Me winning the Lottery?
(Just a few million not the $100M+)
Donald Trump broke on a Island in the Pacific …
A winter with just one snow….
This website with one day of a million views/hits…
Democrats keeping the House and Senate after the 2022 midterms by just a few more seats in each House…
Joe Biden winning a second term…
The pandemic going away….
Congress allowing me to deduct NY tax fee’s….
Congress throwing out student loan debt for those who do civil service work that President’s promised this would be done….
Not one US Service person gets killed for the next ten years…
That Congress taxes Big Business and Rich people at least somewhat so my taxes go down…
The NY Giants win the Super Bowl….
Anyone can add to this list in the comments….
Remember it’s a ‘dream’ not much of the shit is actually gonna happen…..
New Open Threats HERE….
He, he, he…..
You should try to win a vaccine lottery!
Best wishes to Jill Biden who is having surgery after having reportedly got an “object” stuck in her foot in Hawai’i.
Best to her….
What a change in First Ladies!
Jordan Won’t Pin Down When He Talked to Trump
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) nervously tried to dodge a question about when he talked to President Donald Trump on January 6 — something he has already grudgingly admitted.
Conservatives Want to Kick Out Cheney, Kinzinger
The conservative House Freedom Caucus is calling for the removal of Reps. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) from the Republican caucus, an effort to punish the pair for joining the committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, NBC News reports.
Cardinal McCarrick was finally charged with sexual assault – the first Cardinal to ever be charged (although I suspect there were St. Louis Cardinals who have been charged).
My high school (which has since closed down) was renamed after Cardinal McCarrick once he became a powerhouse in the Catholic Church.
First lady Jill Biden will undergo a procedure Thursday to remove an object from her left foot, her office announced.
She stepped on the object, which her office did not identify, on the beach in Hawaii last week and it apparently became lodged. The incident occurred prior to Biden’s two official events in Hawaii, her spokesman Michael LaRosa said….
James, your reply to my comment had nothing to do with Cardinal McCarrick. If you want people to use your feature to receive notifications when people reply to your comments, you have to use the reply key only when you reply. No other person on this blog uses the reply key when they enter a new thought.
Such a sad couple of days this will be for Cubs fans.
Anthony Rizzo is being traded to the Yankees (the rumor was always that it would be the Red Sox)
Kris Bryant is probably going to the Mets. “Bryzzo” will both be in NYC and we will be left with our memories of 2016…
But that’s how the business of baseball works and hopefully these moves will benefit the Cubs in the long run.. and maybe these players will even find their way back to us..
GO Mets!
The Boston Globe
Ex-Senator Carl Levin, Michigan’s longest-serving senator, has died
Israelis shoot and kill an unarmed Palestinian for the second day in a row.
Of course, the Israeli military claims they were threatened to justify their murder.
It was pointed out to me in the first case the others soldiers at the scene smiled about this….
There IS something VERY wrong that this can happen and be allowed to go un-dealt with….
Morning All….
From J Street Israel.
Of course if CG has something else that’s relevant from AIPAC or the Republican Jewish Alliance, I’d be very interested in seeing it.
All I can say for myself is that it’s hard to argue within DSA about its support for BDS (Boycott, Divest & Sanction Israel) with these sorts of events on the ground.
And I have no idea how this relates. or will relate, to the internal dynamics of Naftali Bennet’s coalition stretching from hard-line settlers and super-Zionists to an Islamic Arab caucus.
The footage is sickening.
A bare-chested Israeli settler from an illegal outpost firing what appears to be an American M-4 at Palestinians in the West Bank town of Urif. Next to him, smiling giddily, two uniformed IDF soldiers.
Nine Palestinians were injured in the chaos. 25-year-old Nidal Safadi, father of three, was killed.
link to three photos
Collaborative reporting from Israeli and American organizations has now detailed a series of five unprovoked, joint attacks from settlers and IDF soldiers that day, May 14. Each joint attack included violence against Palestinian civilians, the burning of farmland and the use of live ammunition. Four Palestinians were killed.
