Good ole’ Republicans….
I’m waiting for word ‘socialism’ to be cursed at President Biden efforts to return money to people, talk about fixing their roads, offer them better childcare , offer schooling at less of a cost and of course talk about raising taxes for the rich…
This while Joe Biden IS riding a good wave of approval that is higher than anything Donald Trump EVER had?
Let me see?
Come next year Republicans are gonna run against the people who are HELPING every America get healthier, more money , get more jobs and feeling better NOT worrying if Donald Trump feels good or bacd when he wakes up the morning and doesn’t give shit about anything else?
No legislation has been written to implement Biden’s proposals, and congressional Democrats are likely to finesse and amend them as they work through the legislative process in the coming months. But nothing in Biden’s blueprint would mandate that Americans attend free community college, drive electric cars or put their children in prekindergarten.
That has made the early GOP attacks especially mind-boggling for Democrats, who responded this week by arguing that they show Republicans are out of touch with the needs of most American families, especially as the country emerges from the ravages of the covid pandemic…
An April Yahoo News/YouGov survey found 58 percent of Americans in favor of providing universal pre-K for all American children, as Biden proposes, and 60 percent in favor of creating subsidies that would reduce the cost of child care for working parents. A majority of Democrats and independents favor child-care subsidies, while Republicans were roughly split. The poll also found most Democrats and independents in favor of universal pre-K, while slightly more Republicans were opposed than they were for child-care subsidies….
Still, the scale of the GOP plans appear to fall short of what Biden is proposing in combined child-care subsidies, universal pre-K funding and other family supports — including a $3,000-per-year child tax credit. And it is unclear how much support any of the conservative alternatives have inside the GOP congressional ranks…
Something tells me Biden’s BIG tax increases for the rich are gonna be MUCH SMALLER….
Likely,that is the plan.
Oldest political trick in the book.
Decide on your figure,purposefully inflate it ,then “compromise” close to your original figure.
I’m surprised someone who is so self proclaimed politically savvy didn’t know this.
He, he, he…..
That’s funny Jack…
Yes that part about you being “politically savvy.”