This from a new poll in which Americans think things will take at least a year to pre-virus normal….
Even so?
Most in the poll report that they do have some sort or normality…
President Biden gets high marks for increasing the avalulabity of vaccines to the public….
While the poll’s respondents trust President Biden to tell the truth about the virus situation….
The economic fallout from the pandemic is hurting the President especially among Black, Democrats and working Americans…
More Americans also have doubts about vaccines with the increased reports of ‘break-thru’ virus cases among those who have had shots….
Washington, DC, October 26, 2021
The latest Axios/Ipsos Coronavirus Index finds that while Americans credit the Biden Administration for making COVID-19 vaccines widely available, confidence in its ability to handle the next set of COVID-19 obstacles — convincing vaccine skeptics to get the shot and leading an economic recovery — is waning. At the same time, there is a lack of clarity among Americans regarding the efficacy of the vaccines.
Detailed findings:
1. Confidence in the presidential administration’s ability to handle COVID is mixed.
- Majorities of Americans have confidence in the Biden administration to make the vaccine widely available (76%) and distribute it quickly (70%) — including to children age 5-11 (64%).
- Just one in five (21%) are confident the administration can convince skeptics to get the vaccine.
- Slightly less than half (44%) are confident it can ensure the economy recovers quickly after the COVID-19 pandemic. This represents an eight-percentage point decrease since late January 2021, shortly after Biden’s inauguration. The steepest declines have come from:
- Black Americans (-23 percentage points)
- Democrats (-15 percentage points) and Independents (-9 percentage points)
- Working Age Americans: those 18-29 (-12 percentage points), 30-49 (-13 percentage points), and 50-64 (-4 percentage points)
3. Employed Americans continue to support workplace vaccine mandates but there’s still no consensus on the appreciate consequences of non-compliance.
- Six in ten support their employer requiring employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 — largely consistent since August.
- Support for firing employees who do not comply remains low (14%). Americans are torn on whether nothing should happen (25%), employers should place them on unpaid leave (23%), or require them to work from home or an alternate location (20%).
Washington Post….
In the past week in the U.S. …
Among reported tests, the positivity rate was 5.1%.
The number of tests reported fell 35.7% from the previous week.Read more
Since Dec. 14, more than 414,302,000 doses of a coronavirus vaccine have been administered in the U.S.
More than 190,699,000 people have completed vaccination, or about 57.44% of the population.
Read more in our vaccination tracker…..
I support the immediate termination of all unvaccinated employees and to remain on any employer health insurance a $1000 a month surcharge be required.
It’s past time to quite mollycoddling these vicious, selfish people who have caused the deaths of so many other people and are primarily responsible for the continuance of this pandemic.
On the surface, a surcharge on the unvaccinated makes a lot of sense from a business perspective. The fact that health insurers aren’t applying a surcharge suggests there must be serious logistical problems with doing so.
U and only 14% more of Americans Jack according to the poll…
U and millions of other virus spreaders have been and continue to keep the pandemic going and are responsible for thousands of deaths . I remember you harassing me for a lack of empathy for the “poor Afghan people”( who of course you didn’t give a damn about)
How about a little “empathy” for the thousands of Americans who will die because of you and your fellow virus spreaders ?
Oh just so you know James, I don’t develop my views by “polls.”
I couldn’t care less what percentage some polls say about this or that.
I try to study an issue,along with my general philosophy ,and make a decision as to my stand .In many cases I have no particular feeling about certain matters .
I do however question my conclusions when you agree with me!Further, I have a certain cynicism about the intelligence and the values of a substantial portion of the “American people.”
So takes your polls and shove them where the Sun don’t shine
I find it hard to believe that only14% support the termination of unvaccinated people. Most people I know support it.
James, please provide documentation on where you got that 14%.
Read the LINK here…..
I KNOW Jack has his view and Keith will support whatever he says?
But in fact….
It’s the views of just two guys here….
The linked piece is from polling a LOT of people…..
Deborah Brix on her former boss’s screw up…..
“I felt like the White House had gotten somewhat complacent through the campaign season,” said Deborah Birx, who President Donald Trump chose to steer his government’s virus response, according to interview excerpts released by the House select subcommittee on the pandemic.
