The internal civil war between the left and establishment inn the Democratic Party never actually went away with the party controlling Congress and the White House….
I for one, have always said here that the Democratic ‘voters’ tend to more pragmatic and middle to right in their politics….
In Ohio, it was a coalition strong enough to fell Ms. Turner, who entered the race to succeed Marcia Fudge, the federal housing secretary, in Congress as a well-known, well-funded favorite with a huge lead in the polls. She drew ferocious opposition from local and national Democrats, including leaders of the Congressional Black Caucus who campaigned for her opponent, Shontel Brown, and a pro-Israel super PAC that ran advertisements reminding voters about Ms. Turner’s hostility toward Mr. Biden.
Ms. Brown, a Cuyahoga County official, surged to win by nearly six percentage points.
Representative Hakeem Jeffries of New York, a top member of House leadership, said in an interview Wednesday that Democratic voters were clearly rejecting candidates from the party’s most strident and ideological flank.
Where some primary voters welcomed an angrier message during the Trump years, Mr. Jeffries said, there is less appetite now for revolutionary rhetoric casting the Democratic Party as a broken institution.
“The extreme left is obsessed with talking trash about mainstream Democrats on Twitter, when the majority of the electorate constitute mainstream Democrats at the polls,” Mr. Jeffries said. “In the post-Trump era, the anti-establishment line of attack is lame — when President Biden and Democratic legislators are delivering millions of good-paying jobs, the fastest-growing economy in 40 years and a massive child tax cut….
But moderate party leaders on Capitol Hill and in the White House are greeting the results from the off-year elections with undisguised glee, viewing them as a long-awaited reality check on the progressive wing’s claims to ascendancy. Mr. Biden’s advisers have regarded the off-year results as a validation of his success in 2020 — further proof, they believe, that the Democratic Party is defined by his diverse, middle-of-the-road supporters….
The Democratic primary for mayor of New York City, too, yielded a moderate winner this summer: The Brooklyn borough president, Eric Adams, who campaigned on an anti-crime message, rolled up endorsements from organized labor and won immense supportfrom working-class voters of color. Visiting the White House, Mr. Adams branded himself “the Biden of Brooklyn.”….
New Open Thread is HERE….
Overwhelming Support for Infrastructure Plan
A new Data for Progress poll finds that 71% of likely voters, including a majority of likely Republican voters, support the bipartisan infrastructure framework.
I have two Keith posts
Starts ‘time permitting
‘Time permiting’
There are no other comments that i see
I do NOT delete comments unless i say so
Now unless i have a gremlin in the site that IS WHAT I SEE….
I have not asked you today to delete any posts, but in the past you assured me that you would delete any post that references my first name. This is when you were trying to get me to return to commenting here. Please do so if it happens in the future. Thank you.
I was unaware that one of the prerogatives of posting here is that we may demand of the moderator ,that any posts one of us particularly doesnt like because of the use of certain names or ,I presume ,other matters we dislike or find offensive ,be deleted.
I will save that for future reference.
I would comment though that if that be the policy ?We could soon wind up with very few published posts as each of us could,in effect, demand that any posts that disagrees with our posts be deleted.
says the person using an alias…
The agreement was that first and/or last names of commenters will not be used unless the person uses them as part of their password enabled handle.
I was unaware of that “agreement.”
When was it promulgated ?Was it published here?I never saw it
James,please enlighten?
As to my “name?” You’ve admitted that you don’t know who I am.Accordingly,you have no knowledge as to what my name is.I find it highly amusing that such seems to irritate you so much.
It might have been said on here but was discussed via email with james and myself when he was trying to get me to come back.
Now, since you don’t call me by my first name “jack”, this does not effect you and I am not sure why you feel the need to insert into it.
Believe me as well, I am fine without knowing your “true identity.”
Ah so you dictated the “terms” of your return?
Interesting .
When I left James failed to reach out to me.( I quite hurt by that )Then, the whole place seemed to die and I returned and “invited” everyone to return.You later brought that up if I recall.
What can I say?
There have been a few times when I have taken breaks. Maybe I was to return altogether.
So, this will apparently be up to james if he wants a much smaller amount of comments with people all agreeing with each other (or getting mad at him) or a section with far more comments, because there is one person who often has taken a different position.
I think I know which one he will find in the best interest of his blog.
Yes Jack, I completely agree. Corey objects to some of us, because I am not the only one, using the name, his birth certificate names, when we reply to his posts. The name he used with everyone here for years on another blog. He claims it’s a privacy issue.
