Their assurance come in response to the President’s approval numbers being less than his disapproval numbers and his age….(Trump is only 4 years younger than Biden and does not look as fit as the President)
Democrats do NOT see Biden’s Vice President Kamala Harris as a strong backup should Biden not run for re-election…
Her running in the absence of Biden would open the flood gates for other Democrats to run something Democrats do NOT want should they take a beat down in next years midterm elections….
The message is aimed in part at tamping down the assumption among many Democrats that Biden may not seek reelection given his age and waning popularity, while also effectively freezing the field for Vice President Harris and other potential presidential hopefuls….
Some Democrats take a skeptical view of any public and private signals Biden and his team send about reelection, reasoning that there is an incentive for them to project interest in a second term, regardless of his true intent, to avoid weakening his standing. Another presidential bid, others worry, would involve a much more rigorous schedule than the relatively calm 2020 campaign, which was largely conducted remotely because of the covid-19 pandemic…
“I hear this question get asked every day,” said another Democratic veteran of recent presidential campaigns, about whether Biden will run for reelection. “No one ever asked that question about Barack Obama. No one ever asked that question about Donald Trump.”…
Trump, 75, has taken to hinting strongly that he intends another campaign, which has strengthened the rationale for some Democrats of having Biden back on the top of the ticket. Democrats expect Trump’s involvement in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, and his continued false denials of the 2020 election result, to be a drag on his campaign in 2024.
Barry Goodman, a Democratic donor who served on Biden’s national finance committee for his 2020 presidential campaign, said many donors are “praying that Trump runs.”…
image….USA Today
Sorry to hear that, but he can still change his mind later. Biden just does a poor job at defining himself. He got away with it last election because he largely didn’t have to campaign due to the pandemic. And he is not going to get better with age.
Joe Biden won because he wasn’t Donald Trump….
He IS about to get TWO Historic Aid packages done and you say he’s done a poor job of defining himself?
He’s NOT Donald Trump running a fucking circus…..
He’s ALREADY gotten better with age….
No other President except his Old boss has come close to what he’s about to accomplish….
His problem is perception and style…
He IS a creature of Congress…
Working behind the scenes to get shit done, exactly what he’s doing right now…..
We need him to sell his package….
THAT should help him at least get the foothold Obama got for re-election in 2012…..
I STILL believe that if Trump runs again?
A Biden second term is a LOCK.….
If Biden has done a good job in defining himself, then why is his approval rating in the tank? Obama’s approval rating never got so low.
Biden does.not deserve such poor numbers, but at least part of the reason is his own fault in poor messaging. I know this is not what you want to believe.
Actually Z?
I agree with ya….
He has NOT done a good job in selling HIMSELF…
Is NOT who he is as I try to explain…
His experience is as a ‘lawmaker’…
Trump was a NYC Real Estate guy with need to ALWAYS make a deal selling ‘himself’….
For most of us?
That Trump we have grown tired of and are relieved he has left the stage…
Biden does NONE of the noise and chaos things and yes…
It hurts his polling number’s….
But if it IS Bien vs Trump 2.0 in 2024?
My bet is Biden kicks his fat ass once again….
And a good part of that will be ole’ Joe is NOT The ‘Trump Show’ brought to u on Fox….
I think Kamala Harris might be an unusually weak presidential candidate.
Barack Obama succeeded in winning two successive absolute majorities by making a genuine appeal across social, cultural and political lines (“Not a Red America, Not a Blue America…”)
Kamala Harris, also bi-racial (although not half-white), has not yet been able to make such a unifying pitch, if I remember her primary campaign well enough (“Well, I was that little black girl..”) However, I don’t know very much about her campaign for U.S. Senator from California: perhaps she won by making just such an appeal.
Joe Biden, for all his faults and unable to escape his genuine image as a Washington Insider, was able to make a rather weaker Let Us Come Together appeal, although he had the “advantage” of running against the querulous, bigoted Donald Trump, rather than John McCain or Mitt Romney.
I agree that Harris is not the answer.
Pete Buttigieg continues to impress me. He handles Fox News better than any politician I know.
My mind remains open.
I’m not closing the door on Harris yet.
In my opinion too many are writing her off too early.
She IS going to have to get her political bones better….
Ah, the smell of misogyny in the morning, Kamala’s ears must be burning. That woman, especially a “mixed race” woman, right James, can never be President. I beg to differ.
But on to Joe.
Joe Biden was the only candidate running who could have beaten Trump. How soon we forget those last minute endorsements of Joe by the also rans when it was just him or Bernie down the stretch. They all knew who to back for the win.
He cannot define himself? Hmmmm. As much as I respect Zreebs’ opinion, Joe has already defined himself. Last week, the obstruction of some of his own party notwithstanding, was a great week for Joe. He is defined, once again, as a great leader, one who understands the legislative process.
The horse race shit thrown up by our host has been going on since he proclaimed Chris Christy the frontrunner in the early goings of the GOP nomination fight. The obsession with polls gets old when the Democrats are making strides to actually help the middle class grow for a change.
Unemployment is at 4.6% (the lowest in 20 years), six million jobs have been created in less that 10 months, over 220 million covid shots have been delivered to smart Americans, and the economy is booming (the government is taking in record tax revenue and that only happens when people are working good paying jobs). We just developed a COVID pill (take note James since you appear to be afraid of shots) and the government, in spite of resistance from the radical right, will mandate vaccinations for a huge swath of our workforce.
So, Joe is doing exactly what he said he would do. Yet there are countless stories here of who might replace him. He’s too old. But, is he?
How many highly industrialized nations of the world have had leaders approaching or in their 80’s? I can think of at least five and they were all popularly elected. Yet, we obsess about a man who just turned 79. That somehow disqualifies him when his potential general election opponent is three years younger and a morbidly obese man who can barely walk down a ramp. Just compare their last physicals, but you can’t because Trump won’t show. So do we add ageism to the misogyny? Seems so.
The media got used to having someone tweet them their daily crisis while he sat his fat ass on the can at 4am. Then they dutifully followed those lies down their rabbit hole. The process for the two infrastructure packages became the only game in town. They had to work, or pretend to work, again and I think they resented it on some level. And, because the media has to play “both sides do it,” the machinations of legislation sausage making became the daily crisis. This made Congress look ineffective even when this is always the process. Joe worked behind the scenes to strike a deal, and, as the Brits would say, there you have it. Joe is ineffective and hasn’t defined himself.
Finally, this has been one of the most productive first years of any Presidency in our lifetimes while the Republicans are threatening Big Bird and talking about Critical Race Theory.
So when do we have the next story about Trump fading?
Harris who like Obama IS mixed is suffering like her boss….
You’ve spent time in California …
Hoe does she play there now and in the past?
Her numbers are worst than Biden ….
Right now?
No matter what?
She would have a difficult time if Biden chose to not run….
Trump only 4 years younger than Biden and appears to be in worst physical shape…
I wholeheartedly agree with U that the Trump ‘show’ is missed by the media…
That is and never will; be Joe Biden….
While Biden HAS done a great job with Infrastructure and going at the virus…
It all means NOTHING if he can’t sell it….
And THAT will difficult Biden who is NOT a spotlight person…
He and Democrats will suffer for it…
But Trump may come to the rescue AGAIN with his Bull Shit circus act….