I’m a former IDF Officer. My kids have served in the IDF. I’ve trained hundreds of young recruits. And I’m absolutely disgusted by these attacks.
IDF participation in attacks on civilians is brutal, immoral and a violation of Israel’s founding values. It feeds a cycle of injustice and retaliation which undermines Israel’s security, degrades the IDF’s reputation and increases the risk of reprisal attacks.
I am appalled at the violence and impunity. I cannot, however, say that I am surprised.
Just the other week, 100 former IDF combat soldiers called on the Defense Minister to do more to deter settler violence. “Settler violence has been raging for years,” they wrote, “and is being answered with tacit support.”
I share their frustration and anger. When it comes to violence in the West Bank, impunity is the norm, justice the rare exception. Only one investigation is underway into only one of the May 14 killings, and it only came following public pressure….
Nadav Tamir
Executive Director, J Street Israel
Thanks DSD for this….
Some one is outraged by the indifference….
Stupid Republican of the Day contender:
“Today’s Anniversary of Medicare and Medica8d reminds us to reflect on the critical role these programs have played to protect the healthcare of millions of families. To safeguard our future we must reject Socialist healthcare schemes”
Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY)
Jesus wept these morons are getting dumber.
I saw that earlier.
I was gonna post it myself.
Just plain old dumb.Of course many of these Right Wingers just use “Socialism” ( as well as “librul”) as some all encompassing negative term. (Hell many of them probably now refer to people like Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney as “libruls”) They know nothing about Socialism and couldn’t care less anyway.Its just one those code words to get the rabble all stirred up.See they don’t understand what these programs are, even though likely them or their families benefit from them.I mean who can forget the infamous old lady from Arkansas’s immortal words..
“ I don’t want the guvmint messin with my medicare!”
What the Republicans don’t want is single-payer or Medicare-for-All, which would probably resemble the National Health System that the Labour Government established in Great Britain (over furious Tory objection) in 1948.
(The NHS is such an untouchable Third Rail in Britain now that even solidly Conservative politicians like Margaret Thatcher and Boris Johnson are very careful to declare that they use the NHS and that the hard-working NHS workers are pandemic heroes.)
The NHS or subsidiary Health Trusts administer clinics & hospitals and employ doctors & health-providers directly, rather than paying a separate fee for each stay, provider or service — which is what U.S. Medicare & Medicaid still do, apart from some pilot programmes.
However, even as a socialist, I’m unsure whether the better path in the U.S. is Medicare-for-All or improving Obamacare with a strong public option (pressing insurance plans to improve or die) and stronger provision (like Medicaid) for those —undercovered by their employer — who simply can’t afford premiums, deductibles and co-pays.
The fact is that most Americans, like James, who have a non-government insurance policy are (perhaps surprisingly) happy with that policy and very reluctant to change.
On the other hand, the public option doesn’t really do away with the gigantic, incredibly-costly and enormously-wasteful private medico-financial
bureaucracy that necessitates gigantic parts of a hospital’s or medical practice’s staff time.
Should the public option fail or be insufficiently effective, Medicare-for-All single-payer (NHS or Canada Health) might prove the only way to go.
And if, unlike Boris Johnson or Margaret Thatcher, Elsie Stefanik, the once reputedly-moderate Republican, wants to call the NHS and single-payer flaming Socialism, I guess she’s entitled.
You can fool all of the Republicans all of the time.
Conservatives like to talk about Canadians coming to the USA for their healthcare coverage. What they don’t like to talk about is that The government run healthcare system Is very popular in Canada – even among Conservative Party politicians.
stefanik is not an idiot. she just knows that the GOP can lie to its base and they will believe anything. And this did not start with Trump.
Stefanik knows that Medicare and Medicaid are popular, so of course she will say that they are not socialist. Stefanik got her leadership role because Republicans know they can’t get elected if they don’t lie.
Former three term Democratic Governor Richard Lamm of Colorado has died at the age of 85.