James took my post down this morning, actually two of them, acceding to Corey’s demand, and he is now engaged in “blog double talk” in his obvious fear of insulting his prime poster.
I cannot for the life of me see why Corey is so afraid of his name being used in a political discussion. Especially given his history and the work it took him to find out my name as everyone who is currently posting here will recall. But that’s another story.
I have two options, I can keep posting things James will take down, or stop posting.
Personally I am opposed to deleting posts unless one threatens another poster with actual physical violence.Even then it deodnds in the seriousness of the threat.
Of course I was the victim of such when some kook ,who used to post here,claimed to be aDemocrat who supported only Republicans except for county surveyor or some other such rot, claimed that he was sending a bunch of Mexican drug lords to do me in.He,of course, having no knowledge of my name or address.
It was so “traumatic “that I have yet to fully recover.
So, you think there are no privacy concerns?
Back years ago on P1, before I ever knew who Keith really was, he posted information, while a federal official on government time, about me from a campaign donation database including my home address and name and location of my then employer. Was that ok?
None of this is true.
But begs the question, why would he even want to associate with me if it were true.
Stop posting then. Seems pretty simple.
james has made it clear to me how much he wants me to post on here as the sole non-Democrat alternative and how by being contrary generates discussion here. This was the agreement we had.
calling me “CG” should be fairly easy. Less letters for instance. Those that do not want to do so have a different agenda.
Well you could leave Keith .
Would be sorry to see you go.However,perhaps you would merit a personal plea to return as CG apparently did?
Then you could dictate an “agreement” on the terms of your return!
Ok people here’s the deal….
I did NOT take down Keith’s comments
I have no record of them in the sites trash
We all know each others real names
Keith is free to re post his comments
Anyone that wants to stop posting here can stop on their own accord
Quite frankly i’m tired of the Corey Keith continually blinking…..
As i have said here oover snd OVER i run this place for people to converse and have fun….
If ya ain’t happy get off the bus…..
And i STILL reserve to right to clean up offensive entries
I have been at this for a decade
Spending my own time and money
Making friends
I will continue to do so for as long as i can or enjoy to…..
james, we discussed this in detail via email.Perhaps you forgot.
If you are going to allow the use of my full name, I will stop posting entirely.
Please confirm if that is what you want.
Well that’s your prerogative.
However my memory of this whole episode is entirely different.
My memory is that James “banned” you( a move I verbally opposed I might add) for some remarks about Keith.
Some months later,James announced that you were returning and implied that you had “asked” to return.
There was never anything said about “agreements,” conditions or any such thing and certainly nothing about any post that used your real name was to be “deleted.”
I find the whole thing rather amusing as I do much of the faux seriousness that sometimes surrounds the comments here(in a mea culpa I have often bern a guilty party of such myself)
I would also add I find it strange that all of a sudden today this became an issue.
Keith has been calling you by your proper name for Years now.
Why do you not assert this so called “agreement” from the beginning?
Why are you making this an issue today?
Finally, it’s obvious you personally find Keith objectionable because of something that happened a long time ago that you have brought up here on many occasions.
Yet ,for whatever reason ,you chose to post on the same site he is on.More strangeness.
If there was a site where one of the mainstays was someone I abhorred ,I doubt very much if I would be a visitor there.
However, despite your voluminous complaints here as regards your treatment ,you seem to give as good as you take.Accordingly, fir me at least ,this entire “thing” rings hollow.
I strongly suspect that our friend is well aware that a google search for his name will turn up the tremendous number of blog postings he makes during his work day (also known as his lunch hour), and that, might not go down well with a new employer. So initials only please.
Sorry if I cause you any difficulty James, I really am. I know this upsets you. But, folks can say whatever they want about me here and have. I have been accused of being a criminal although I have never been convicted of any crime on any level. Isn’t that worse than calling someone by their proper name?
So, if I can take being called names certainly others can be referenced by the name their parents gave them, the middle one too. Right?
I would miss you too Jack if I am not here, and yes, I only returned when you came back to the blog after your health scare.
This is all much ado….but, I won’t stop using proper names. I may burn in Hell for it, but I won’t stop.
speaking only for myself, I never think of you as CG. fortunately, I have not accidentally used your real name, I almost did a couple of times, but caught it before I posted it.
