This is my second piece on the coming riff between the ex-President and the Republican leader of the US Senate…
Trump , as always is about Donald Trump…Himself…
McConnell, is about Republican political power in Congress…
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell made one thing very clear: He is going to work very hard to make sure that the strongest general election candidate emerges from contested GOP primaries for the Senate next year.
“There’s no question that in order to win, you have to, in most states that are going to determine who’s in the majority next time, you have to appeal to a general election audience,” McConnell told conservative radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt on Monday. “And some of the candidates who filed in these primaries clearly aren’t. I’ll be keeping an eye on that. Hopefully, we won’t have to intervene. But if we do, we will.”
McConnell’s statement is rightly understood as a warning to former President Donald Trump, who has said repeatedly of late that he wants to play a very active role in the 2022 campaign.
While Trump hasn’t set out any sort of guidelines for which candidates he will endorse and why, we have some strong clues. Trump likes people (and politicians) who like him. The more you praise Trump (and adhere to his increasingly-wild conspiracy theories), the more favorably inclined he is toward you.
Which, you will notice, has nothing to do whether a candidate has the best chance of winning a seat in next November’s general election. Trump is about Trump — and his endorsements seem very likely to echo that self-focus. McConnell, like him or hate him, has long been focused on the Party, and securing as many seats as possible for the GOP….
No contest…
Trump wins.
We have already seen McConnell wimp out in a direct collision with the Party Leader .
I don’t think Trump’s the second coming
As recent a few weeks ago a Trumpist lost ….
McConnell WILL get some wins…
Has nothing to do with a “second coming.”(another one of those goofy asides of yours .Takes it’s place with “people can be more than one thing,” “It’s complex” and several other inanities of yours,meaningless gibberish)
It has to do with power within the Republican Party.
McConnell is a power in the Senate and the Republicans there are loyal to him there for that reason.Outside the Senate?Not so much.
No Republican in say SC, Missouri (as I’m sure Scott can attest) or most states for that matter would care a great deal whoMitch is for.They would greatly care though about a Trump endorsement in a Republican primary.
Further,since his rabid denunciations of Trump after the Jan 6 insurrection McConnell has stepped much more gingerly around Trump.This “fight” you see brewing will likely turn out not to be too much.
Indeed. One of the indicted Republicans looking to succeed Roy Blunt in the Senate is attending the “Arizona audit”. Entertaining a lie to impress followers of Mitch McConnell I’m sure!
Georgia US Senate race Trump debacle
Didn’t we just have a special election Trumpist LOSE?
to Democrats.
What are you trying to say?
And yea Jack….
You DO seem to think Donald J. Trump IS the second coming for ALL Republicans NOTHING is gonna change ur mind here until he’s rolled over and then U still might be holding on to his ‘ALMIGHTY’ power ….
He, he, he…
Me sound like a Republican?
You have me beat by a country mile…..
More silliness.
I KNOW U have pictures of Trump walking on the water, Right?
This will make ya happy….
Trump Will Resume Rallies In Ohio and Florida
“Former President Donald Trump will head to Ohio and Florida over the next three weeks to hold the kinds of mass rallies with rank-and-file supporters that fueled his White House campaigns,” USA Today reports.
As far as a House or Senate Election in 2022 or 2024…Donald Trump’s Endorsement is so much more important it isn’t even funny. Now if you said that when a victorious Republican senator entered the Senate Chamber as an elected official then the balance of power is back in McConnel’s favor, but outside in the vote getting world, no one anywhere cares about a Mitch McConnell Endorsement. Shit, in fact for Republicans it isn’t a very goo endorsement as Trump has many times bashed Mitch.
But the world of elections is a popularity contest and Trump is the most popular Republican by far and away. Despite all the negative aspects that come with him, he is still the most popular Republican, despite the losses, etc…that just goes to show you the Delusion of the Republican Party…But Turkey Neck Mitch isn’t shit to Trump…
I am NOT saying GOPer’s wouldn’t want Trump’s ok…..
Most of course would
But some will NOT….
Some have not..
We’ll see how ‘popular’ the Big guy as he begins doing touring to raise money and divert attention from his legal woes
As i have pointed out before?
Perceptions …..
MORE on my theory about Donald Trump’s loss of influence….
Trump Struggles to Clear Senate Primary Fields
“A growing number of GOP Senate contenders are spurning former President Donald Trump’s wishes with campaigns that defy his criticism or ignore his support of a rival, as the Republican Party debates his role in its future,” CNN reports.