Lamm often made controversial remarks and in 1996 decided to seek the nomination of Ross Perots Reform Party after Perot had hinted he wasn’t going to run again.Shortly after Lamm announced ,however, Perot announced that if the voters in the national mail in primary the RP was holding wanted him to be the candidate, he would.
Lamm conducted a campaign of sorts and convinced former California Republican Congressman Ed Zschau to be his VP candidate Perot however easily won the mail in vote .
I voted for Lamm over Perot in that race. Lamm was a very controversial candidate.
I wanted Lamm to win that RP nomination, but I didn’t cast a vote in that mail in primary. I can’t recall why I didn’t.
Miscellaneous Virus news….
The New York Times reports that the Delta Variant which is now ravaging the United States Has declined precipitously in India (it was once referred to as the “India variant” ) despite a single digit vaccination rate and is apparently declining also in Great Britain.Scientists have no real explanation for why this is happening.
Dr, Scott Gottlieb ,former FDA Commissioner, says that reported Delta Variant cases are being wildly unreported due to asymptomatic vaccinated people and young people who don’t get tested and simply ride the disease out at home.He says that actual infections could be as high as a million a day.He also says that we are much farther along in this wave and that cases may begin declining in a few weeks.
Former Trump Administration Covid point man, Dr Brett Giroir ,says that the Delta Variant is so transmissible that anyone not vaccinated will become infected ,in his words,” it’s only a matter of time.”
Interesting. I guess an analogy might be that the Delta variant is a wildfire that *may* be out of brush to burn after some point.
President Biden
The vaccine was developed and authorized under a Republican Administration, and it’s been distributed and administered under a Democratic one.
The vaccines are safe, they are highly effective, and there’s nothing political about them.
Gravel Institute
The House just adjourned for a 6-week recess without extending the eviction moratorium which expires on Saturday, threatening over 6 million Americans with immediate homelessness. This is an atrocity.
Good Early Morning….
I’m trying to get SE to drop in for a few….
SE and I corresponded a few times in the last three months. He’s a good guy who I now admire. We haven’t discussed politics that much, but at a minimum, he is not the extremist that you may recall. Regardless what his political beliefs are now, I know he is a good person, and I valued our correspondence.
Remember, we were all teenagers once, and we likely all said things when we were teens that we now regret.
That’s true…
Hell I still say things I regret!
One more thing, I incorrectly once said that SE was from MT Greene’s district. For whatever reason, I thought he lived in Dalton Georgia. SE corrected me.
I recall in my college days, I first began to question the basic tenants of Christianity and once that started, the house of cards came tumbling down. If one thing that I was taught was not true, then there may well be other things too.
In a similar way, There has to be some percentage of Republicans that were told that COVID-19 is nothing to worry about are now asking what other lies they were told. Once people know they were lied to, they begin to question everything from the people that told those lies.
Some people of course will never learn, and will continue to believe in an ideology and not facts, but I bet some COVID-19 survivors are now questioning everything.
Florida ,home state of presumed Republican presidential candidate Gov. Ron DeSantis, is now the epicenter of the pandemic reporting over 21000 cases yesterday, most single day cases since the pandemic began.
DeSantis ,who received a puff piece comment on here the other day,being described a good “political operator,” showed he richly deserved the accolade.His response to this crisis?Making sure that no local school district invoked a mask mandate.”Operator Ron knows where his political bread and butter is!Masking is a particular obsession of the Trump Republican Party.But hey I thought Republicans believed in “local control” of schools?Why should the Governor interfere with “local officials?
Well we are all used by now to “Republican principles “,Nothing but meaningless palaver .
Ron DeSantis,the virus spreaders friend.
Huh! GOP principles! Whatever The orange seditionist wants.
Good Morning on the First day of August..
I just got a fundraising hot on line from the Warnock Senate campaign….
Sarah Palin says she might run for Lisa Murkowskis Senate seat in Alaska.
“ If God wants me to do it” says she.Guess God hasnt made his mind up yet!
Yea i saw the Palin thing
I hope she runs.
She’s very representative of today’s Republican Party.
