The President and Democrats are almost there on their historic effort to get legislation that they hope help America fully recover from and economic morass spurred on by a pandemic…
Price tag around $2 Trillion going over to the Senate…….
The President and Democrats hope they can launch a political recovery in the face of forecasts that they will lose their political shirts in next years MidTerm Elections….
The House bill now goes to the US Senate where are sure to be some changes to get Democratic Senator’s Manchin and Sinema to supply the needed votes for passage…Some things in the House bill will not make the final cut….Democrats also want the whole thing wrapped by the end of the year….Progressives failed to get both this package and Infrastructure done together ….
The vote was 220 to 213 reflecting the narrowness of the Democratic majority in the House….
Republican Minority House Leader did his own version of a ‘filibuster’ by doing a eight hour speech last night to hold off the vote…
But he just prolonged the approval vote…
At least he can tell Donald Trump he tried?
The bill still has a long and difficult road ahead. Democratic leaders must coax it through the 50-50 Senate and navigate a tortuous budget process that is almost certain to reshape the measure and force it back to the House — if it passes at all.
But even pared back from the $3.5 trillion plan that Mr. Biden originally sought, the legislation could prove as transformative as any since the Great Society and War on Poverty in the 1960s, especially for young families and older Americans. The Congressional Budget Office published an official cost estimate on Thursday afternoon that found the package would increase the federal budget deficit by $160 billion over 10 years…..
It offers universal prekindergarten, generous subsidies for child care that extend well into the middle class, expanded financial aid for college, hundreds of billions of dollars in housing support, home and community care for older Americans, a new hearing benefit for Medicare and price controls for prescription drugs.
More than half a trillion dollars would go toward shifting the U.S. economy away from fossil fuels to renewable energy and electric cars, the largest investment ever to slow the warming of the planet. The package would largely be paid for with tax increases on high earners and corporations, estimated to bring in nearly $1.5 trillion over 10 years.
Savings in government spending on prescription drugs were projected to bring in another $260 billion, though a scaled-back measure to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices for some medications was estimated to save only $79 billion, far less than the Democrats’ original $456 billion proposal would have.
“This bill will be transformational, and it will be measured in the deeper sense of hope that Americans will have when they see their economy working for them instead of holding them back,” Representative Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, the House majority leader, said Thursday during what was supposed to the closing debate.
The fact that the bill could slightly add to the federal deficit did not dissuade House Democrats from proceeding to vote for it, in part because the analysis boiled down to a dispute over a single line item: how much the I.R.S. would collect by cracking down on people and companies that dodge large tax bills….
The legislation is all but guaranteed to change in the Senate, where two Democratic centrists, Senators Joe Manchin III of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, have yet to explicitly endorse it. In an evenly divided Senate, a single defection could sink its passage, and Democrats will have to maneuver the bill through their own internal divisions and a rapid-fire series of politically difficult amendments that could upend the bill.
Democrats must also ensure that the entire plan adheres to the strict rules that govern the reconciliation process and force the removal of any provision that does not have a direct fiscal effect. Those rules have already forced the party to abandon a plan to provide a path to citizenship in the bill for undocumented immigrants…
Democratic leaders have suggested that the Senate would move to pass the legislation before the end of the year, despite a number of other pressing fiscal deadlines piling up in December….
The NY Times give a good graphic on where the money will be spent….
(Remember this is NOT gonna be what the final bill will look likes since this bill goes to the US Senate for their ok and any changes have to be re-voted on back in the House before going to the President to become law..)
image…Al Drago for The New York Times
The Senate will now pass the bill, making this the most productive Congress in years, Pelosi the greatest Speaker since Tip O’Neill, and Biden on par with FDR.
Kevin McCarthy made a complete fool of himself verbally servicing Trump last night after publicly saying he will reward Paul Gosar and MTG with better Committee assignments if he becomes Speaker.
I agree Keith….
There will be some changes …
But it will be on Biden’s desk by the Christmas Holidays if Schumer makes that the goal….
The knuckleheads keep playing to Trump and as u say looking like fools…
This Bill will not reach Bidens Desk by the end of the year.
Every Republican voted against the Bill even those 10 People who voted to impeach President Trump for a 2nd Time.
The Vote was 220-213 with 1 Member Not Voting. Rep. Jared Golden of Maine, a Democrat voted against this clusterfuck,
Chuck Schumer doesn’t have the Votes to even open Debate on this Legislation. The Senate has other things to worry right now for example raising the Depth Ceiling.
Schumer will have to make massive, massive concessions to Senator Manchin to get his Vote.
Every single Democratic Swing State Senator except Jon Tester of Montana who in 2009 voted for the Affordable Care Act retired or lost Re-Election.
Some concessions yea
Senate changes go BACK to the House for the final bill….
And Manchin actually seldom derails Democrats in the end…
You don’t know the Rules then James!
The House has to pass the Senate Version of the Bill. They can’t change it once it moves back to the House.
Same happened in 2009.
The Bill from the Senate WILL BE slightly different…
The House MUST vote on the Senate version…..
They HAVE to be the SAME….
Depth limit?