You link your name to your blog. So nothing personal is being shared. But I will continue to respect your wishes. People have a right to be called the name they desire (as long as it is not something like God).
I always refer to him as “CG” too.
However since we all (except for Bdog) got to know of each other on the P1 site where he did use his actual name,it all seems much ado about nothing.
Still,if he prefers CG?Thats fine with me and I will continue to refer to him that way.
You did in the past after I stopped using it on here,, and I asked you not to, and you stopped, so that’s fine. No issue.
It’s linked to my blog and you advertised your appearance on a tv show in which your full name (and location) was used but I would not make reference to them other than call you by your handle of “Zreebs.”
That is not true. My first name and last name initial was used, and the location was “Illinois”.
By the way, I have a YouTube clip of that episode of the show (Mark Halperin’s Focus Group” ) if anyone would like to see it.
Republican Congressman Norman who is suing Pelosi over her mask mandate has come down with Covid. A breakthrough case.
This is as scary as he is stupid.
Congressman Norman may be misguided but he also wisely vaccinated and he reports only mild COVID symptoms.
Meanwhile another local GOP official–this one in Texas–croaked of COVID at 45 after mocking vaccines on Facebook only days earlier. He leaves behind an infant son but I guess a small price to pay to “own the libs”
But how ironic that he is suing Pelosi because he wants the freedom not to wear a mask. How many unvaccinated people might have he spread the virus to, or even vaccinated people since this is a breakthrough case.
Northern California is masked up for two reasons, the virus and smoke from fires up state.
And then there’s this.
Some primaries have been going the other way.
New Open Thread Quiz:
Which of these is most effective in stopping the spread of Covid-19
A. Vaccines
B. Masks
C. Both work equally
D. Neither work
This is ridiculous. How about we agree to a truce?
1) we all call CG by the name he wants – CG
2) no more hinting or discussing what any current poster did In the past unless it was initially revealed by that poster.
3) Always maintain the privacy of a poster -even if the poster says something that others or any one person finds highly offensive. Under no circumstance, should you contact the employer, associates, friends, family or clients of any poster.
It is ridiculous, all of this. However, given the choice, it’s no contest. I get real ‘Unabomber’ vibes from CG. Keith I could at least deal with for some periods of time. And no contest as to who would be a better negotiator in Infrastructure talks.
Co worker of mine who said I was going to die and burn from getting the vaccine now likely has Covid. That’s some next level element of surprise there, not unlike when I heard that David Duke only shopped ‘White Sales.’ I am not a fan of the modern Republican party, though I have grown more Progressive in recent years so take that with some grain. My Dad, most of his family, and many in the Methodist Church I until very recently attended are Stop the Steal people steeped in bigotries, sadly. Realizing that is one of life’s sadder experiences. Have had to end many associations in the last couple of years to preserve my own sanity.
Did vacation a couple of weeks back in a fashion similar to Jack, went to Cherokee, NC, and the Smoky Mountains. Hit the Indian Museum and did extensive road video drives through the mountains and from Sevierville, TN, to Abingdon, VA, and back down to Old Fort, NC outside of Asheville. Great fun, am now considering extensive trips around Williamsburg, VA,(with drives up into DE and DC) and a haul into Yukon, Canada.
Pretty much just trying to figure out how to make positive differences where I am now, perhaps will one day summon the inspiration to write one of my dozen plus fiction ideas. I could see myself becoming a cross between Twain and Tarantino. Don’t know how often I’m going to post on here, but J & Z did suggest I pop by so here I am. Will have to email Z about that Halperin clip.
Glad to hear from ya SE….
Good to hear from you SE. thanks for sharing the information about your recent life experiences. I wish you well in your writing. My nephew recently won a national award for an article he wrote in the Athletic.
I’ll contact you soon.
The Athletic or The Atlantic Monthly ?
If it’s the Atlantic, I’ll gladly Crack open my subscriber’s copy and give it a look.
I”ll send you a copy of the story in the near future. I no longer subscribe to the Athletic. My nephew covers the Ravens.
The Athletic. It is an online subscription that covers sports, but does not cover the actual games. It assumes the reader has already watched the games and is designed for people who are interested in the inside scoop,
Unabomber sounds about right to me. Very happy to know you’re doing we’ll SE. Infrastructure is my thing.
I’m not sure the unibomber describes CG for a number of reasons:
1) while I have no doubt that CG would love to destroy Keith and probably even use his financial resources to do so if he could, I have absolutely no reason to believe he would try to kill him.
