He cant feed his people.Its a communist country so they need more farmland.”
Sound familiar?
White House: US Is Prepared To Accept Ukrainian Refugees
It is also what the American’s are sending…They are deploying F-35 Fighters, advanced surveillance/reconnaissance equipment to the eastern flank…missile capabilities and rapid response teams…Apache Helicopters…probably stealth helicopters, but I haven’t seen that confirmed anywhere…Just that alone is significant…with the military support to back that up…I have not heard anything on naval movements, have more carrier groups been sent to European area? Russian Navy is no longer a dominant force…they have built up their air and ground capabilities…but from the sea they are less dominant…Only the US has a true global navy with the ability to project that power anywhere in the world…
In regards to what does the US get…we get debt for the deployment and maintenance of these forces, but now that Russia is moving in Europe, I think the US military contractors will get increased orders for equipment from our US in some ways that pays for some of good will we get by being the military backbone of Europe…Germany Military Defense Chief was ranting how they dismantled the European defense…maybe the Germans start buying more planes and tanks and missiles from the US…that would be good for us…so I think we get a lot back…our deployment of this is like an advertising campaign for military equipment to the rest of the world…
Good addition to my just giving troop strength
And Yes….
Dollars come back to America in the form of Defense equipment buying from America ….
Another thing for NATO to think about….
Amichai Stein
Possible admission of Sweden and Finland to NATO will require “reciprocal steps” — Russian Foreign Ministry
Or maybe, you create a situation like Afghanistan where we first send troops, but then the country asks for and gets free military equipment too. If you don’t want to pay for troops, maybe you won’t want to pay for military equipment either!
I don’t have a problem if the US provides military assistance to Ukraine, but I currently don’t see the same need for countries like Poland.
The US HAS sent addition troops to Poland already Z….
I know.