Full of shit?
Palin wants attention. She’s being overshadowed by the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert..
Gotta do something to remind the crazies you’re still around.
Charley Sykes called the Trumpists deplorables. Will CG criticize him the same way he continuously attacked Hillary for saying that 1/2 of the Trump supporters were deplorables? Short answer “no” because Sykes is a non-Trumpist Republican, and he wouldn’t want to say anything that would weaken the small number of non-Trumpist Republicans.
I’ve referred to many of Trumps supporters,particulatly the attendees at his hatefests,as white trash.Actually “deplorables “ is too nice for some, such as the domestic terrorist wing of the party and their apologists .Theyre just common criminals .
I’ve described the Republicans in Congress and elsewhere (the 70% of the Republican Party who support his lie that the election was stolen from Trump and his efforts to overturn the election) as”liars,cheats and would be thieves.”
I stand by all these descriptions and I welcome any criticism of such.
I never said Hillary was “wrong” necessarily but just that it was a very bad idea for a Presidential candidate to insult so many people in such a way. It likely cost her the election. Her statement was also made several years ago, and she phrased it in a way that suggested that half of Trump voters were that way. Just very dumb politics.
Very few people know who Charlie Sykes is.
Morning All
Blagojevich to Sue Illinois Over Ban on Running for Office
Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) told WLS-TV that he is going to sue the state of Illinois in an attempt to run for office again.
President Biden will not be attending former President Obama’s 60th birthday party on Martha’s Vineyard, a White House official confirmed.
“While President Biden is unable to attend this weekend, he looks forward to catching up with former President Obama soon and properly welcoming him into the over 60 club,” the White House official told The Hill.
Obama turns 60 on Wednesday. Biden is slated to travel to Rehoboth Beach, Del., on Friday….
…guests are being asked to take COVID-19 tests before attending….
I would hope vaccination is required for all guests.
Lindsey Graham tests positive for virus after getting his shots…..
Says his reaction is mild
I don’t think he could get the nomination for any office anywhere, but who knows?
I was replying to the Blago comment, but James had previously replied to the Blago post with an unrelated reply about a Biden-Obama party, so my comment looks misplaced.
if I had noticed that James screwed up the flow, I wouldn’t have posted. Apologies to all.
Blago might want to take a page out of former Governor ,the recently deceased Edwin Edwards of Louisiana ,and use his slogan in his last gubernatorial victory in 1991 when he was in a runoff with KKK member David Duke…Edwards motto?
“Vote for the Crook”
Edwards was only able to win that race because his GOP opponent was the Grand Wizard of the KKK.
Hopefully the GOP would put up a better candidate.
Actually I don’t think Blagojevich has a political future even if allowed to run again.
He would be SO ‘Yesterday’?
Is DeSantis Puling a Trump in Florida in Regards to COVID? Didn’t he see how that was the only reason Trump is not President today. COVID and his response to it doomed him. Will it do the same for Desantis…Don’t Fauci my Florida…what a prick
There ARE those in the state that get shots and those who ARE wearing masks……
To not do either of these especially no mask makes THEM stupid……
From what i have heard its more of a political anti-government thing for some….
On THAT point DeSantis rides
For those that are eligible, getting a shot and wearing a mask are nowhere near an equal choice, as it seems to be phrased in this comment.
Getting vaccinated is exponentially more effective in terms of preventing yourself from getting sick and the overall stopping of virus spread. Wearing a mask is mostly about protecting others, not yourself. Before vaccines, it was incredibly important to do so. Now, it is not.
Those who are not vaccinated by choice should wear a mask of course, but that will only do so much for them. They are by their own decisions, risking their health. I think that is unfortunate but there is only so much the vaccinated should be expected to do about it. The same with people who use tobacco, abuse drugs, or engage in unregulated drag racing. They have to take personal responsibility.
Putting it another way, not getting the shot is far more “stupid” than not wearing a mask.
Those who get the shot should almost never have to wear a mask and hopefully one day soon, never again if they do not wan to.
