Reading the media one would think things are one sided….
Republican lawmakers across the country forwarding more and more legislation to limited times, locations, and require more and more hops to jump thru to cast their votes…
Add to that….
A Supreme Court that just gave those Republican lawmakers a pass to do just whatever they want with their voting rules and regulations …
Of Course Congress IS not gonna address Voting Rights now that Donald Trump is out their crying because too many people actually voted AGAINST him and his party people actually counted the votes ….
4/12 years after America’s first and only Black President?
Civil Rights leaders are chewing on that ex-Black President’s wingman to NOT let Ringwingnuts disfranchise people from voting against ‘their’ choices….
“If we don’t put the street heat on, it will not happen,” said the Rev. Al Sharpton, founder of the National Action Network.
Marc Morial, president of the National Urban League, said that nearly every lever of government is being used to target the right to vote.
“When we look at what is happening in this nation,” he said, “we see an effort to impose a system of American apartheid.”
The renewed efforts come as Democratic voting legislation has stalled in Congress, as courts have ruled against their efforts, and as the party heads into the 2022 midterm elections facing historical trends that put their tenuous House and Senate majorities at risk.
The meeting at the White House, which came at Biden’s request, took place several hours after Vice President Harris announced that the Democratic National Committee was making a $25 million infusion into efforts to expand voting.
“This is the fight of our nation’s lifetime,” Harris said during remarks on voting rights, referring to new state laws and attempts to pass two bills in Congress.
“I want to make clear that this is about all voters . . . this is not about Democrats or Republicans; this is about Americans,” Harris said. “We want to help you vote, and we want to help make sure your vote is counted. And that is because our democracy is strongest when everyone participates, and it is weaker . . . when people are left out.”….
image….The Rev. Al Sharpton and other leaders of top civil rights organizations speak following a meeting with President Biden and Vice President Harris at the White House Thursday. (Demetrius Freeman/The Post
Unfortunately,there is little Biden can do but jawbone.
But make no mistake…
NONE of this has anything to do with so called “reform.”
This is nothing but a desperate effort by Republicans to suppress the minority vote.
It was totally inspired by Republican Lies that the election was stolen from Trump,even as election officials ,many of them Republicans, admitted that this was one of the smoothest run elections they had seen.
In essence, there was nothing to “reform.”
I agree Jack….
It didn’t work in November
Democrats will have redouble their effort’s
The more Trump is in the news ?
The BETTER it might be?