They have faught this in the past as discriminatory …
Now a Washington Post piece thinks that view is softening ?
Among Democrats in Red states….
Any surprise in this?
The idea in the piece is that Democrats are soooo desperate for a voter reform bill getting thru the US Senate that they’ll give up the vote ID fight….
Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, a leader of Democrats’ voting rights push, was asked last week on CNN whether she “could accept this compromise, what Joe Manchin laid out, even if voter ID was part of it.”
“That’s one of the fallacies of Republican talking points that have been deeply disturbing,” Abrams said. “No one has ever objected to having to prove who you are to vote. It’s been part of our nation’s history since the inception of voting.”
Similarly, Sen. Raphael G. Warnock (D-Ga.) said he never full-stop objected to voter ID and suggested it’s a common-sense idea when done right.
“I have never been opposed to voter ID,” Warnock said, according to NBC News. He added, per The Washington Post’s Mike DeBonis and Vanessa Williams: “I don’t know anybody who believes that people shouldn’t have to prove that they are who they say they are.”…
Republicans and the media are shopping around a poll that has 80% of Americans for ‘some sort’ of photo ID….62% of Democrats….
The American public has always been strongly supportive of voter ID requirements. Opposing it is an extreme position, which is why politically conscious Democrats are now changing their tune.
One’s in the South…
I’ve NEVER been asked for ID in voting for decades…
I doubt many here either…
Jack maybe in SC
If you ever voted early, you would be asked to show a ID. Of course, you have chosen to not vote rather than vote early.
Voter ID requirements, considering how often we have to show ID’s for so many other things, should not be a big deal. ID’s should be provided, free of charge, for anyone who does not already have one.
I voted early for the November election….
NO ONE in the room was asked for ID CG….
NEVER seen it here in LI NY…..
Not heard of it in NYC either….
I’d guess it isn’t a Blue state thing either……
And of course your last is the point…
Some people do NOT have photo ID….
Maybe credit/debit cards….
GOPer’s can smile and say….
They can’t vote….
I do NOT see voter ID as a BIG selling point for Blue state Democrats….
Nice angle for a media piece though….
Over 80% of Americans support a Voter ID requirement.
You can go the Trump route and call it “fake news” or a “fake poll” but that has always been the case in regards to voter ID.
The fact that you have not been asked for ID (I have not either when I voted on Election Day) is not anywhere close to the point.
Very few people do not have a state issued photo ID. Those that do not, should be provided one, free of charge.
In fact CG?
I am VERY doubtful Democrats on the whole will support voter ID….
I doubt there is actually gonna be Vote Reform Law that’s worth a nickel….
Republicans well being depends on voter suppression NOT ‘Reform’….
That’s ridiculous. Nothing but partisan talking points.
The overwhelming majority of Americans, regardless of party, believe there should be a voter ID requirement. If Democrats want to die on that hill, it will be to their political detriment.
Support for voter ID drops when Republicans admit why they want it. To reduce voter turnout among certain Americans.
Namely those who don’t generally vote Republican.
Indeed Scott….
U ever have ro show ID?
You aren’t even trying to be serious.
Contrary to what CG said, the proportion of citizens who do not have state-issued ID is something between 5% & 10%.
Of course, that’s not evenly distributed. The poorer or less Angl0-white you are, the less likely you are to drive a car or need an alternate state ID for much else (I’ve never driven and only got my first RI state ID about 5 years ago.)
If you don’t have a stable address, then you probably don’t have too many other documents such as a utility bill.
I have said several times that those who do not have ID (you put it at under 10%) should have them provided free of charge, People need them for all sorts of frequent activities.
Whenever 80 percent of Americans in our divided times agree on *anything*, it’s pretty telling. What is the harm in having an ID requirement when those already exist for so many other things.
As seen by the polling data, non-whites are even more supportive of this than whites.
‘Should have?’
By who?
By the same entity that provides state ID’s
WTF is gonna go do that?
Like was pointed out here
Most do not have ability to do that or they would have…..
If they have the ability to vote in person, they have the ability to obtain an ID. Without an ID, they already cannot do many things.
If needed, the government can provide them with the service of an ID in their home or at a local store or provide transportation to them for the purpose of obtaining the ID
What are talking about?
The ‘government’ has enough of it own issues
And everyday we read about those IN government in certain placed working hard to NOT help people vote….
I KNOW u known what i’m getting at….
The government already issues IDs You are confused as usual.
They issue drivers licenses photo ID….
True that
A 70 year old that don’t drive?
A 25 year old that lives in a city that doesn’t drive
The government is gonna send them an ID card?
Their are few city or state photo ID cards fot those who do NOT drive
Photo ID’s are issued to all kinds of adults who do not drive. I thought you would know that.
They are needed to get on airplanes and many other things.
Voter ID is also required in just about every other democracy.
There was a time when the left said Americans should stop being so ethnocentric and look to other places for guidance.
U can get a phone ID in NYS….
Some people don’t have means to get them….
Nor do do they need them to vote
I oppose Voter ID, and opposed it when it came to Rhode Island, but I can’t be so certain as James that most Democrats do oppose it, Of course, much depends on how a question is worded.
