The Real Clear Politics polling average for President Biden is diving down….
The day of this post it stands at ….
47.8% Approve
48.6% Disapprove
The graphic on the linked page is more dramatic showing the drop staring around July 23 and nose diving around August 12…..
FiveThirtyEight has Biden at….
49.0% Approve
45.5 % Disapprove
Their graphic has Biden ‘s downturn starting on July 26….
For the Virginia Governor race…..
Friday, August 20 |
Race/Topic (Click to Sort) | Poll | Results | Spread |
Virginia Governor – Youngkin vs. McAuliffe | VCU | McAuliffe 40, Youngkin 37 | McAuliffe +3 |
Virginia Governor – Youngkin vs. McAuliffe | Roanoke College | McAuliffe 46, Youngkin 38 | McAuliffe +8 |
Ben Aybar SquidMagnet
The only presidents that have had net approvals lower than Biden at this point in their presidency are Gerald Ford and Donald Trump which is not exactly winning company
V Squid
Replying to
Bill Clinton also had a worse net approval than Biden at this time in his term according to 538. But yeah. That’s not a good sign. More evidence that 2022 will be a regular midterm as opposed to Democrats having a good midterm.
it’s me monida!
Replying to
He’s making hard unpopular but good decisions for the betterment of the country which tends to be unpopular short term but better longterm
Virgina Governor Race Update….
Ole’ Terry Crusin…..
Thursday, August 26
Race/Topic Poll Results Spread
Virginia Governor – Youngkin vs. McAuliffe Christopher Newport Univ.* McAuliffe 50, Youngkin 41 McAuliffe +9
President Joe Biden..
To Bombers in ISIS-K
‘We will hunt you down and make you pay”…….
And so Joe Biden who wanted out of harms way for American troop’s is sucked into things just as every other American President in modern times………
It cones with the job……
Another honeymoon Biden see’s gone…
Biden Vows Retaliation for Attack
President Biden said he has directed the Pentagon to develop plans to “strike” ISIS-K “assets, leadership and facilities” in response to the Kabul airport bombings, Axios reports.
Said Biden: “To those who carried out this attack, as well as anyone who wishes America harm know this: We will not forgive, we will not forget, we will hunt you down and make you pay.”
Biden still cratering in the polls…..
Biden’s Approval Rate Is Now Underwater
The FiveThirtyEight polling average shows President Biden’s approval rate is now 46.7% to 47.2%.
RCP average….
45.8% Approve
49.2% Disapprove….
Biden’s SOTU speech ‘bounce’ has come and gone….
Monday, March 7
Race/Topic Poll Results Spread
President Biden Job Approval IBD/TIPP Approve 39, Disapprove 47 Disapprove +8
President Biden Job Approval Quinnipiac Approve 40, Disapprove 51 Disapprove +11
President Biden Job Approval Rasmussen Reports Approve 44, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +10
But his OVERALL avaerge in RCP holds 2% up from a few weeks ago….
I only saw a few Youngkin signs in the Bristol/Abingdon area when I was cruising the Smokies last month. That’s more the area where you’d expect to see them.
The only big ticket race where Republicans might have a chance is, strangely enough, NYC Mayor. VA and NJ are not happening.
But Democrats need more……