The final results won’t out until after the summer but story is this….
Texas is gonna gain House seats when it’;s over…
Three seats it would appear right now….
American’s are moving to warmer climates….
North Carolina, Arizona , Oregon, and Colorado seem to be about to gain additional an additional House seat also….
Northern states such as New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois are seen to be losing seats to the South and Western states….California in a surprise seems to be losing population to Texas and probably will also lose a House seat…California will still have the largest number of House seats by far…
There will be complaints of undercounts in those states losing seats….
Democrats should be worried…..
They have their work cut out for them in their future in the US House of Representatives ….
The U.S. Census Bureau will release the first results of its decennial survey on Monday after a decade of explosive growth in Sun Belt states that will shift power in the House of Representatives.
Acting Census Bureau Director Ron Jarmin will announce state population counts used to apportion House seats on Monday afternoon, the Census Bureau said early Monday.
Those results are likely to show a dramatic shift in population, as more Americans leave northern Rust Belt states in favor of sunnier climes where economic opportunity is more plentiful. Yearly population trends released over the last decade suggest five of the seven states likely to see their U.S. House delegations expand are in the Sun Belt….
Population growth in the South and West is offset by continued stagnation in the Northeast and Midwest. New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois are all expected to lose at least one seat each, continuing a losing streak those states started in the middle of the 20th century. West Virginia, Rhode Island, Michigan and Minnesota are expected to lose a seat each, as is Alabama, the only Southern state to see its delegation contract.
The major outlier, for the first time in the nation’s history, is California, which appears set to lose a seat in the House for the first time since it joined the Union in 1850….
The Census also affects funding for the states….
New Open Thread is HERE!
Good Morning People….
Census report is out…
The US population droppingThe US population is HAS not declined….
It is slowing….
We need more immigrants?
Wash Post….
The United States’ population growth slowed in the past 10 years to its lowest rate since the 1930s, according to data released Monday by the U.S. Census Bureau.
The first numbers to come out of the 2020 Census show the U.S. population on April 1, 2020 — Census Day — was 331.5 million people, an increase of just 7.4 percent between 2010 and 2020. It is the second-slowest rate of expansion since the government began taking a census in 1790. In the 1930s, the decade with the slowest population growth, the rate was 7.3 percent….
Thank You for the correction DSD…
Why in heaven’s name don’t you read, absorb and understand before posting, James?
U.S. population is NOT DECLINING ! !
The U.S. population INCREASED by 7.4 % over the decade from 2010 to 2020. What declined by comparison with the previous decade (2000-2010) is the Rate of Growth.
A decelerating car doesn’t always go backwards.
My mistake was in looking at the California paragraph ….
I do read….
Political power in the United States will continue to shift south this decade, as historically Democratic states that border the Great Lakes give up congressional seats and electoral votes to regions where Republicans currently enjoy a political advantage, according to new data from the U.S. Census Bureau….
There is a report that NY is up for losing a House seat based on just 89 people in the count…
One would assume there will be some legal action on this from NY….
California is interesting.
At their launching press conference, the Census Bureau’s top demographers suggested that after allowing for natural increase (births over deaths) and a positive net international immigration (more people from abroad entering California than Californians moving abroad), these increasing factors were outweighed by net domestic migration away from California (more people leaving California for other states than out-of-state Americans entering California).
A LOT are going to Texas I hear….
There IS also going to be complaints of undercounts…
This is the primary release…
I believe the final data isn’t due out till September ..,..
I would also assume again that there WILL BE some legal actions against the conclusions.
Why not?
Always is…lawsuits too.
Theyll go nowhere of course.
What you see today is pretty much what the final result will be with some relatively minor,unimportant adjustments here and there .
When I took the 1980 Census in Berkeley, California, Berkeley’s population came in just under the magic number of 100,000. Apparently, this number divided those municipalities entitled to direct grants and powers from those who were not. (In Germany, a grossstadt or major city, is one with more than 100,000.)
Local officials were entitled, in the summer of 1980 (after the April 1st count) to ask for a recanvass or recounting, so we went back out to see if any inhabitants had been missed (I remember finding 6 extra souls in one evening.) Berkeley did push just over 100,000 after the recanvass.
I don’t know if the local officials have already had their say, or whether they can still ask for further attempts to count their population.
But I certainly expect the leaders of New York state to do so this year. Should the Empire State regain its lost congressional seat, I and a million Rhode Islanders hope it’s not at the expense of taking away one of the two seats that Little Rhody has had since 1790.
Thanks DSD for process info….
New York most defiantly WILL contest this preliminary count number….
If New York regains a seat, it will be at Minnesota’s expense.
Rhode Island is apparently significantly further down the list of possible losers.
We just want to not LOSE a House seat….
gaining another one would be GREAT!
89 votes = NO NET lose for NY….
