The Senate already has passed its version….
The President has no problem with both houses Defense spending policy….
Something will be ready for Biden before the end of the year…..
The bill would require women to register for the draft for the first time in history…..
The $778 billion fiscal 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is NOT the Defense Budget Bill…
It just lays out what the budget bill should include….
The House on Thursday passed its sweeping annual defense policy bill that would add billions of dollars to President Biden’s defense budget proposal, call for answers on failures in the war in Afghanistan and require women to register for the draft.
The House easily approved its $778 billion fiscal 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in a bipartisan 316-113 vote Thursday night. Thirty-eight Democrats and 75 Republicans voted against the bill’s passage.
The House’s consideration of this year’s NDAA comes on the heels of the Biden administration’s messy exit from Afghanistan that saw Kabul collapse to the Taliban before the withdrawal was done, causing a scramble to evacuate as many U.S. citizens and vulnerable Afghans as possible before the last U.S. troops left at the end of August….
The $778 billion in funding that would be authorized by the NDAA is about $25 billion more than Biden proposed in his fiscal 2022 budget request, an increase that was approved when 14 House Armed Services Committee Democrats in vulnerable seats or with national security backgrounds sided with a Republican amendment during the committee’s consideration of the bill….
About 200 billion too much.
The military/Industrial lives.
The warmongers love it of course.
As DSD And I have pointed out, almost any spending program creates more jobs than spending on the military. James previously agreed with that statement.
The Defense Dept DIRECTLY employ’s almost 3 million jobs…
In addition?
More of that money goes outside the country to Allies economies…..
Good read back but I stand by my point that the m only has a political payback for lawmakers and THAT IS one of the reasons Defense budget have RISEN on the whole over the decades…
Your concerns are noted and go into the garbage file….
The lawmakers will take care of their own jobs….
Did you ever wonder why new posters don’t last here and you have trouble keeping the existing posters? Hint, it is not for the reason you think.
He’s too busy repeating inane talking points to reflect on stuff like that Zreebs.
He doesn’t even believe science, why would he reflect on valid points.
It’s much easier to say, “I stand by myself point.” Even though it appears it’s on the top of his anti-vaccine head.
Amusingly,if viewed as a jobs program?
It would be far cheaper for the government to simply mail all these people “employed” in “defense” a check and do away with the overhead.
Exactly Jack, this so called industry is anything but a job creator. It does make a very few people incredibly wealthy however.
Yea Keith…..
Tell THAT to the millions that get their pay checks off the budget…..
This simply isn’t true.
Are you vaccinated James?