Two things,
1 Make it Green and Pleasing to Manchin, easy…give 15-30 billion to retrofit coal plants with carbon capture…
2. James your post is completely contradictory in that last night you stating Trump loosing hold, Trump loosing hold, yet the second most powerful Republican member of Congress just spent 8 hours sucking Trump off and you acknowledge that is what he did…how you don’t make the connection or refuse to make the connection I can’t understand of Trump ain’t waning n power…it’s okay to be wrong and admit it and move on instead of running with a false narrative or should I say Fake News…
James is always wrong on such things.
And the real reason the Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy did what he did with his 8+ Hour Floor Speech was this:
He wanted Majority Leader Hoyer to reschedule the Vote for Final Passage when every one in the US was awake and could see what’s happening and not in the middle of the Night when everyone is asleep.
For someone who complains about james posts, Daniel might want to make sure his own aren’t full of nonsense.
As if, no one would notice that BBB got passed, If not for the time of day it passed? BBB is a major achievement, and no Democrat is likely to try to hide its passage. More likely, is that Republicans will take credit for what they they voted against.
They already are Zreebs.
Hard to imagine your local GOP Representative staying away on principle (or fear of Trump) from that ceremony starting or finishing the repair of a dangerous rusty bridge that has threatened to collapse with fatal results over the last three decades.
No doubt the repair would appear in the Achievements section of his or her next campaign ad and web-site.
Trump IS the Big Guy…..
Around the edges he losing people…
The numbers ARE there
The actions ARE there ….
Some dancing ain’t making ANY Difference….
NY Times….
The bill is expected to change in the Senate to gain the support of all 50 Democrats and comply with a review by the Senate parliamentarian….
Changes in the Senate would send the legislation back to the House for a final vote before it can reach Biden’s desk. Democrats are hoping to wrap up the entire process by the end of the year.
“This is the end of the beginning,” said Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.). “We all expect it will be further modified before coming back to us. But to keep the ball rolling, I think it’s important” to advance it through the House.
Pelosi acknowledged that the Senate will make changes to the bill, adding of the final legislation, “Whatever it is, it will still be transformative and historic. And I don’t fear that.”…
The Hill…
It ain’t over till it’s OVER.….
Many Changes Still Coming to Budget Reconciliation Bill
Punchbowl News: “We dug into this a bit in the morning, but we expect lots of changes to the House bill. The SALT provision — hard fought by Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and other Northeastern moderates — could become less generous in the Senate and tied directly to income levels. Immigration provisions may not survive the Byrd Rule. The expansion of Medicare to cover hearing programs may be gone or curbed significantly. Manchin has raised objections to the family and medical leave provision approved by the House. The tax changes in this current House bill — a new surtax on high earners, for instance — could be dramatically revised.”
“There will be a furious lobbying blitz by those companies, industries and trade groups that didn’t get what they want in the House bill to fix that in the Senate.”
Manchin, the Senate’s most conservative Democrat who has the power to crush Biden’s roughly $2 trillion agenda in a Senate divided 50-50 between Republicans and Democrats, has yet to comment on the reports but remains the key holdout on Biden’s bill. Manchin has said he wants to see the final text of the legislation Democratic leaders plan to bring to the floor.
Republicans who have been appealing to Manchin to sink the bill trumpeted the 6.8% annual gain in the consumer price index to buttress their argument that it’s time to rein in the government, not expand it…
How does Manchin and Sinema react to this?
Which is bound to be a GOPer’s throw down against the Biden BBB program….
The Congressional Budget Office has released a new analysis of the Democrats’ social safety net plan to see how much the bill would cost if a series of provisions were extended long term, fulfilling a GOP request intended to portray the bill as far more expensive than it seems.
The CBO estimates that the version of the legislation without sunsets would “increase the deficit by $3 trillion over 2022 to 2031.” The analysis assumes that any extension wouldn’t be paid for. The current bill, known as the Build Back Better Act, does not include such extensions to the provisions.
The latest CBO score is a Republican-led effort to show that the bill costs more than Democrats say it does, but Democrats are arguing that many provisions in their proposal sunset and therefore the true cost is not what Republicans say it is.
President Joe Biden has also said publicly that if any of the programs in Build Back Better were extended, they would be paid for in those subsequent years….
Daniel then he did the Democrats a favor, they just passed universal Pre-K, that’s not popular or what most people want???…the bill is loaded with things that will make more Americans Happy than not….so the Republicans can spin it all they want, but in the end…the major legislation of the Biden presidency will be infrastructure, and universal pre-k…the Republicans major legislative win of the Trump era…Tax cuts to the wealthy…I think the Democrats will take this as a Win…I certainly do…
The Democrats will lose big next year. All what this bill is doing is creating more Inflation, closing down Small Businesses, putting more Regulations in, Tax Hikes, etc.
Daniel doesn’t understand what causes inflation, but a paid-for bill that will enable parents with kids in pre k to work will cause inflation?
That is what Daniel was told to believe. Why is understanding what you are talking about important?
He’s a member of a cult Zreebs, he’s told to believe lots of stuff and then told to give them money. Money that they use to support lavish life styles and hid sexual misconduct.