‘Reported Case’s and Hospitalisations across the United States keep dropping as we move towards fall 2021……
Kids are back in school and absent indidvidual case the overall numbers continue downward…..
Someone mentioned that virus’s may move in two month cycles of up’s and downs and a look at The Washington Post graphic from March 2020 seems to confirm that….
There IS a political vs health people push and shove going on somewhat like during the Trump admin…
But this time it’s the opposite…
Vaccine companies are pushing for booster shots and shot for children younger than 12….
The CDC and FDA ‘advisory committee’s are cautious on this….
The Biden admin has pushed the CDC and FDA to encourage booster shot for more people to get them, getting ahead of the experts…
This has caused confusion among the public and health officials….
But the good this overall IS that increased vaccines ( about 55.11%) and mast usage, especially among student who have returned to school seems to be working to drive case numbers down…..
On another front…
Some countries that ‘locked down’ a year ago from the virus and had few cases?
Are now undergoing increased virus cases……
Wash Post
In the past week in the U.S. …
The number of tests reported fell 37.1% from the previous week.
Since Dec. 14, more than 388,567,000 doses of a coronavirus vaccine have been administered in the U.S.
More than 182,958,000 people have completed vaccination, or about 55.11% of the population.
Read more in our vaccination tracker
It is worth noting how some countries have handled the COVID-19 pandemic. The recent discovery of a single case in NewZealand was enough to put the entire country on lockdown for a week. While it is an extreme measure, the reality is that the extreme measure has worked in that country.
There are reasons that the virus has killed so many people in the USA. My belief is that it would be more accurate to say Biden hasn’t done enough than to say he has done too much. Whether Biden COULD have done far more with the current crop of Republicans in office is debatable. It would help if the GOP were less indifferent to so many people dying.
President Biden IS doing what he thinks is right…….
His efforts ARE in the opposite direction of Trump…..
He maybe repeating his tendency to get ahead of things like in Afghanistan….
Bit at least he’s going in the right direction…
Ir right Z
Republican’s in general seem have seen the pandemic ONLY in political terms
Or simply that everyone would get vaccinated, and that appears to be too difficult for some. Pity they can’t explain why.
I thought this chart of gun deaths per capita was informative. GOP states tend to have more per capita deaths.
I wonder if Republicans think that gun deaths are a bad thing?
I saw CNN’s documentary on the NRA, and the actual phrase used to sum up gun violence deaths is “the price of freedom.” Can’t make it up.
Also saw a meme online that sums up the Republican, freedom humping mentality: “No Lives Matter,” with pictures of the Rebel flag and white nationalist icons interspersed throughout.
NOT surprised with those things….
Been preaching about this countries ‘gun culture’ for a while here…..
Yes. Mostly James has been preaching that there is nothing we should do about gun violence. The chart doesn’t support that argument.
I have been preaching that nothibg much will be done due the culture
With THAT in mind i have been preaching that Democrats get NO advantage in pushing the subject…..
In fact they do EXACTLY THAT….
They talk about for a few
They turn away from it for election day….
I know people here get bent out of shape
But the reality JUST IS…..
U can check the daily media for confirmation
The amount of guns on the street’s of American is NOT a good thing…..
It IS fucked up…
But it isn’t gonna change
James, We all remember your many, many posts on gun control. Why do you accuse others of getting bent out of shape when discussing gun control? I don’t know anyone who gets more bent out of shape when they discuss gun violence as you do. Certainly no one on this board – including people who no longer post – were as consistently aggressive as you on this.
It is hard to imagine me supporting a candidate for President, Congress or Governor that was not willing to do something – even if it was minor – about gun violence. Why vote for someone who is not willing to address society’s problems? That is just one reason why Democrats need to talk about it, and why the majority of Democrats do.
Of course there are some congressional districts and states that discussing gun control is a loser. I understand that, but even in those states, a candidate could easily pledge support for gun ownership, but find something that even most gun owners could support. You can rant all you want, but if a Democrat took your position on gun violence, he or she would lose, and would deserve to lose.
Democrats ARE smart Z…..
They may NOT like the situation personally like me…
But they are effective being IN office…..
The one time I ever addressed that subject directly on here, I recommended the idea of reclassification of weapons above rifle grade as “military use only.” I stand by that as an ideal first step.
Obama and Biden have be clear in their previous comment that they would NOT take away people’s guns
Biden’s nomination of a tough gun control guy for ATF had to be pulled….
There is a mass shooting somewhere in America almost EVERY WEEK
People can hope
It’s not gonna happen….
I stand on history and facts….
so you are correcting that “there is nothing we should do” with “there is nothing Democrats should do”.
Essentially when it comes to any “change” from the status quo?
James is against it.
He often, as with Guns, implies that he “ wishes”something could be done but then ,in a roundabout way , is opposed to even trying for “political” reasons.
Guns continue to proliferate and more and more people die.
The United States continues to intervene in more and more countries and the Hell with the people who live there because that’s our “duty.”
Medicare goes broke in a few years (Tis a pity he would say)
Social Security will go broke in another ten years or so (but don’t mention higher deductions to him)
The wealthy will continue to pay less and less taxes.
The environment will continue to deteriorate but the main thing is to appease the oil companies because “we need the oil” and when there is another environmental disaster ?”Let’s move on.”
All in all Jamesworld will be quite a place .No need to even talk about most of this stuff and attempt to change it cause “ain’t gonna happen.”
And then of course we all know….”it’s very complicated .”
Some of us here vainly try cause,after all,”people can be be more than one thing!”
It’s a great life!
And his closure “that’s the way it is. It just is” or “just keeping it real” disinvites any discussion and is one of his many ways of expressing frustration and contempt with someone who doesn’t share his “insights”.
Actually his general attitude is similar to that of most Republicans if you think about it.
When I first engaged with him back around 14 or 15 years ago on P1 ,he described himself as an “independent “ who “leaned Democratic .”
Through the years he dropped the independent stuff and supports mostly Democrats ,even while essentially disagreeing with them on a host of issues and ,in general ,taking a “conservative” approach to most matters.
Yo Jack❗️
Keep wishing and hoping….
This comment makes absolutely no sense James.
Have you been vaccinated yet James?
Optimistic possibilities on the virus?
Pfizer CEO Sees Pandemic Ending Within a Year
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla told ABC News that he anticipates a return to normal life post-pandemic within the year.
He added: “I think the most likely scenario is annual revaccination, but we don’t know really. We need to wait and see the data.”
According to the Wash Post South Carolina and Florida ‘reported’ virus cases are nose diving down…..
MidWestern cases are climbing…..
America virus cases continue to drop and so do worldwide cases
Vaccination rates are dropping……Testing has increased….
A piece questioning virus stat’s in general and the CDC and a lot of what gets said as data….
The contentious and confusing debate in recent weeks over coronavirus booster shots has exposed a fundamental weakness in the United States’ ability to respond to a public health crisis: The data is a mess…..
Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Friday denied a request from a group of New York City teachers to block the city’s vaccine mandate for public school employees.
Sotomayor did not refer the request to the other Supreme Court justices, or comment on her action, likely signaling they agreed with her decision. In August, Justice Amy Coney Barrett likewise rejected an effort to block Indiana University’s vaccine mandate…..
Democrats will occasionally talk about gun control after the regular mass shooting’s
But they simply cannot afford to run on it….