Except Sen Graham got the shot …..
Didn’t wear a mask
And got the virus……
The BEST proactive IS to get the shot against severity and wear the mast i side to not get the virus……
He is not sick though. Had he not gotten the shot, he might be far sicker. The vaccines work. Wearing a mask does not prevent you from getting Covid. It prevents you from giving someone Covid. That is the science. The ones that are risk of something bad are those who are not vaccinated.
Lindsey Graham is part of the .08 percent of fully vaccinated people who have gotten a breakthrough infection. Those are pretty good odds. Among them, very few will require hospitalization, and even far fewer will die. The vaccines work.
If more people were vaccinated, there would be less breakthrough cases obviously.
We need to have an accurate and scientifically correct measure. The concept of “vaccine or mask- do one of them” is not a good one. It is far better to be vaccinated than to rely on masks, and the more that masks are pushed as an equitable option or something that will need to go along with vaccines, the less likely people are to get vaccinated.
We hear a lot about “vaccine mandates” here and now there are several examples of Teachers Unions saying they oppose any such thing. Teachers Unions are not exactly considered allies of the Republican Party.
So, why are Teachers Unions opposing vaccination mandates? (seems like a fairly obvious answer, but still work asking) Are they wrong to do so? Considering the fact that many schoolchildren are ineligible thus far to be vaccinated and others may not have gotten parental permission to be vaccinated, teachers should be required. Should school districts have the right to fire unvaccinated teachers?
Unvaccinated teachers could teach virtually if there were still enough students who want distance learning.
I am not a big fan of teachers unions.
Teachers should be required to get vaccinated, and if they won’t, they should be fired.
Most people should be required to get vaccinated.
I was briefly a member of a teacher’s union and while I appreciate most of what they do they are sometimes wrong. And on this they are wrong. Yes, all teachers should be vaccinated and schools should have the authority to fire those who refuse.
Employer mandates are the right thing to do. And despite the outsized attention given to the small number of holdouts in the health care industry almost all employees at major hospitals have complied when given such mandates. Houston Methodist for example saw less than one half of one percent fired or quit over the vaccine mandate.
The Republican nominee for Governor of New Jersey has chosen as his running-mate, a woman has in the past been very critical of Donald Trump.
Likely, this will also be the first ever “Jack and Diane” ticket.
I am sure life will go on long after the disappointment of losing in November is gone..
Morning Everybody
To my somewhat surprise, the polls from California on recalling Newsom continue to grow closer It is now a virtual tie in the polls. It never got to that in Wisconsin when Scott Walker faced recall. Democrats should be concerned that the motivation to vote will be much higher for those who want to get rid of Newsom than those that want to keep him.
At the moment, while Virginia still looks like a close race, this might actually be the best opportunity in 2021 for Republicans to flip a Governorship, and this would be a huge story to say the least. I am still skeptical it will actually happen.
While he would not even by my third choice, the polls are showing that the leader among those who could potentially replace Newsom is Larry Elder.
In other news, Biden is extending the eviction moratorium.
Some Democrats here have conceded that it will need to end eventually? When will it be ok to end it?
In Ameroca
If u are white?
Tou can wave loaded weapons at people and the cops won’t shoot you and Governor will pardon ur actions……
Missouri governor pardons Mark and Patricia McCloskey, who waved guns at protesters
Wash Post
Off the topic of politics, things are very active in regards to professional sports.
While the past week has been absolutely apocalyptic (but probably necessary) for the Chicago Cubs, the Bulls and Blackhawks are absolutely killing it in the free agent sweepstakes this offseason. Very pleasantly surprised to see some of these developments.
And it’s almost NFL season!
Mets only 2 1/2 games out….
Aaron Rogers playing….
Football around the corner …
After a slow start?
US on top in Olympic Medals….
Crowds ARE back in sports venues….
U.S. is not on top in GOLD medals, which is a big shift from past Olympics. China is ahead and the U.S. is not winning as many as it usually does. Of course, the Trumpists are openly rooting against U.S. Olympians. I think there of course should be enough pride for all these athletes to go around.
