Recent Cuban protests against their economy, pandemic and government have caught the media….
The American President has expressed his support of the actions of Cubans looking for relief from their suffering…
In a statement, Biden said the Cubans who have spoken out “are bravely asserting fundamental and universal rights.”
“Those rights, including the right of peaceful protest and the right to freely determine their own future, must be respected,” he said. “The United States calls on the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves.”
Later Monday, Biden told reporters at the White House that he and his administration “call on the government of Cuba to refrain from violence in their attempt to silence the voices of the people of Cuba.” He said the White House would have “more to say” in the future about any potential changes in U.S. policy.
On Sunday, thousands of people chanting “freedom” and “yes, we can” took to the streets in cities from Havana to Santiago de Cuba in a major new challenge to an authoritarian government struggling to cope with increasingly severe blackouts, food shortages and a spiking coronavirus outbreak….
So does Pelosi….
Aggrieved Cubans protesting government dysfunction gained a powerful voice on Monday when Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) praised the demonstrators’ bravery and condemned all efforts by the communist regime to stifle rights of dissent.
“The call for freedom and basic rights by the people of Cuba peacefully taking to the streets and marching is an act of great courage,” Pelosi tweeted. “I support the Cuban people in their pursuit of liberty and condemn any violence or targeting of those exercising their rights.”
Pelosi is the latest figure to encourage the historic protests amid a long and growing list of U.S. lawmakers rushing to condemn the repressive regime for failing its own citizens….
Not a word on Twitter about Cuba from Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren or AOC.
The media attention on Cuba has Brough a clampdown….
Cuba Cracks Down on Protests Amid Economic Crisis
“Cuba’s Communist government stepped up its crackdown against demonstrators and activists on Monday, cutting off most communications with the outside world, deploying security forces across the country and arresting more than 100 people, many of whose whereabouts remain unknown,” the Wall Street Journal reports.