This is mostly from Democratic Progressives point of view….
And is probably a bit alarmist ….
But is SHOULD be heeded….
Where the Republican Party Is Headed
Ron Brownstein: “The White House does see a risk in the possibility that Republicans—whether local election officials, GOP-controlled state legislatures, or a potential Republican majority in the U.S. House or Senate—will refuse to certify clear Democratic wins in the 2022 and 2024 elections.”
Said one senior Democrat: “Given how things have developed since January 6, if the situation is not brought under some control and this isn’t countered effectively, then I think there is a significant risk that Republican officials, unlike the ones we saw standing up to pressure in 2020, are going to decline to certify Democratic victories.”
“If Republicans hold the House, Senate, or both after the 2024 election, that could allow Congress to try to install a GOP president even if clear evidence exists that the Democrat won.”
I put NOTHING ,let me repeat NOTHING past this group of liars,cheats and thieves.
You don’t want to be “alarmist” after they openly tried to steal the presidential election,stormed the Capitol, and even as this is written 70% of them still think the election was “stolen?
Oh that’s right,They’re in a “civil war.”They “really” don’t want Trump.Blah blah blah….
You still don’t t understand what’s happened to the Republican Party.
But who cares about you?
The real question is how much longer the few Republicans ,and they are few,despite your increasingly desperate efforts to prove otherwise,will be apart of this?
Yeah when people wearing Camp Auschwitz t shirts attempt to overthrow our government and Republicans like Sen. Ron Johnson say he didn’t worry because they weren’t black it shows you what lathe GOP is today.
Of course, the GOP will try to steal an election again. And in some states, their recently passed election”reform” will make it easier for them to do so.
A new Yahoo/YouGov poll shows 73% of Republicans think that left wing protesters are to blame for the Jan 6 insurrection to “make Trump look bad”.
So all of those Republicans now in jails are actually secret BLM and anti fascist protestors?
Try Z?
They HAVE BEEN stealing shit for a while….
If you believe that?
Where does your “faith” come from?
35 House members
Every damn court about Trump’s bull shot
Including the Supremes
So you have “faith” in the 35 House Republicans many of whom are died in the wool Trump supporters?
You’re ridiculous.
Donald Trump LEFT the White House
Pence certified….
Murkoski, Romney and Yes Graham are STILL ok….
35 House members vote to investigate…
There ARE GOPer Senator’s that WILL vote to do so also..
We hear the shrilled warnings….
Someone else throws down against Donald Trump and the Right Wing Nuts…
Maybe stronger in South Carolina and few other places….
I have MORE faith in the people of the union….
Graham was never okay. I’m not sure what good qualities you and CG see in that guy?
Graham is one of Trumps biggest supporters as anyone who has a modicum of political knowledge knows.
Maybe this is “ok” with James
Maybe he has “faith” in Lindsay?
I don’t think Graham is good….
He’s trying get past Trump
There’s no evidence of that.
Indeed just last week he specifically opposed efforts to rid the party of Trump,claiming (probably correctly) that so doing
Would cause a massive desertion of the party.
More of your “faith” I presume
It’s nice for a boy to have “faith.”
Don’t forget Jack our friend told us this is all in the “rear window!”
Even though as I type this they cannot even find ten Republican Senators to set up a commission to investigate an insurrection that almost overthrew our democratically elected President.
Amazing, James praises as an accomplishment Republicans doing the things that their Constitutional oaths require.
72% of all self identified Republicans think it was liberals who rioted on January 6th. We have a problem.
He blithely ignores evidence such as that to show how unhinged Republicans have become because,well, Romney,Murkowski and Lindsay Graham are “ok.”
He’s fundamentally irrational.
For what it’s worth I was “rooting” for Republicans to do the right thing on establishing a Jan 6 commission.
Because we’ve been told that Democrats who “root for” Republicans to cling to Trump so they can run against them are a big part of the problem.
In fact i DO present evidence almost daily
But u are just as stubborn as me!
Oh well🙄
Your “evidence” is a joke.
You present nothing but occasional comments which lack substance mostly by people who no longer have any influence in the Republican Party or are simply duplicitous.
Take Paul Ryan.
He’s on the board of Fox News.If he’s so “concerned” about Trump,why doesn’t he try to stop that network from being a source of bald faced lies and a propagand outlet for Trump and the elements he “claims” to oppose?
