Joe Biden makes it plain and simple….
He wants to keep his day job. for as long as he can…
President Joe Biden said Wednesday in an exclusive interview with ABC “World News Tonight” anchor David Muir that, “yes,” he planned to run again in 2024 — and if his predecessor, Donald Trump, runs, then it would “increase the prospect” even more.
“Do you plan to run for reelection?” Muir asked Biden during a sit-down interview at the White House.
“Yes,” the president replied. “But look, I’m a great respecter of fate. Fate has intervened in my life many many times. If I’m in the health I’m in now — from a good health. And, in fact, I would run again.”
“And if that means a rematch against Donald Trump?” Muir asked. Trump, who served only one term, is eligible to run again in 2024.
“You’re trying to tempt me now,” Biden said, laughing. “Sure. Why would I not run against Donald Trump for the nominee? That’ll increase the prospect of running.”…
Why would he say anything else?
A man indicted by the Justice Department last month for allegedly running two fraudulent political action committees in 2016 continued to run another operation — including promises of a Trump Christmas card for contributions of at least $35 — using a different PAC shortly after his indictment and arrest in November.
Matthew Tunstall, a 34-year-old man from Texas, was charged along with two other men in November for allegedly operating two different PACs that used robocalls and written solicitations implying they were supporting 2016 presidential candidates — in some cases Hillary Clinton and in others Donald Trump.
The Justice Department says the men collected approximately $3.5 million from unwitting contributors, using it to enrich themselves instead of supporting the political candidate….
— By Andrew Kaczynski and Em Steck, CNN
Henry M. Rosenberg
1993-Clinton turns around economy after the real estate crash under Reagan/Bush.
2009-Obama rescues economy after Bush real estate bubble & Lehman crash
2021-Biden turns around economy after Trump economy crashed due to poor Covid response.
Why would anyone ever vote Republican?