Not sure what you are saying about the Mets. They are in first place in the NL East. It’s a weak division, so I expect they will win that division, but might be over-matched in the playoffs.
Missouri Senate race update:: Congressman Billy Long, who represents the 7th District in SW MO, has entered the crowded GOP primary to replace Roy Blunt.
In addition to the rotund Long the race now includes disgraced resigned former Gov. Eeic Greirens, .
Eric Greitens, Rep. Vicky Hartzler, AG Eric Schmitt, Gun waving lawyer Mark McCloskey, and a few other unknowns.
At first glance this addition seems likely to make it easier for Greitens–who has statewide name recognition–to win over Hartzler and Long, who aren’t really known outside their districts. I imagine the party will do what it can to push Schmitt, but he is less known than Greitens or McCloskey, who got his own name back in the headlines thanks to Gov, Mike Parson pardoning him for his weapons charges. He has been trying to get press recently by vowing to stop indoor mask mandates in Kansas City and St. Louis City and County.
Hartzler and Long both hold pretty safe seats in the House. I wouldn’t be surprised if at least one of them was pushed to run for their Congressional seats again instead of for the Senate.
Isn’t the detail that Long just met with Trump and might have a deal for an endorsement?
I hadn’t heard that but if true could set up for an interesting dynamic since Don Jr’s girlfriend is working on the Greitens campaign.
Long has announced that Kellyanne Conway will be running his campaign.
She does like chubby guys.
What would George do?
It’s looking pretty clear that Trump is behind Long in Missouri now, Party leaders have wanted him to get behind a non-Greitens.
Greitens fundraising has been very bad. I think he might be dropping out of the race pretty soon. Donald Jr’s girlfriend might be freed up to go to California and help her ex-husband Gavin if she so wishes.
Thanks for the updates Scott
Biden RCP approval this date…
Approve. 51.1
Disapprove 43.5
The Mayor of Boston, who most certainly is not a Republican, is comparing vaccine mandates to “slavery” and “birtherism.”
If a Republican said the exact things she did, it would certainly generate a post here for “Dumb Republican of the Day”
But that won’t happen. Maybe I should have just said a Mayor said it and waited for the reply.
Frankly, she has some valid points in terms of how vaccine mandates are going to disproportionately hurt people of color. I said weeks ago that Democrats would point that out if they were proposed.
Well the mayor of Boston is wrong..
Vaccine passports should have been a thing months ago. The overwhelming number of politicians who have cried bloody murder over them have been Republicans.
If we have to have vaccine passports, then there should be no objection at all to Voter ID passports.
Equating a public health measure to possibly save lives with a Republican voting suppression measure.
Of course we all know he’s Not a Republican!
The only reason for voter ID passports is that Republicans know that a lot Of Democrats live in large cities and they ate less likely to have drivers licenses. Furthermore, this will make the voting lines in the cities even longer, discouraging some voters.
Weird that someone who acknowledges vaccines are saving hundreds of thousands of lives would equate them to voter ID–which would prevent, what–a dozen cases of voter fraud nation wide?
I mean that’s weird for someone who claims they aren’t “tribal”. Completely normal for reactionaries as evidenced by how many Facebook memes I’ve seen shared by red hat boot lickers
As I explained inexpertly and perhaps tediously above, an indoor mask prevents the wearer from spreading this highly-infectious variant (it might offer the wearer some protection, too, but that’s incidental).
And vaccinated people can still catch the virus, show no symptoms, and pass it on to others, vaccinated and unvaccinated, just as much as unvaccinated people who catch the virus can pass it onto others.
Even if the person you infect is also vaccinated, he or she may (symptomatic or not) pass it onto someone else, and so on and so on.
Those with wonky minds and long memories may recall the R-nought figure, or the number of people on average who catch the virus from you. Infections decrease when R-nought drops below 0.9.
Since “dumb Republican of the day” seems to upset you do much(kind of odd for one who has “disassociated “themselves from the Republican Party but whatever) ,
Why don’t you run a dumb Democrat of the day?”