Here’s the article I put before into another comment section, but which James may have forgotten.
POLL: Majority of Dems, Non-White Voters Support Voter ID Laws
National Review
June 21, 2021 3:45 PM
A majority of Democrats and non-white voters support requiring voters to present photo identification in order to cast a ballot, according to a Monmouth University Polling Institute survey released on Monday.
The survey asked respondents whether “in general” they “support or oppose requiring voters to show a photo ID in order to vote.” Among respondents, 62 percent of Democrats said they support requiring photo ID, while the number rose to 87 percent among Independents and 91 percent among Republicans.
Additionally, 84 percent of non-white respondents said they supported requiring photo ID, along with 77 percent of white respondents. People with college degrees were less likely to support ID requirements, with 69 percent of respondents with four years of college supporting compared with 85 percent of respondents with no degree.
The survey was conducted by phone from June 9th to 14th, and comprised 810 American adult respondents. The poll’s margin of error is 3.5 percentage points….
Manchin will vote to have the Vote Reform bill come up for a vote
How about voter ID with sane day registration and a 3 day holiday for all federal elections?
Is that something Republicans would agree to?
Same day registration
I have issues with the concept of “same day registration” because of the possibility it could lead to people trying to vote in the same election in different states or different locations, such as those who are in another state for school, etc at the time of an election. But I would be open to at least hearing the proposal. I think the Manchin compromise legislation likely is a positive thing. The other bill is full of very bad ideas.
As for a “three day holiday” for voting, what days? Friday, Saturday, and Sunday?
I do not like that idea. I also think that if there were a new three day holiday, a whole lot of people would be focused far more on a holiday weekend than voting and turnout would very much decrease. We already have a lot of early voting and vote by mail options for those who cannot or do not wish to go on a Tuesday to a local polling place between 6 am and 7 pm or whatever the hours are in that state.
If it means MORE voters?
100% correct James.
CG will either ignore or pussy foot around this but I’ll eat my hat if Republicans EVER want to see more people vote.
The weird thing is with the Trump takeover of the GOP the party is more likely to do better in certain areas (namely Florida) when more non regular voters show up.
The reason? Republicans are losing ground with educated suburban voters who turn up at every election and gaining ground with the poorly educated mostly white working class that only occasionally turn out.
There ARE hints about a possible 2018 …2022 Midterm instead of a 2010 one……
The Trump stuff connects with hardcore Republicans….
Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) must have been unthinking when he told the PBS NewsHour Tuesday evening that leaving voter rules to the states shouldn’t be changed because it’s always worked.
Seems to have forgotten about how registration was handled in over a dozen states for a hundred years (15th Amendment be damned).
Twisted History to fit whatever?
Sen. John Thune:
Well, the federal government does have some control over elections with respect to time, place and manner.
But in terms of conduct of elections, states have always done that. We have always deferred to them. It’s something that has been relegated to the states. And it’s worked well, I think, throughout our nation’s history. [my emphasis – DSD]
The argument here is that we need this massive sort of federal expansion of — when it comes to voting in this country and elections, when, in fact, what you’re seeing a lot of the states across the country are efforts to try, as I said, strengthen and improve their elections process, which is consistent with the way that it’s always been done.
Bull Shit!
“Worked well?”
Not according to Trump and Thunes Party.
He needs to get with the program.
Is Thune one that won’t admit Biden won the election last year.
Hey Jon. Maybe these changes will stop another “steal”.
No, Thune is not one of them. Trump has called for Thune to be defeated in a primary. Nobody has stepped forward to run though.
To back up CG, here’s a later passage from John Thune’s interview with Judy Woodruff on PBS NewsHour (as linked above). My own emphasis added below.
Judy Woodruff:
What we know is going on — and voting rights groups have pointed this out — that you now have a number of state legislatures, Republican-controlled, around the country that are trying to tighten and deny access to voters, based on the false claim that the 2020 election was fraudulent, that actually President Trump won.
We know that is not true. So, why not try to take steps that will undo a falsehood?
Sen. John Thune:
Well, I don’t — I don’t view it, I guess, that way.
I have no — I have never second-guessed the outcome of the 2020 election. There are voters across this country who I believe do, based on statements that the president, former president, had made, and it has created a lot of distrust of our elections.
And I don’t think that passing a partisan bill that federalizing or consolidates power in Washington over elections is going to lessen that mistrust in our elections.
Judy Woodruff:
But, Senator…
Sen. John Thune:
And, frankly, I think the only way that we’re going to do that, Judy, is to maintain clean elections in this country.
And I don’t know how having Washington administer elections does that.
Comment above stuck in moderation.
Ur up…
Those who wish to vote and whom are eligible, should vote.. once.. per election.. on the appropriate ballot that correlates to all the jurisdictions that encompass their main residence.
And they can.
Partisans on both sides of course hope for their voters to vote and for the other candidates’ voters to stay home. Democrats have certainly taken many steps overseas to try to discount overseas military ballots, etc.
But voting is the citizens’ responsibility and if they want to vote and are eligible, they can do so, once per election, on the appropriate ballot. We have already made it easier than ever to do so.
That should not be controversial.