2) while the vast majority of domestic terrorists who had a political agenda in the past 30 years were conservatives, the unibomber was a radical environmentalist, and so he was more likely a leftist.
3) the unibomber was brilliant. Harvard educated with a phd.
I can point to this the next time CG says no one ever defends him
You’re absolutely right Zreebs, I forgot about the environmental focus and he also went to Harvard, a little fact that delighted Rush Limbaugh.
My big take-away from the Anthony Bourdain doc ‘Roadrunner,’ which I saw at a snappy Cinemark theater in Asheville, NC, some weeks back…
One of the big points made in the film was that Bourdain’s addictions were rapidly transferable. When he quit heroin, he went to Jui Juitsu, relationships with women, and other such things. Now the latter specificity I can identify with to a degree, as I often have used crushes as a cocaine like substance to distract from what until somewhat recently was a foul circumstance in terms of friendships and mental health battles.
Like with him and the Argento woman, I once had a crush and outright friendship prospect that seemed to really cut it for me until she found her guy in my midst, and then I plunged straight to the knifes edge of killing myself. It was a deeply unpleasant experience that left lasting scars on my psyche. Coupled with the toxic friendship I ill advisedly had with a guy who at one time I’d thought of as a father in faith, and it’s a real surprise I never caved to the worst inclinations along the way.
I don’t marvel at how I made it through that nasty patch and yet Bourdain didn’t. I only marvel simply that I wormed through everything. Many people either don’t or do and are permanently stunted for it. The latter at least is yet to be seen…
Glad u got a handle on urself SE……
We’d love to hear more from ya …….
Even a bit on the political side…..
Morning people
Next Census data drop August 14…..
Over 1 million jobs added in July with unemployment dropping sharply.
Now what party is better for the economy again?
Sorry. Slightly under 1 million jobs added in the latest month of the Biden Boom
Fastest job growth in 40 years.
Notice the title “Progressive candidate and Democrats”, As if the progressive candidates are not overwhelmingly Democrats. And I like this gem “Democratic voters tend to (be) … middle to right in their politics.” There are a lot of rightwing Democratic voters? Like whom?
I always have seen James as a Democrat in the mold of Richard Nixon and George HW Bush, so…
And there’s nothing wrong with that, per se. We did once have as a poster a Democrat from Texas who held down that side of the political spectrum.
Yes SE….,,
I have said many times that i consider my self a pragmatic moderate Democrat on most issues….
And embrace other points of view on others
Frw of us here are down the list anything
Yes that’s an absurdity.
I would point out that CG mentioned yesterday that his departure would mean the heat would go back on James.
There’s a lot of truth in that.
When CG is here verbally jousting with whoever happens to be around,James’s ridiculous comments get little attention.
When CG isn’t around though,James’s inane remarks draw more comments.
Maybe James can lure CG back with a new “agreement” and take the heat off.
I can take he heat…..
Sometimes others can’t
I comes around …. Goes around
Well before you come to any new “agreement” with CG or anyone else here?I offer my legal services to detect any loopholes which might Negate the “agreement.”
Maddow Blog
NEWS: Rep. Krishnamoorthi tells us that Trump DOJ official Jeffrey Clark didn’t just prepare a draft a letter encouraging Georgia Republicans to overturn Biden’s win. He prepared similar draft letters to SIX states whose results Trump wanted to overturn. @CongressmanRaja
Yes. James usually gets a pass in his comments because what is the point in discussing an issue with someone whom often doesn’t appear to understand what you are saying anyway?
Florida reporting 22783 cases today,the largest number since the start of the pandemic in March 2020.
Gov. Ron DeSantis ,known for self congratulating himself on his adept handling of the virus, is currently feuding with President Biden, claiming all this was expected and no big deal ,ordering school districts not to adopt mask ordinances as thousands of unvaccinated youngsters head back to school and is selling cups mocking Dr Anthony Fauci ,a favorite Betty noir of the Right Wing kooks and goofballs in the country.
A perfect Republican presidential candidate!
Did I mention that he is “pro life?”
And here i thought this place was mostly sbout politics not people trying to knock people personally?
Who has attacked you personally?
No reply eh?
Put this down as the bs it is.
No one recently for me Jack
Bit some people here DO like attacking each other PERSONALLY………
And us know what?
I’m looking for chats about politics
Enough about me….
There was the running back and forth between Keith and CG.
That’s been going on for YEARS.
