St Liz of Republican’s Arc?
The woman is NOT going to just go silent ….
The Republican House leader feels Her party IS trying to do a cover-up to please a ‘loser’ who might (His history and November Senate results point to ) pull the party down in the long run…
And her party members maybe making her a political martyr in the media….Something they love….
The refusal to accept reality, she realized, went much deeper.
When staff from the National Republican Congressional Committee rose to explain the party’s latest polling in core battleground districts, they left out a key finding about Trump’s weakness, declining to divulge the information even when directly questioned about Trump’s support by a member of Congress, according to two people familiar with what transpired.
Trump’s unfavorable ratings were 15 points higher than his favorable ones in the core districts, according to the full polling results, which were later obtained by The Washington Post. Nearly twice as many voters had a strongly unfavorable view of the former president as had a strongly favorable one.
Cheney was alarmed, she later told others, in part because Republican campaign officials had also left out bad Trump polling news at a March retreat for ranking committee chairs. Both instances, she concluded, demonstrated that party leadership was willing to hide information from their own members to avoid the truth about Trump and the possible damage he could do to Republican House members, even though the NRCC denied any such agenda.
Those behind-the-scenes episodes were part of a months-long dispute over Republican principles that has raged among House leaders and across the broader GOP landscape. That dispute is expected to culminate next week with a vote to remove Cheney from her position as the third-ranking House Republican.
At issue: Should the Republican Party continue to defend Trump’s actions and parrot his falsehoods, given his overwhelming support among GOP voters? Or does the party and its leaders need to directly confront the damage he has done?…
image…Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wy.) is seen during a news conference that followed an impeachment inquiry resolution vote at the U.S. Capitol on Oct. 31, 2019. (Matt McClain/The Washington Post)
Liz can join Adam Kinzinger as voices in the wilderness.
The Republican Party has made its choice.
It’s Donald Trumps Party now.
Anyone who refuses to see that is just plain old stupid,no other word for it
Why So Many Voters Want to Be Lied To
Ruth Ben-Ghiat: “Often, people just want to believe the liar. Personality cults increase the leader’s credibility, since they present him as possessed of special powers or ruling with a divine mandate, making him seem infallible. Strongmen also know how to be persuasive, especially if they previously worked as journalists (Mussolini and the Congo’s Mobutu Sese Seko), in television (Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi and Trump) or were professional dissemblers (Putin was a KGB case officer). These practiced liars work hard to seem authentic.”
“Moreover, once people bond with the leader, they may be inclined to dismiss any evidence that conflicts with his claims, or overlook contradictions in his messages. They believe him because they believe in him. Or, in an interesting twist, they know he is lying, but they decide that they don’t care: better him than his enemy (who, as they have been taught to believe, lies even more). And some people actually approve of all the lying, seeing it as rule-breaking by a rogue they adore.”
Trying to beat people into submission is Trump’s hobby….
Defeating Liz Cheney Is Trump’s Top Goal
Trump spokesman Jason Miller told the Washington Post that defeating Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) in her 2022 midterm primary is a top goal for the former president, The Hill reports.
Trump met with advisers in Florida recently to go over potential 2022 campaign endorsements, with the former president committed to backing a single candidate in order to not divide the vote among potential Cheney challengers.
Doyle McManus: Liz Cheney and Donald Trump are locked in mortal combat. So far, Trump is winning.
McConnell Safe In His Job, For Now
“Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is safe in his job despite repeated attacks from former President Trump,” The Hill reports.
“At the same time, GOP sources say that McConnell’s long-term future atop the Senate GOP may depend on what happens in the 2022 and 2024 elections and whether Trump, who is strongly considering another presidential campaign, expands his power in the party.”
Cheney GOP House leadership caucus vote appears to be on Wednesday…