Democrats also seem unable to get much of any headway there….
The state IS a VERY friendly place to BUSINESS and Trade with Mexico the place Republicans knock , but make money off of….
(And Americans get on airplanes and go to)
Texas keeps gaining political power. On Monday, the Census Bureau announced that the state would gain two House seats in the 2021 round of reapportionment. In the 2010 Census, it acquired four. This is a generation-long trend; since 1990, Texas has gained eight House seats.
Much of the growth in Texas over the past three decades has, as in other states, been concentrated in urban areas. Census data shows how fast the Dallas-Fort Worth metro is expanding; the map below visualizes the growth over time. Each purple dot in this map represents 250 people…
The trade is so voluminous that Texans can literally see it happen. “A tremendous amount of freight comes up and goes down to Mexico from Dallas-Fort Worth on this Interstate 35 corridor. There’s just a tremendous number of tractor trailers on it. At any one time, if you’re driving on it, you’re surrounded by trucks that are kind of going north and south.” Texas State Demographer Lloyd Potter told me.
But the Texas miracle isn’t grounded only in oil, trade and transportation. The state has no individual income tax, has cultivated business-friendly policiesand the overall tax burden on business is low. Just as important, land use laws are lax — businesses can site and build facilities quickly and developers can easily place big, cheap homes on tracts of empty land.
And, as the cities have grown, new industries have gained strength….
We’ve been able to diversify into a very broad range of industries. As these industries grow, we grow with them.”
The result: A snowball effect. Trade, oil, expanding cities and weak regulation brought in money and strengthened emerging industries. These industries brought new people and businesses into Texas’s cities — and the state kept growing.
New Texans
As a result, Texas has become a magnet for migrants from inside America. The Lone Star State nets 100,000 people from other states almost every year….
2024 Hopefuls Flock to Texas
Former Vice President Mike Pence and several other potential 2024 presidential candidates are descending upon Texas next week to thank donors to the 2020 campaign here and to help raise money to flip the U.S House next year, the Texas Tribune reports.
The group includes Pence, Chris Christie, Tom Cotton, Ron DeSantis, Mike Pompeo, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott and Rick Scott.