Oops. I made the same mistake about California that James did about the whole country.
The Golden State did not lose people from 2010 to 2020. In fact she gained about 3 1/2 million (that’s more than three Rhode Islands) to come in just short of 40 million (more than Canada).
But apparently due to the factors I discussed in my previous post, her population’s net increase did not keep pace with the rest of the country, so she will have a smaller share of the 435 Congressional seats (and 538 Electoral votes).
This census piece is probably poorly written in that TWO scholars at this place would get the numbers wrong!
No, James, I got my figures directly from the Census Bureau’s own press conference yesterday afternoon.,
I can’t blame someone else’s writing or reporting.
So it’s just on u?
Nothing like going directly to the source….
Texas could become a key battle ground in the next ten years…if the Dem’s could ever flip Texas, that is like an instant win…
Biden got a highest percentage of the presidential vote In Texas of any Democrat in over 50 years.with almost 46.5 percent
Better than all Democrats since 1980.
In 1976,Jimmy Carter won the state (last Democrat to do so ) with 51%.
Should be “almost” 50 years.
21 at 3:33 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 120 Comments
Dave Wasserman summarizes the electoral implications of the new U.S. Census:
States gaining one seat: Colorado, Florida, Montana, North Carolina, Oregon
States gaining two seats: Texas
States losing one seat: California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia
Under these allocations, Joe Biden would have won 303 electoral votes instead of 306 in 202
Contrary to many people’s expectation, Rhode Island did not lose a Congressional seat (still 2), while Montana did gain one (now 2).
Montana’s gain (not balanced by an RI decline) reduces the number of single-member (3-electoral-vote) states from 7 to 6: Delaware, Vermont, N & S Dakota, Wyoming and Alaska.
I should add that West Virginia joined the two-member club by losing a seat (3 > 2), Rhode Island by keeping both districts (2 > 2) and Montana by gaining one (1 > 2).
One seat: 6 states (-1 state)
Vermont, Delaware, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming & Alaska.
Two seats: 6 states (+2 states)
Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, West Virginia (-1), Montana (+1), Idaho & Hawaii
Three seats: 2 states (-1 state)
Nebraska & New Mexico
The big question (although purely speculative and theoretical) in my mind is whether Trump’s deliberate sabotage and curtailing of the 2020 Census hurt or helped Republicans as a whole.
Trump wanted to have a hurried final Census report go to the last Congress (and during his Presidency), so that he could tinker with the definition of who was a countable resident by excluding the undocumented and then have Congress reapportion seats (and Electoral Votes) for 2013-2023 using his basis — rather than the historic one — before their terms expired.
No such luck.
But what intrigues me is what effect any undercounting minorities and hard-to-reach rural and inner-city residents had on the Census’ political effects.
What I imagine is that it might have taken away possible extras seats not only from blue states such as California, Nevada and New Mexico, but also from Florida and Texas (as well as purplish Georgia and Arizona).
On the other hand, within every state (and within many counties), undercounting minorities and the poor would have increased Republican power.
There is bound to be media queries about the Trump influence going forward…
And yes a full count COULD even help Red states…
But the constitution says essentially EVERYONE in a state!
State’s have to spend money on those here documented AND UNDOUCUMENTED….
Count ‘m ALL!
Governor Andrew Cuomo said his office is exploring whether New York can contest a Census count that cost the state a congressional seat after being just 89 residents short…
Morning People…
It will be interesting to see how Illinois redistricting plays out with the state losing a congressional seat.
Right now the Illinois suburbs of St. Louis contain about 600,000 residents out of the total 3 million in the Metro area.
However those 600,000 have beem divided into 3 congressional districts that also spread into more rural and conservative southern Illinois. Right now all three are held by Republicans but 2 are fairly competitive districts. If that changes it could allow a Democrat a better chance at picking off one of those districts.
‘Sickening’: Wildlife conservationists outraged after NRA head Wayne LaPierre shoots elephant in Botswana
Grace Hauck
Wildlife conservationists are outraged after video released by the New Yorker and The Trace on Tuesday shows the head of the National Rifle Association and his wife fatally shooting two now-endangered elephants in Botswana in 2013.
The news outlets said they obtained a copy of the video, which was originally filmed for an NRA-sponsored television series but never aired because of public relations concerns.
In the 10-minute video, Wayne LaPierre Jr., executive vice president of the NRA, can be seen shooting and wounding a savanna elephant his guides tracked for him in Botswana’s Okavango Delta. The video shows LaPierre failing to kill the animal with three shots at point-blank range as the animal lies immobile on the ground.
“You want to do it for him?” one of the guides finally says to another before one man fires the final shot.
Afterward, the guides pat LaPierre on the back, saying “well done,” “congratulations” and “That was one heck of an elephant hunt.”
