Congress approved about $1.2 Trillion in money to go out to0 the states for ridges, airports, waterways, public transit and more…
Below is a list of some the places the money is located to be spent for improvements ….
You can bet you Congressman/woman will be making sure they approved the money , even if they are one the Republicans that didn’t….
Make no mistake….
This IS a Massive Government Jobs Bill…..
Designed to help the post pandemic Economy increase and stabilize its growth…
Roads and bridges: Headlining the 2,702-page bill‘s spending, roughly $110 billion of new funds would go toward improving the nation’s roads and bridges, and investments in other major transportation programs.
Public transit: The package also includes the largest-ever federal investment in public transit, allotting $39 billion to modernize systems, improve access for the elderly and people with disabilities, and repair more than 24,000 buses, 5,000 rail cars and thousands of miles of train tracks.
Amtrak: The legislation marks the largest investment in passenger rail since the creation of Amtrak 50 years ago, with $66 billion earmarked for high-speed rail, safety improvements, Amtrak grants and to modernize the rail route connecting Washington, D.C., to Boston.
Broadband internet: Tacking on to billions authorized by last year’s American Rescue Plan, the infrastructure bill includes $65 billion to bolster the country’s broadband infrastructure and help ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, with one in four households expected to be eligible for a $30-per-month subsidy to pay for internet.
Electric grid: Though many clean-energy measures were cut from the bill to satisfy spending-weary lawmakers, a $65 billion investment will help upgrade the nation’s electricity grid, with thousands of miles of new transmission lines and funds for environmentally friendly smart-grid technology.
Electric cars, buses and ferries: In addition to $7.5 billion for the nation’s first network of electric-vehicle chargers along highway corridors, lawmakers have shored up $5 billion for zero-emission buses (including thousands of electric school buses) and $2.5 billion for ferries.
Clean drinking water: Following high-profile water-supply crises plaguing cities like Flint, Michigan, the legislation includes a provision for $55 billion to replace all the nation’s lead pipes and service lines, representing the largest investment in clean drinking water ever.
Great rivers and lakes: Among the bill’s $48 billion for water infrastructure improvements, about $1 billion is slated to go toward the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, a sweeping clean-up measure targeting toxic hot spots—or areas of heavy industrial pollution—around the Great Lakes region.
Airports: More than $25 billion has been allocated to help modernize America’s airports—funds the Airports Council International says will help tackle more than $115 billion worth of project backlogs.
Road safety: The deal invests $11 billion in transportation safety programs, including a new program to help states and localities reduce crashes and fatalities in their communities, particularly among cyclists and pedestrians….
The Infrastructure bill has been talked about for a number of years to repair our crumbling infrastructure .Its purpose is to repair and /or replace roads ,bridges, airports and transportation.
Certainly such will require an enormous amount of manpower ; however, to state ,”…designed to help,the postpandemic recovery increase and stabilize its growth” is not accurate.An infrastructure measure has been talked about long before there was a pandemic as anyone who has followed public policy should readily understand.
Jack is right of course. It really is Infrastructure Week in the US after four plus years of just talking about it.
Our crumbling infrastructure is an issue completely separate from economic recovery. This bill is five years late at least. But, thanks to Uncle Joe and Aunt Nancy it passed.
Even Jack says says…’.Certainly such will require an enormous amount of manpower ‘
That does means ‘job’s’, right?
Maybe Jack….
But it will STILL…”Certainly such will require an enormous amount of manpower ; however, to state ,”…designed to help,the postpandemic recovery increase and stabilize its growth” …..
Most of such manpower will come from those already employed.
Indeed (and amusingly) you have been touting here that there are already plenty of jobs.So why a “jobs bill?”
Any IDIOT realizes that construction requires manpower ?That doesn’t mean that this was designed as a”jobs bill” as you implied ,nor that this measure ,which has been talked about for years, has anything to do with the pandemic.
Once again you get on one of these “kicks,”similiar to your insistence that the military budget is nothing but a”jobs” bill.
Such indicates nothing so much as one who lacks any real knowledge about public policy n general and ,instead, simply invents things in his own mind and then ,almost conspiratorially , insinuates that he knows what “really” was behind it.
Very QANONish !
The real jobs bills are actually the ones that Joe Manchin (the workers’ friend) is most leery of (after community college tuition) — paid leave to care for children or relatives and universal pre-kindergarten child care.
This would allow millions of parents and other care-givers to take a job without worrying about their responsibilities to their families.
Yo Jack?
It’s STILL a jobs bill
And lawmakers will emphasize that…..
And Republican lawmakers included
If you do NOT recognize that Biden & Co. WILL
BE pushing this?
I will wait for the quotes on that to post here….
That does hang on jobs?
As usual you TOTALLY misrepresent what I said.
I disputed your claim that “jobs” was the reason the bill was passed.I specifically said that manpower will be needed So quit your pathological lying.
The point was that the focus of the bill was infrastructure improvements.
You even claimed that it was somehow related to the pandemic when, as anyone who knows anything about public policy knows, an infrastructure bill has been an issue for years before Covid even existed.
As for your well known selective use of quotes ?As I mentioned ,in previous posts you have touted that there are already plenty of jobs available ,so the fact that there may be more means exactly what?
Of course consistency be not your strong suit(actually it’s hard to think of what your strong suit is!)
Perhaps all this is just too “complex” for you .
Of course the bill ties in the post pandemic economy AND jobs which lead to increased tax revenue….
The complexities, eh?
Using this “logic?”
All federal programs are “jobs” programs.
The silliness here never ends and I think everyone here has grown quite tired of it.
He, he, he
Collecting taxes?
ICE enforcement?
Federal Regs?
Yea Jack
In fact most spending programs ARE
Ya got a point there Jack
Lawmakers would agree with U and Me!