Yup Trump IS fading
I stand by my view.,
Faith is something EVERYONE should have
“Where Republicans Control local power they are building a new infrastructure of minority rule.They are gerrymandering districts ,raising barriers to voting ,biasing election administration and politicizing election certification.There is nothing secret about this effort; everybody can see it happening.
David Frum
Former Republican speechwriter and activist.
Not to worry!35 Republicans (out of over 200 )voted for the Jan.6 investigation Commission and that gives James “faith.”
Cong.Matt Gaetz told some Georgia crackas that the purpose of the Second Amendment is to “maintain an armed rebellion against the government if that becomes necessary.”
No word yet if Gaetz made this statement before or after he ogled then 17 year olds in the crowd.
Gaetz new theme sing is the old Beatles tune”I Saw Her Standing There” where they line…
“She was just 17 you know what I mean…” is emphasized!
The man has “conservative values.”
Gaetz IS NOT gonna be a free man soon…
Has someone explained to Matt Gaetz that he still needs the vaccine even though he thinks COVID 19 is too old for him?
Senate Cloture on 1/6 Commission fails this morning 54-35-(11)
No doubt cloture (to end filibuster) will come up again, but I doubt it will pass.
54-35 would have been just over 3/5 of the 89 Senators present and voting, but apparently cloture needs 3/5 of the 100 sitting Senators (60).
4 Republican Senators voting for cloture:
Cassidy, Louisiana
Collins, Maine
Murkowski, Alaska and
Romney, Utah
10 Republicans and 1 Democrat not voting (effectively against cloture)
Blackburn (R-TN)
Blunt (R-MO)
Braun (R-IN)
Burr (R-NC)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Murray (D-WA)
Risch (R-ID)
Rounds (R-SD)
Shelby (R-AL)
Toomey (R-PA)
Sinema (D-AZ)
Question: On the Cloture Motion (Motion to Invoke Cloture Re: Motion to Proceed to H.R. 3233 )
Vote Number: 218
Vote Date: May 28, 2021, 11:24 AM
Required For Majority: 3/5
Vote Result: Cloture Motion Rejected
Measure Number: H.R. 3233 (National Commission to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol Complex Act )
Measure Title: A bill to establish the National Commission to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol Complex, and for other purposes.
Vote Counts:
YEAs 54 (48 D, 2 ind., 4 R)
NAYs 35 (all R)
Not Voting 11 (10 R, 1 D)
6 Republicans voted yes, including Portman and Sasse. Toomey was not present for the vote but said he would have voted yes.
Let me correct those numbers and names:
46 Republicans voting for cloture:Cassidy, Louisiana
Collins, Maine
Murkowski, Alaska
Portman, Ohio
Romney, Utah, and
Sasse, Nebraska
48 Democrats voting for cloture (all but Murray, Wash., & Sinema, Ariz., not voting)
2 independents voting for cloture
109 Republicans and12 Democrats not voting (effectively against cloture)Blackburn (R-TN)
Blunt (R-MO)
Braun (R-IN)
Burr (R-NC)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Risch (R-ID)
Rounds (R-SD)
Shelby (R-AL)
Toomey (R-PA)
Murray (D-WA)
Sinema (D-AZ)
Just like in the House…….
The leakage continues..
Not enough so far in the Senate
But it WILL Come…
Thanks DSD….
Another vote?
Pelosi does it from the House?
Anyone think they are just gonna drop this?
And Murkowski IS pissed
For those talking about getting fid of the filibuster?
President Biden and Manchin have said they are against that…
Joe Walsh ,the former Congressman and anti Trump radio commentator ,who challenged Trump In the 2020 primaries has had his radio show canceled.
Walsh said that the cancellation was due to the fact that the syndicate that carried his show is owned by Trumpite who had been unhappy with him for some time.
He also said that there is little room got an anti Trump conservative in the conservative media world.
Walsh is right. Conservatives don’r want to hear any bashing of Trump on right wing media+ Evenwhen it is because his principles or actions weren’t” conservative”.
Only here will you read about how conservatives are deserting Trump and he is “fading.”
What makes the whole thing even more amusing?Even anti Trump conservatives like Walsh don’t claim that.
Unluckily for them,they don’t hang out here where a keen political observer could explain it to them.That goes for most of the so called media “analysts “ too!