For those who thought his changes in immigration policy from Trump would be warmly reeceived by Southern Border American Latino’s….Or Others?
Think again….
Biden and Some Democrats STILL got the majority of Hispanic/Latino votes….
But those who have got here and go thru the process of becoming legal frown on those who don’t….
Biden’s approval rating among Texas Hispanics is at 36% in the latest Quinnipiac poll, with a 26% approval on his handling of the border
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Exactly my point. Many Hispanics here see new immigration as competition. They’ve cornered the market in certain arenas. Also there’s a constituency that believes others should have as hard a time getting in as they did.
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A useful article on this. Basically, many Texas Latinos are cultural conservatives, identify as white, and have no sympathy for illegal immigrants. Probably a lost cause albeit an opening for economic populism.
Yes, same attitude in California & Florida w/ Cubans who forget not all Cuban refugees have the same reasons or conditions to flee
Back around the time of Obama’s re-election in 2012,There was some feeling that the Hispanic Vote would become as monolithically Democratic as the Black Vote(around 90%).
Over the past almost ten years that has proven to be a mistaken idea.
Indeed, Democrats would be well advised to appeal more to college educated White voters who ,of late ,have shown more of a propensity for supporting Democratic candidates than in the past.
The Hispanic vote will continue to be majority Democratic but more like 65/35 or so than the overwhelming numbers that were being thrown around earlier.
I agree with Jack that it is probably a better investment of time and resources to focus on outreach to college educated voters primarily in the suburbs over maximizing the Latino vote.
An added benefit is that voters with higher education tend to vote in every election, not just every 4 years. We are already seeing dynamics of off year elections changing with Democrats doing better than before in recent years.
Hispanic/Latino population growth is nuding ot past the Black population..,,,
Democrats can ill afford to stop wooing it…..
Immigration is complex
Describe its”complexities?”
Of course no one said anything about not continuing to “woo” it(a true observation in that a political party should try to “woo” everybody.)
Somebody mentioned pivoting from Latino’s to suburban voters…..
I suggest Democrats hit as many voters as they can…..
U can’t just give up
Reminds me of calls in the past to JUST go for certain states
Win’s are often just a few thousand these days
I’d want EVERY vote i could collect
Yes I mentioned that.
College educated Whites were a group that Had been voting Republican.Over the past few cycles they have been trending Democratic .Certainly they are fertile ground for further efforts.
As for the baloney above?
Amusingly in your editorial comment at the beginning of this post,you essentially say that the south Texas Hispanics are a lost cause because they frown on the newcomers and I presume the more liberal immigration policies associated with Democrats.Yeah why don’t you go down there and tell them to vote for Democrats Homer.
You’re a joke!
They probably ate…..
But i also say get EVERY VOTE YOU CAN
No I think we are all opposed to that.
We don’t want every vote we can get!
I’m still waiting to hear all about the “complexities” of immigration.
I’m sure I won’t though.
Just another “I don’t know what to say do I’ll say this” remark that our host is well known for.
I see no “complexities” to immigration.Its purely a political issue and ,despite lots of verbosity from both sides, the political will doesn’t seem to exist to do much of anything on the subject .
My long held idea on immigration is that the 140K per year quota on entries into the US should be increased to somewhere between 750K and 1.5 million, and that the process needs to be massively streamlined from a multi-years long process to between six months and a year. And they can live in the US on a work visa basis in the interim.
Also, give “illegal immigrants” the opportunity to enroll in a citizenship program that grants them, at its completion, a fully recognized citizenship
Sounds reasonable SE….
Would have NO CHANCE among GOPer’s
Immigration WILL continue legal and illegal like it has since they discovered this place and on the whole?
It supplies a life blog for our economy, culture , and growth
Republicans are AFRAID of the newbies who have some color in their skin tend to vote Democratic at first…..
I don’t value of a large increase in immigration.
I’m NOT talking about ‘Open Border’s’….
Maybe I see this wrong….
But Immigration = Latinos/Hispanics
Kinda dirty name’s….
Immigration IS people from ALL over the planet….
A good many of them are just as smart as us….
Some smarter….
Look around ur cities….
‘Help Wanted’ signs everywhere….
Some immigrants could easily fill those jobs that people here might not want to work at….
Around my way….
Money in immigrants are from Pakistan and the East….
Home buying infusing money into the economy ….
First and second generations maybe suspiuos of America…
3rd generation kids in public schools talk English and could be born here and more Americanized …
This is NO different then wave’s of Italians , Germans, Irish and others and those people back in the day had those here ALSO looking down their noses at the new arrivals…..
EVERY family here is from somewhere ELSE….
You mean some immigrants might be just as smart as James? Or even smarter?
And they have kind of dirty names?
Perhaps they can move to places like Arizona and California where we are running out of water? This would increase the need for an even more expensive infrastructure bill that will solve our problems.
Remember that George W. Bush (aided no doubt by his Brain, Karl Rove) enjoyed significant Hispanic/Latino support in his campaigns for Governor.
And, even discounting the understandable anti-radical bent of Cuban-, Venezuelan- and Nicaraguan-American voters, the Latino vote has always been more closely divided than the black vote since 1964.
¶ And after experience proved me wrong in my earlier openness to considering centrist-progressive programmes, I see no future in the Clinton/Blair “Third Way”. which would appeal most to those college-educated whites
With insufficiently-considered policies like Big Bang deregulation and free trade—which philosophically I support— without adequate provision for financial deindustialised communities, Clintonian Third Way politics has just deepened the terrible chasm between middle-class white liberals and progressive and the dispossessed working classes, now the chief support of Trump et al.
I believe Bush II was for some sort of immigration reform……
Being the Texas Gov and having Latino members of his family might have had something to do with that maybe?