That’s why I was so surprised at the events of yesterday wherein CG claimed that you had assured him in this “agreement “ that no one could call him by his given name .( that he used as his moniker for many years).
Yet he only called for its “enforcement “ yesterday.Why?I mean Keith has been referring to him by that name forever without any particular pushback from him(he did object to the “Ray” part).
Then ,yesterday, it became a major issue and you essentially greeted the whole thing with silence except for a a comment concerning what you were doing,which pointedly didn’t address CGs allegation of some “agreement.”
Speaking for myself, sans my comment yesterday about the Notorious CRG, you will not have a problem with me in that respect. I don’t hold ill will towards anyone on here today. That wasn’t always the case, but as I’ve gotten older I have realized not only fuller picture on some things but my own responsibility in other respects. And that is to say nothing of the understated importance of letting go of all the personal stuff from ages past.
In particular, I had ill will towards you and Keith at the end of my last stint on here. More recently, within the last year or so, I’ve grown to take steps back and realize ultimately that both of you at the end of the day try in different ways to do your best in life to do the right thing and make the world a better place. My more recent positions may put me to the left of both of you(to say nothing of CRG), but I don’t let that color my personal perspectives quite like when I was a foul young righty.
All that to say we may have our differences, but I’m not gonna sling personal arrows at anyone over it.
Props to ya SE….
We seem to have exchanged CG for you right now…..
You don’t have any secret “agreement” with SE do you James?
I doubt it, but maybe the Ghost can reply if James doesn’t? But James caused this unnecessary suspicion by continuing to refuse to answer your questions.
James has no problem asking questions. Yesterday he asked if I had a car. And he asked if I contributed money to the DNC. When I told him I am not telling him whom I contribute to, he got annoyed with me. But when someone asks less personal question to him about the rules of the blog, he refuses to answer.
Glad to see the Ghost posting.
Oh I don’t think there is either.I was mainly being sarcastic over the silliness with CG.
However, the mere fact that he refuses to answer a really rather simple question leads one to infer that CG was truthfully stating what occurred.
Of course the weird thing is ,assuming what CG said was true ,why he picked Thursday as the day to assert this “agreement “ when ,as we all know,Keith had been referring to him by his given name for years remains unknown.Indeed just the day before,CG had objected not to his use of his given name but his use of “Ray.”
Accordingly.once again assuming CG is correct about the “agreement,” his waiting so long to assert it does give James an “out.” He can claim somewhat logically, that although he made such an “agreement” since CG never asked him to enforce it over many years ,James considered the “agreement” no longer valid.I would support him in that interpretation.
What I don’t like though is his refusal to come clean on his behind the scenes maneuvering with CG,thus implying that CG merited some type of “treatment “ different from any other posters here.
CG has apparently departed for now or maybe forever.I occasionally enjoyed our back and forth on various matters;however, I never considered him any different from any other poster here and often tired of his “whining” about various alleged mistreatment of himself by others here.He always seemed to give as good as he took which made the whining even less understandable.
Then again, CG seemingly felt that we were in some way, his enemies.He would often refer to disagreements with his posts as “attacks”His verbal gymnastics over being referred to as a “Republican “ (which he plainly is) were somewhat entertaining but weird in the extreme.It of course was his decision to post on a site with Democrats which made his complaints even more questionable.I mean if I chose to post on a Republican site I certainly would expect that most of my opinions would be contested, perhaps vigorously ,and that I might be called names.Goes with the territory so to speak.
However, if I had used a moniker ,which was my given name ,for a number of years,then decided I wanted to change it and a person I had been antagonistic with for over twelve years or so ,who. I often called names myself, decided to rib me so to speak by refusing to go along,I don’t think I would be in much of a position to complain.
I vaguely recall that when CG came back, he made a point of saying that he did not apologize for what he got banned for, and did not promise to not do it again. And that is consistent with how he subsequently behaved.
I think thar CG complained about being called c—— because DSD called him that, not Keith! You are correct of course that Keith has never called him CG, preferring to use his real name.
CG does feel he gets picked on, But he picks on others here (especially Keith and James) a lot too. Interestingly, on more than one occasion, I checked out the comments on HHR, and he gets criticized by them even when he is not posting. And they probably make more personal attacks than anyone here. They are not bashful whatsoever in making it clear how they feel about him.
If CG returns, that is fine and good. But I won’t have any regrets if he doesn’t.
