They are back at it again….
It’s been how many decades?
Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, warned that it was prepared to escalate further by targeting Tel Aviv in addition to Jerusalem, and by the end of the night it had fired about 150 rockets into Israel, according to the Israeli military. No fatalities were reported. An Israeli in the southern city of Sderot was lightly injured after his car was hit by a Hamas antitank missile….
The confrontation was the latest after weeks of almost nightly clashes between Palestinians and Israeli troops in the Old City of Jerusalem, the emotional center of their conflict, during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The month tends to be a time of heightened religious sensitivities.
Most recently, the tensions have been fueled by the planned eviction of dozens of Palestinians from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of east Jerusalem where Israeli settlers have waged a lengthy legal battle to take over properties.
Israel’s Supreme Court postponed a key ruling Monday in the case, citing the “circumstances.”
Over the past few days, hundreds of Palestinians and several dozen police officers have been hurt in clashes in and around the Old City, including the sacred compound, which is known to Jews as the Temple Mount and to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary….
This IS getting worst …..
The turmoil will continue until Israel ends apartheid. But Israel won’t end it as long as governments such ours continue to support the Israeli government.
Grand Apartheid (such as establishing bantustans) rather than Petty Apartheid (segregating lunch counters).
The settlers are quite clear that they want to break up Palestinian Arab lands so much that statehood would become impossible.
This simply is NOT gonna get settled…..
DSD is correct….
The ‘land for peace’ favoring the Israeli’s was started by Ariel Sharon and continues….
Hamas and other Arabs there will NOT refute calling for the destruction of Israel…
There ARE Israeli Arabs as citizens….
I have come to the conclusion that politically?
Both sides use the situation to maintain power….
These actions will probably help Natanyahu continue to stay in off even after he just lost the ability to form a government….
I had to look up in the dictionary “bantustans”. I largely forgot about the details of apartheid in South Africa. I was living in NC in the late 80s, early 90s and I do recall that Jesse Helms and other conservatives essentially supported apartheid. I recall thinking that there was no way apartheid would end peacefully, but essentially it did, at least relatively speaking.
Speaking of Israel and South Africa, It is interesting to note that South Africa has the largest Jewish population in Africa. The Israeli government did have close ties to Apartheid South Africa in the 70s, although Israel did impose sanctions on South Africa in 1987.
The South African Nationalist Party (white) had much anti-Semitism and was unready (unlike the then-governing United Party) to join the Allies in World War II.
The join-together-against-the-world alliances (declared and undeclared) with Portugal, Rhodesia, Israel, Taiwan and others came — as I understand it — after the War (especially after the Union of South Africa became a Republic and left the Commonwealth in 1960 and after the U.N. started recommending or imposing sanctions.)
Abba Eban
Abba Eban, the Israeli Foreign Minister in 1967 came from South Africa.
Much of South Africa’s diamond cartel was run by Jewish South Africans connected to Jewish diamond-cutting and diamond-exchange communities in Antwerp (where my grandparents met), Amsterdam, Paris, London and New York.