Things a whole lot better than a year ago…..
(Around my way…The VAST majority of people still wear masks)
The Washington Post numbers
They have 177.1 million Americans have had A vaccination….53.3%
They have have 149.7 million Americans fully vaccinated….45.1%
These numbers are FAR from anything President Biden is wishing for….
Blue states ARE doing better…
Some Red states are NOT….
Cases , hospitalizations, tests and deaths continue to drop by mostly double digits…
Biden and Harris traveling around has NOT affected the drastic drop in shots….
This as American for intents and purposes is trying to ‘open back up’….
In the past week in the U.S. …
Among reported tests, the positivity rate was 1.9%.
The number of tests reported fell 34.6% from the previous week.
Washington Post ...Link….
Virus update lest week of June 2021….
Currently One shot Vaccinated 54%…..
Forecast for 70% vaccinated could be Dec….
90% maybe a year from now….
While there’s nothing wrong with optimism, it must be cautious because of huge pockets of unvaccinations (in some parts of isolated, undereducated Red America as high as 70%) and the possibility that these open pockets could speed the mutation of Covid-19’s variants.
Early July 2021 Virus Update…..
Cases 15,259 +35% 33,746,442
Tests 625,841 –12% —
Hospitalized 17,140 Flat —
Deaths 182 –40% 605,426
State of the virus
Update for July 7
About 250 deaths are being reported each day, the fewest since March 2020. Case numbers remain near their lowest levels since testing became widely available, but they have started to trend slowly upward.
The uptick in cases is primarily due to localized outbreaks in places with low vaccination rates. Parts of Arkansas, Missouri, Texas and Nevada are struggling as the Delta variant spreads.
Most of the country continues to see very low case rates. The outlook is especially positive east of the Mississippi River and on the West Coast.
NY Times
J & J ‘s vaccine is just NOT having a good roll out….
The Food and Drug Administration is preparing to announce a new warning for the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine saying the shot has been linked to a serious but rare side effect called Guillain-Barré syndrome, in which the immune system attacks the nerves, according to four individuals familiar with the situation….
Israel starts administering third dose of Pfizer vaccine to at-risk adults
Israel’s Ministry of Health on Monday began offering a third dose of the Pfizer vaccine to severely immunocompromised adults in what health experts say could be the first phase of an experiment to provide coronavirus booster shots for older people and the most vulnerable….
Guillain-Barré syndrome is also a very distant risk for aspirin.
I don’t know if the J&J vaccine has a similar rate of complications, but if it’s the same or lower, then it should be on the same level as aspirin warnings: i.e. most people can take it (and some with blood-clot risk should take small doses daily) but one should also watch out for known risk factors and use Tylenol (acetaminophen) or another drug instead.
Zreebs may know more with his actuarial expettise.
Sorry – I have no expertise in this area.
The piece dies point out that the reaction are in less than 1% of the public…..