He’s right…..
Republicans would NEVER support giving black people money for just being black….
Their supporters would throw them out of office….
Even with the new focus on the horrible Tulsa Race actions in the past….
That said?
President Biden has shown strong support against racism and his admin in the most diverse ever….
People of color rallied to get him elected and he seems to not have forgotten THAT….
As a candidate, Biden said he supported a commission on reparations. But the administration has yet to endorse the actual bill. After his speech Tuesday, the president met with the members of the Congressional Black Caucus, who brought up the need for H.R. 40, which is named after the “40 acres and a mule” promise that now symbolizes the lack of support formerly enslaved people received from the federal government. According to those involved in the conversations, Biden let them down gently.
“He didn’t disagree with what we’re doing,” said Rep. Brenda Lawrence (D-Mich.), the 2nd vice chair of the CBC. “He did talk about his plate [being] full with trying to get the infrastructure bill passed and that he really wanted to make sure that he could get that through before he took on anything else.”
Biden’s biggest concern on H.R. 40, Lawrence said, is “getting it through the Senate.” The bill also hasn’t even been scheduled for a full floor vote in the House, where it has 188 co-sponsors.
Tuesday in Tulsa illustrated the dichotomy that has come to define Biden’s approach to issues of race and race equity. No president has so forcefully called out the nation’s sordid history. At the same time, Biden has downplayed the likelihood of legislative action, sidestepping calls for him to embrace rules reform in the Senate to allow easier passage of relevant bills. In addition to expressing fear that H.R. 40 would die in the Senate behind the scenes, Biden also announced on Tuesday that he was handing off the voting rights portfolio to his Vice President Kamala Harris.
For the nearly all-Black crowd inside the cultural center, which included the three remaining survivors of the massacre, descendants, local leaders and activists, the Tulsa speech was a milestone. They watched and clapped as Biden went into detail about the massacre and drew a throughline to issues Black people still face today….
Reparations doesn’t have a chance cause Republicans won’t support them?
The filibuster will survive because two Democrats have been saying for months now they won’t vote to get rid of it?
It’s sure a good thing we have you here to tell us these things.
Why I had never thought or heard anything about this.
Must be why people come here from far and wide to get their information!
Thanks Jack!
“Reparations” (and always has been) a totally-counerproductive slogan, just like “Defund the Police”.
All they do is close people’s ears and minds before you have a chance to explain the very-worthwhile, indeed necessary, ideas behind them.
What’s wrong with reparations is that it sounds like individual white people today have committed some horrible crime against black people today. What sounds like guilt-tripping is almost guaranteed no to work.
However, as a whole, as a matter of justice now (more than doing penance for some current crime) are some serious national actions, goals and commitments to redressing and compensating for some huge inequalities that are currently baked into the system (which, contrary to Fox News, is what systemic racism, structural racism and institutional racism really mean).
The idea of sending some large government cheque to millions of Afro-Americans is a complete non-starter guaranteed to do nothing but encourage white voters to vote Republican.
And I’m not sure what a better title might be, perhaps something like “Restoration”.
Great political point DSD….
But if you go back?
You COULD actually include Native Americans, Asian’s and Blacks….
All groups that that history shows where ran over, suffered violence and marginalised systematically to THIS DAY….
Led by Donald Trump….
Some folks seem to be making a last ditch effort to keep at this as their numbers keep dwindling….
Not Jews though. Already have too much power?
Or Irish-Americans?
Thank You CG…..
Almost every incoming group has been knocked…
But the Euoprean’s have a advantage ….
Skin color….
Not all American Jews have white skin or originated from Europe.
And for those that do, that certainly has never mattered to the Klan or neo-Nazis, et al
That is true on the skin color of some Jews