For whatever reason, he truly believes that Trumpism came out of nowhere. And that has been the ultimate source (often indirectly) of a lot of the disagreements we have had with him. Witness his sometimes silly “what about” responses.
I second the comment above.
James asked me if I’d consider coming back and posting on quite a few occasions, but I’d never have considered hammering out an exclusive agreement over such. Guy doesn’t owe me anything.
Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise, so I’m trying not to even read this crazy and tediously repetitious series of exchanges over ancient perceived slights.
It has nothing to do with electric cars, vaccines or partisan politics, so why would I want to waste time and emotion on it?
Using my best Tucker Carlson imitation….
How do we know you don’t have a”secret agreement” with James that allowed you to ocassionally use CGs real name?
Now I’m not saying you have one, I’m just raising the question.
Them that knows don’t say, and them that says don’t know. 😉
Good Afternoon….
Yes they are ancient, but they become new again when repeated on a regular basis.
Please allow me to take a moment of personal privilege and ask everyone a few questions:
Does anyone remember me ever posting anything that could remotely resemble pornography on the old P1 site?
Does anyone remember me telling Kyle Rice to kill himself?
Do yo recall me posting personal information about another poster that included a home address or their employer?
It’s tough to deny something that is said to have occurred a decade ago.
But if you could think about it I would appreciate it.
Finally, since I have always used my proper name here and you all, after the difficult work of one of our fellow posters, know so much about me, I am thinking of changing my name here. Any suggestions what I should call myself?
Of course when I do I will reach an agreement with James to delete any reference to Keith that appears here.
Or I could simply continue to reference people the way I always have.
I don’t recall any of those things happening on P1 Keith. I admit making a comment I regret about those gloating at John Kerry’s defeat in 2004 should “die in a fire”. I regret it and have apologized many times though it still gets brought up 16 years later by someone who used to drop the name of my old company’s CEO in the blog at P1. I guess hinting that he would try to get me reprimanded for blogging during the work day. Ironic of course, but I never saw the need to bring it up before and won’t again.
I never remembered any of that stuff he talked about every time you made a comment.
I know there were a lot of people on there who had feuds of various types going with him..
There was some fellow named Kevin ,who also used the moniker,”GOP Bullshit,”Paul Falduto ,who often would call him ,” a snake in the grass,” and somebody whose moniker was “Corey Is Many People,” who regularly insisted that CG had many various monikers and actually was half the people on the site(I always thought that was funny as Hell although he was, by far, the most prolific poster there).There were others I probably don’t remember.
So if there were some hijinks going on ,there was an abundance of suspects!
In response to Keith’s three questions, the answer is “No”.
I assume the fourth question is a joke. But going along with the joke, you could identify yourself by something that describes you such as “Good White Boy” or GWB for short. But if and when CG returns, he would complain about your handle and probably refer to you as Keith anyway.
Thank you everyone. You all recall things I had forgotten and it was interesting to read some of these recollections. There were so many posters and lots of impersonators on P1.
As far as insults go, I once called our friend a “bean counter” and that, of course, is a derogatory term for an accountant. After these last few days I don’t apologize for that, but I never told anyone to kill themselves, posted personal information about another poster, or anything the could remotely be described as pornography — never did those things.
But I must say, I do think that there is a special place in hell for people who celebrated George W. Bush’s victory and his Administration. He blew a hole the budget, gave money away to his millionaire friends, destroyed our economy, and started the wrong war in the wrong place killing over 100,000 people. Why would anyone celebrate that? So Scott, please don’t apologize again. You did nothing wrong. (And, I forgot our friend stalked you and posted personal employment information about you, not to mention what he has posted about me.) However, Bush did do one thing right, if I may say so myself, he appointed me to the President’s Executive Service and he and Laura are nice people (very genuine, just in over their heads).
So, while I consider this name thing much ado. I do think that this is reflective of someone who, in their middle age, is still spending their entire work day blogging and playing “what about.” This blog has taken on a outsized importance in his life. And, while it is tough to read between the lines, I find it concerning that our friend is so focused on a “grudge” from over 10 years ago. Very concerning and I am being very serious.
So, at the risk of having my post removed per James’ secret agreement. I am strongly considering changing my blog name here to Corey Gross. What do you all think about that?
Calling yourself that would definitely distinguish you well from Gross Corey/The Notorious CRG. Though if you’re going that route, ‘Circle K,’ the name of a very common convenience store around my area, could also suffice.