James complains the discussions are too often about him, but it is difficult to ignore his offensive, silly, and irrelevant comments to the discussions. He has a need to be the most prolific poster, even when he doesn’t understand what is being discussed, or he has nothing to say.
He has only gotten worse over time, and Jack is correct that everyone is tired of his antics.
Most of us have tried on multiple occasions to have serious discussions here, but James doesn’t let us because he is intent on changing the discussion or more likely, he consistently doesn’t understand the major points that the posters here make.
People aren’t going to put up with this nonsense indefinitely. But for some reason, we haven’t fully given up on the blog yet? Why?
Speaking for myself, Maybe I have too much time on my hands and I just don’t want to do more fun things anymore that involve leaving the house and putting myself at risk because there are still too many deplorables out there who won’t get vaccinated. The odds that I as a cancer patient will have a break through infection are probably more than 100x greater than the general population. The reality is that there are a lot of people who could care less whether they put me at risk.
“But for some reason we haven’t fully given up on the blog yet.Why?”
That’s a good question .Maybe because a certain camaraderie has grown up over these years that we have known each other virtually here.?Thats the only real answer I can come up with.
This place is more than a decade old….
And we started before that at Politics1
It’s a family we have had here……
We’ve had a few leave
We still have others who check the place but don’t comment and the place still sings its song to a few hundred with each post….
I DI have fun
I do NOT the place too seriously
And i try to do my best
It msy not male everyone happy
But the exchange of views and ideas are what the place IS about
And it IS JUST a blog
No more
No less
I agree with Jack and Zreebs, and stay around to read what they have to say along with an occasional post from Scott.
James is well past his sell date. After a decade he still doesn’t understand how government works, comprehend proper government terminology, or politics in general.
It’s clear, he does like the attention. If he doesn’t get vaccinated soon, he might be getting lots of attention at the hospital. If that does happen, he needs to pay the full freight. No medical insurance for the unvaccinated.
Actually, he is seriously disrespecting someone like Zreebs who has a life threatening illness by the fact that he is so willing to infect others.
He’s a public health menace.
With regard to Jack’s comment, I don’t feel any cameraderie with James, although I do enjoy reading most of everyone else’s posts, and do feel a genuine friendship with others.
Yes ,refusing to get vaccinated is contemptible.
Further ,I am opposed to so called “religious exemptions” from mandates.
That Washington State football coach who got fired for refusing to get vaccinated tried to claim an exemption as a Roman Catholic ,even though the Pope himself advocates vaccinations.
Any so called “religion” that is against vaccinations is per se EVIL in my book.
My church not only requires a vaccination to attend services, but it also requires masks while indoors and it enforces social distancing by limiting church attendance to 75 people per services.
It does offer Zoom access to services now -which I regularly take advantage of.
supporting vaccinations is and should be a religious issue because how we interact with others is very definitely a religious issue. Maintaining our commitment to making the world and our community a better place to live is what religion in my opinion should be about.
There had been a possible scintilla of religious scruple for some very conservative Roman Catholics, who suspected (probably correctly) that some of the biological material in the vaccines or in their creation ultimately came from the embryos of aborted babies.
But the Pope and the Vatican have now ruled that this was no objection to taking the vaccine, and I think almost all of the hierarchy and their staffs, as well as the Pope himself, have now been vaccinated.
I very much doubt that embryos of aborted babies contributed to the vaccinations, nor have I even heard of that argument. Why would anyone need the embryos of aborted babies for a vaccine?
I am a little surprised and even disappointed to see DSD spread this unfounded and rather strange conspiracy theory.
DSD IS repeating stuff that HAS BEEN FLOATING around certain places for a while….
To just ignore the outside world is NOT a good thing….
And could be dangerous
What an irony that it is you lecturing me on the dangers of Covid-19. And what does James find dangerous? Not reporting about rumors that the vaccine is made from aborted babies.
James, I have no respect for you. None. Communicating with me won’t be productive for you. It just makes me dislike you even more – if that is even possible.
Please go away. Take weeks if needed.
What I was saying, Zreebs, was to emphasize that even the Vatican doesn’t support this supposèdly moral/religious objection or scruple about vaccination. In fact public-health administrators and investigators have found that the organized faiths that object to vaccination on moral, religious, ethical grounds are very small and very scarce.
Even the Hasidic sects that fell victim to the original Covid disinformation campaign have been brought to tolerate or countenance social distancing, masking, testing and vaccination.
Since I am pr0-choice and an atheist, I myself don’t think that those embryos have some prematurely or unjustly quashed soul, nor do I think that somehow the needs of medical research will somehow increase the incentive for abortions. Better to find some life and health saving use for something before it (inevitably) will be destroyed.
Clearly James has fallen to disinformation regarding COVID since he isn’t vaccinated and being terribly irresponsible with other people’s lives.
Dave doesn’t like personal attacks, well I don’t like people who put other people in danger for obviously selfish reasons.
James won’t respond as to why he isn’t vaccinated. Why would the be? Is he a coward?
Maybe Z
But a whole LOT of people are using religion to get out of getting a shot
And the point I was trying to make is that those who try to claim a religious exemption from vaccination on First Amendment grounds will find very few organized denominations of any notable faith to back up their claim.
Freedom of religion does cover purely personal beliefs and unbeliefs (e.g. in conscientious objection to war and military service), but when courts balance religious claims against urgent public-health necessity, the claimants against the government (or other employers or schools) will face a much rougher task in claiming a superior right over the right of others to life, health and safety.
If the Fire Inspector orders you to put out a sacred fire that might endanger others, it’s harder to claim a religious exemption if you can’t show some religious denomination or sacred text to back up your claim
Ok – thanks