Birx, who sat for interviews with the subcommittee on Oct. 12 and 13, also detailed advice that she said the White House ignored late last year, including more aggressively testing younger Americans, expanding access to virus treatments and better distributing vaccine doses in long-term care facilities.
More than 130,000 American lives could have been saved with swifter action and better coordinated public health messages after the virus’s first wave, Birx told investigators….
Dr. Brix wants you to get vaccinated James. I have a poll that supports her position.
Please provide a link.
In James’s 10:08 pm post above, he claimed to have provided a link (which he didn’t) for his made-up claim that only 14% believe unvaccinated people such as himself Shouldn’t be able to spread the virus and that he should be allowed to kill others because of his total lack of ethics or morality.
I am tired with James’s continual campaign of misinformation. Please Provide the link for the claim you made up.
Here’s the link again which IS in the post…..
Once read, it again contradicts the point you are feebly pushing by cherry-picking one phrase in a whole sentence.
While only 14% support firing those who won’t (without good cause) get vaccinated, only 23% believe [as you apparently do] that no consequences should ensue.
The rest don’t want their employers to keep the vaccine-decliners our of their workspace, A quarter want to put them on unpaid leave (don’t come back without a shot) and another fifth want them to work from home or some other work-site.
That’s not at allM.b what you’re pushing.
Here’s the relevant paragraph from the Ipsos poll:
“Support for firing employees who do not comply remains low (14%). Americans are torn on whether nothing should happen (25%), employers should place them on unpaid leave (23%), or require them to work from home or an alternate location (20%).”
(Oct. 26 release, item no. 3)
Let me fix my formatting above:
Once read, your source again contradicts the false point you are feebly pushing by cherry-picking one phrase in a whole sentence.
While only 14% support firing those who won’t (without good cause) get vaccinated, only 23% believe [as you apparently do] that no consequences should ensue.
The rest still want their employers to keep the vaccine-decliners our of their workspace, A quarter want to put them on unpaid leave (don’t come back or draw pay without a shot) and another fifth want them to work from home or some other work-site.
That’s not at all what you’re pushing.
Here’s the relevant paragraph from the Ipsos poll:
“Support for firing employees who do not comply remains low (14%). Americans are torn on whether nothing should happen (25%), employers should place them on unpaid leave (23%), or require them to work from home or an alternate location (20%).”
(Oct. 26 release, item no. 3)
Or, put into simpler termrs;
Out of 20 people in James’ workplace, 3 want him fired outright, 5 want him put on unpaid leave, 4 want him to work some place else, and only 5 are ready to work side by side with him.
He, he, he….
They actually call me to work MORE now then ever…..
Anyway U look at it?
THE VAST MAJORITY didn’t want them fired…..
Covid Was Not Developed as a Bio-Weapon
Covid-19 was not produced as a biological weapon, according to a intelligence report declassified and published Friday.
Justices Won’t Block Maine’s Vaccine Mandate
“The Supreme Court Friday turned down a request from a group of Maine health-care workers to block a state coronavirus vaccination mandate that does not contain an exception for religious objectors,” the Washington Post reports.
Thank You for the post which refutes your made-up claims”.
Yor link says 6 in 10 believe that employees should be required to be vaccinated – which differs greatly from what you said. Relatively few people support the culture of death that you appear to advocate.
What should be of interest to you James is why no one here now or since you started this site ever supports your “view.”
One reason is that your “point “ is usually so convoluted and inartfully stated that no one is quite sure what it even is.
Then, of course, your “point” is often meaningless because within days or even hours you will totally contradict it ( even though you are apparently unaware that you have!)
I have commented on numerous occasions that you seemingly have no real philosophy but instead seemingly make it up as you go along in a stream of consciousness type format often unintelligible to the other posters here.
Then when such is pointed out,you tend to lash out at those who raise it.
You march to your own drummer and seem satisfied with such but instead of criticizing those here who agree with each other?Perhaps you should examine you own “views” or the articulation (or inarticulation) of such and why no one else agrees with you.
I agree with both Jack and Zreebs. The unvaccinated should be made to pay more when they, and they will be, admitted to the hospital with COVID symptoms. The unvaccinated are drags on our society and they should have to pay more and be denied entry to public venues where they will put others at risk. I have those people in my family. No holiday party for them, only outdoor meetings, and those assholes are out of the will. The fact that they have such little regard for their fellow human beings is appalling.