They have NO choice….
They cannot turn back, which would be a political disaster…..
They gotta stop the fighting among each other in public
It’s costing them support and votes….
Biden’s advisers insist the political environment could look vastly different next fall, when members of Congress face voters. Before polls closed Tuesday, Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine cleared its last major regulatory hurdle for kids ages 5 to 11, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s independent vaccine advisers offering a unanimous endorsement. And the drug pricing provision Democrats were working to revive in the social spending package was generating outright glee among party leaders who contend Republicans would be forced to choose whether to oppose one of the most popular provisions under discussion.
But Biden’s advisers also acknowledge none of these breakthroughs will matter if they can’t sell their achievements to voters. And privately, several Democrats complained that it was Biden himself who helped slow progress on his own agenda by giving progressives tacit approval to hold up a vote on bipartisan infrastructure legislation as they hashed out the social spending plan. Notably, the president was returning from a climate summit overseas — accompanied by close aides including his top political adviser — when the election results came rolling in….
As the bad news for Democrats poured in Tuesday evening, the party’s moderates blamed progressives for withholding their support for Biden’s massive infrastructure bill, while progressives charged centrists with stalling and watering down the president’s agenda. The stinging rebuke for Democrats was already spurring other calls from party leaders to rehabilitate a brand that’s been tarnished by infighting and a lack of action.
“Being anti-Trump is not enough,” said former Rep. Tom Perriello, a Virginia Democrat who also lost a bid for governor in the 2017 primary. “Democrats need to run on results, and this should light a fire under frontline Democrats to get Build Back Better passed.”
A senior Democratic official working on the upcoming midterms warned that if Tuesday’s results appeared lackluster, “it will get so much worse if we don’t pass the agenda and aren’t able to run on it.”….
”We’re seeing 5-6% food inflation in the U.S.,three times what we’re used to in the last decade?”
Michael Swanson
Chief Agricultural Economist
Wells Fargo
I’m beginning to think Joe Biden just COULD be a one term President…..