He’d rather whine that the rest of us don’t do so.
AFSCME in Illinois (not exactly a Republican group of folks) are threatening to strike over state vaccine mandates.
Please do not use my first name on here. I have asked nicely before.
james has previously said he would delete any post that referenced my first name in such a way but has not followed through with that.
Time permitting, I will return later today to deal with the other attacks.
Time permitting? Just come back on your lunch hour Corey. That should give you all the time you need to spew any Republican bullshit that you like.
And there’s no need to call sharp disagreements, or valid corrections, as “attacks”. I don’t feel attacked when others here cite what they consider to be closer to truth than what I have (sometimes mistakenly) cited or summarized.
Yes, the birth certificate nonsense. It wasn’t only Trump who played that racist card, but the ex-Governor of Massachusetts (now living in one of his houses in another state) pulled it out in his birthplace state (another state) to remind everyone that Obama was “other.”
There is no question that Romney and his campaign used their dog whistles to appeal to white grievance back in 2012. They just weren’t very good at it. Rank amateurs compared to Trump.
That racist crap has been going on since LBJ signed the civil rights act, and everyone knows it.
OK, here’s the edited version. [James can delete the earlier one from 10:04 a.m.]
This is what Boston’s Acting Mayor Kim Janey actually said, as transcribed by The Boston Globe from the audio of WCVB-tv (ABC-Boston 5):
“When it comes to what businesses may choose to do, we know that those types of things are difficult to enforce when it comes to vaccines. There’s a long history in this country of people needing to show their papers whether we’re talking about this from the standpoint of, you know as a way to, after, during slavery, post slavery,” Janey said during a Tuesday public appearance, according to audio from WCVB. “As recent as, you know, what the immigrant population has to go through here. We heard Trump with the birth certificate nonsense.” (Before Trump was elected president, he publicly fueled false rumors and stoked conspiracy theories about Barack Obama’s birthplace.)
Janey, who is the first woman and first Black Bostonian to serve as mayor, continued, “Here, we want to make sure that we are not doing anything that would further create a barrier for residents of Boston or disproportionately impact BIPOC communities.”
Needless to say, some of her four rivals for the mayor’s office, as well as various right-wing outlets, expressed or feigned outrage at the most-selective way possible to interpret those remarks. The full New York Post story that CG links to above, but selectively paraphrases, is in fact pretty objective.
Acting Mayor Janey is hesitant, partly for the reasons she gave above, to follow New York in implementing some kind of universal restriction on public spaces that are not part of the government, such as restaurants.
But Boston’s public-school students and teachers will definitely be required to wear them when the new school year begins.
Janey said that while she is “leaning” towards a universal mandate for municipal employees, and may implement one, her current priority is negotiating the matter with their unions.
See also:
Morning folks.,,
As expected….
There IS gonna be a YUGE Infrastructure bill pasted……
We’ll be watching the Andrew Cuomo saga play out….
And ole’ Mitch will go along with the Biden program ….
Who knew?
Dumb Dead One of the Day
Youngkin Flamed Out Before Running for Governor
Bloomberg: “After Carlyle’s founders gave him a shot at co-running the firm in 2018, he flamed out. In an industry where leadership teams work together for decades, his co-CEO quickly established dominance, diminishing Youngkin’s clout.”
As Youngkin told Fox News host Tucker Carlson in May: “You know Tucker, this is why I quit my job last summer. I actually could not recognize my home state of Virginia.”
“But at Carlyle the circumstances of his exit aren’t really a secret: He retired after a power struggle that left him in charge of more modest businesses. Current and former employees, asking not to be identified discussing internal business, describe a checkered record at odds with his campaign’s portrayal.”
James, did you remove my posts from today’s thread?
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka has died suddenly.
Rep Cori Bush says “defunding the police” needs to happen but defends her spending on private security.
I could care less what Cori Bush says – other than the fact that it is usually not helpful to the Party, and I wish she didn’t say it.
not an insignificant “other”