Andrew Cuomo went thru a hurricane of bad press stories of sexual harassment ….
The ex-Attorney General, HUD Sec and 2 time New York Governor finally bowed to pressure and quit his job…..
Story over?
All of the accusations of bad behaviour have resulted in NO charges against Cuomo….
Nor have there been anything legal against him for sloppy covid actions during the beginning of the pandemic…
He’s got almost $20 million set aside….
He does have friends in the New York political world….
His biggest enemy is likely to be the media ….
Like another guy from Queens, New York?
He might be looking to get his old job back…..
The decisions came at a steady clip.
One by one, top prosecutors in Nassau, Westchester and Albany Counties had declared the sexual harassment allegations against former Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York to be “deeply troubling,” “credible” and serious.
And then, one by one, they concluded that they would not prosecute him for a crime.
The flurry of legal activity in recent weeks is set to culminate on Friday, when Mr. Cuomo is expected to make a virtual court appearance as prosecutors in Albany move to drop a criminal case involving allegations that he groped a former aide in the Executive Mansion.
Mr. Cuomo, who resigned in disgrace, remains politically alienated and still faces federal and state inquiries into other aspects of his conduct as governor, including over his book. But people who have known him for years expect the moment to embolden him, even as many in his party have no interest in opening another Cuomo chapter, or revisiting the last one.
“He will see it as a victory lap,” said Karen Hinton, a veteran communications strategist who was a consultant to Mr. Cuomo when he was federal housing secretary. Ms. Hinton has said he touched her inappropriately at the time, which his team denied. She expressed concerns around the decisions against prosecution….
Over the past few months, Mr. Cuomo has reached out to friends and associates to sound them out about the political landscape, and some who have spoken with him came away with the impression that he is interested in finding a way back to relevance in public life….
image…Seth Wenig/Associated Press
Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo will file a complaint against state Attorney General Tish James with the judicial entity that has the power to disbar lawyers, his attorney said on Thursday.
James released a report in August that concluded then-governor sexually harassed 11 women, leading to Cuomo’s resignation. Five district attorneys have since said they found Cuomo’s accusers credible but did not have enough evidence to bring criminal charges….
James’ office ripped the latest allegations from Cuomo’s legal team.
“For months, Andrew Cuomo has been hiding behind his campaign lawyer and falsely crying ‘witch hunt’ despite previously admitting to this misconduct multiple times,” James’ office said in a statement.