In all seriousness, CRG and our old pal Bush/Cheney Democrat are some of the most seriously odd people in our collected blog history, more so than even that GOPBS cat. He once accused me of having a file on everyone because I figured out how old everyone on here was, though it was noticing details in comments that led me to that knowledge. I’d never have considered taking the time and resource that he did, and I’m casually paranoid he might snag information and doxx me as well.
An interesting crew for sure…..
Come on now! Every blogger – including me – is odd in their own way. I just deleted the one thing that I thought is most odd about CG. I know it is not what he would guess.
CG doesn’t really stand out to me on this any more than others.
Thought stream: The government should find a safe, clean, scientifically proven, and effective way to dump the vaccine into our country’s water supply. This way, keeping oneself and everyone else safe is as easy as taking a sip.
Then the anti-vaxxers would buy bottled water.
Then the anti-vaxxers would buy bottled water. And who knows if that would be safe anyway. It would be expensive.
Water supply could also imply bottled waters, as well. And then it only gets announced after the fact. The perfect conspiracy.
The vaccine is taken by injection, not by mouth. I have my doubts whether it even could be taken by mouth.
… and who knows what would happen if the vaccine and its microchips were to mix with the sinister conspiracy-mandated fluoride in our drinking water ?
Trump will be reinstated soon and the revolution will be complete. Don’t listen to the fake news you read here, you got to listen to the Q to get the truth. Trump 2021! Stop the Steal! Stop the Steal!
the MTG-Gaetz roadshow looks like it is over. MTG said she will no longer participate. After spending $287k, they only raised $59k.
Morning everybody…….
She introduced Governor Kemp this weekend at an event. Her introduction was described as “awkward” and the crowd booed him. It would be wonderful if she challenged him in his primary.
RNC Chief Ronna McDaniel says Trump “still leads the party”.
Yes – This is even more obvious now than it was in January.
Here in Georgia, Brian Kemp’s main Primary opponent comes in the form of Democrat-turned-Republican former DeKalb County CEO Vermon Jones. His tenure in the mid-2000s was widely regarded as a disgrace, and his successor ended up being replaced by the Deal Administration, in a statewide takeover of County positions, with 2010 Democratic Senate nominee and former State Labor Commissioner Michael Thurmond.
At the height of his political “powers,” Jones tried failing upward in a run for US Senate in 2008 against Saxby Chambliss, placing first in the initial Primary but ultimately getting routed in the Runoff by the 2006 Lieutenant Governor nominee who came somewhat close to victory on Obama’s coattails, but could not himself survive a Runoff. Jones, a black Republican, has also been accused by many in local press of discrimination against members of his own race.
Around my areas, there is NO enthusiasm whatsoever for Kemp, but most people don’t know anything about Vernon Jones. I have seen several election signs for him around Union County(or, as I call it, “General Lee County”), though. Turnout at this early juncture on the GOP side will likely be very low due to significant dissatisfaction with Kemp, though the barn burner Secretary of State Primary against Brad Raffensperger could be a wild card that juices turnout up and down the ballot. If Jones can break bad where he needs to, he’s got a real chance to, as he himself puts it on Twitter, #VernTheHouseDown.
(He’s also being advised by former Giuliani Administration official Bernard Kerik, real winner there.)
Bernie did some time….
Probably the first NYPD Comish to do so…..
What do U hear about the Senate/Warnock/Walker and Abrams?
Ur gut feeling?
I’ve always thought, even with Kemp officials tinkering with Fulton County’s Board of Elections, that Abrams and Warnock could avoid Runoffs next year. The Atlanta Suburbs, plus stray other population centers throughout the state, have finally gotten to the point of outvoting the rural and exurban areas.
As to the Senate Primary, Herschel Walker will crush it if he runs. His main opposition is the 3 term State Agricultural Commissioner(who actually beat Kemp in his first ever statewide run, for this seat even, back in 2006) and Kemp’s pick for Isakson’s old seat now occupied by Warnock. Star power on Walker’s end plus the Trump imprimatur will trump any competency in office or fundraising either of the other 2 have.
I take it U see the US Senate seats safe Democratic?
And another Abrams run for Governor could get her a possible win this time?
I’d put the senate race between Leans Democrat and Democrat Favored. Walker’s a prohibitive favorite for the nomination, but would be weak in a General Election.
Governor’s race is more Tossup/Tilt Democratic with Kemp. Tilt to Leans Democratic with Vernon Jones.