The NRA did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Savanna elephants were moved to endangered status this year on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Endangered Species, a global authority on the status of species, according to the Center for Biological Diversity, a U.S.-based nonprofit working to protect endangered species.
“Savannah elephants were just declared endangered by international experts, and these intelligent beings certainly shouldn’t be used as paper targets by an inept marksman,” Tanya Sanerib, international legal director at the Center for Biological Diversity, said in a statement.
“It’s sickening to see LaPierre’s brutal, clumsy slaughter of this beautiful creature. No animal should suffer like this. We’re in the midst of a poaching epidemic, and rich trophy hunters like the NRA chief are blasting away at elephants while the international community calls for stiffer penalties for poachers – what message does that send?”
The second half of the video shows guides helping Susan LaPierre to shoot another elephant. As she fires the first shot, the elephant falls to the ground. She fires another into the elephant’s stomach before cutting off the elephant’s tail and holding it up to the camera.
“Victory,” she says, adding, “That’s my elephant tail. Way cool.”
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a U.S.-based animal rights organization, called on Congress to “watch the video, condemn the murder of animals for their body parts by trophy addicts, and have the courage to reject NRA money.”
From Teresa Hanafin’s Boston Globe Fast Forward newsletter:
I guess it’s her right to be dumb, but … I sure wish she wasn’t running a school. Leila Centner, co-founder and CEO of Centner Academy, a private school in Miami, is prohibiting her teachers and other employees from getting vaccinated against COVID-19. And if they do, they’ll be out of a job.
I’ll pause a minute here to let you re-read that.
First, let’s review some facts.
mRNA vaccines — that’s the type you’re getting from Pfizer and Moderna — have been in development for decades. Decades. Pharmaceutical companies didn’t jump to try to get them approved and manufactured because a) they weren’t needed; other vaccines were able to handle various infectious diseases that have cropped up, and b) they’re not easy to handle — super low temperatures and all that.
Nonetheless, Moderna has been conducting tests and trials of mRNA vaccines for about 10 years, which helped position it to be one of the first out of the gate when this novel coronavirus showed up.
(Interesting side note: Researchers have been studying mRNA vaccines in relation to their potential to destroy cancer.)
So when some people say the COVID-19 vaccines are “experimental,” well, they’re wrong.
With much of the chassis already in place, all the pharmaceutical companies had to do was grab the new coronavirus’s genetic code, synthesize the piece of mRNA needed to create an immune response, and insert it into the existing framework.
(I don’t mean to make it sound so simple that a kid with a Lego set could do it, but rather to point out that these researchers were not starting from scratch. Far from it.)
This is important: The FDA did not change its approval process for these vaccines. All went through rigorous testing and three phases of human trials that involved testing them on thousands of people.
So what was sped up? Three things:
1) Because of the global threat from COVID-19, the FDA moved these vaccines to the head of the approval line, ahead of other drugs awaiting approval.
2) The FDA also accelerated its internal review process, clearing the decks of other drug reviews and working overtime so that it took weeks rather than months.
3) When it started to become clear during each phase of the clinical trials that these vaccines were safe and very effective, pharmaceutical companies took a risk and started manufacturing them before receiving final approval. So when they got that approval, they already had millions of doses on hand to start distributing.
Ever since people started getting vaccinated, deaths have plunged, hospitalizations have plunged, serious illnesses have plunged, and cases have plunged.
This has been one of the most remarkable public health successes in history, up there with other vaccines that eradicated smallpox and greatly diminished other serious or fatal diseases like polio and diphtheria, as well as anesthesia, penicillin, the fluoridation of water, coronary bypasses, and on and on — these extraordinary coronavirus vaccines have proven, once again, that science saves lives.
We should be celebrating and honoring the scientists and researchers who made this possible.
And then there’s Leila Centner, who runs that private school in Miami that won’t let vaccinated teachers or staffers around students.
She says the vaccines are “experimental.” (Read above.) But she also believes that vaccinated people are magically emitting some sort of invisible rays that are penetrating the bodies of women — why only women and not men is a mystery — and causing those women to have reproductive problems, including irregular menstrual periods, no periods at all, hemorrhaging after menopause, bleeding, and even miscarriages. That’s quite the list!
(Honestly, I am not making this up.)
Thank You DSD for an informative and positive piece of information ….
I will
Make this a post a bit later….
Post coming on US Economy getting better
CBS News Poll
77% support removing US troops from Afghanistan
89% of all Democrats
77% of all Independents
63% of all Republicans
I saw those numbers
Biden has a Good amount of support on his order to take the troops out of Afghanistan…
The bottom line will be the actions of the Taliban and other militants ….
We’ll see….
Aaron Rogers don’t want to play for Green Bay?
I guess that Jeopardy ! must have gone to his head.
NFL DRAFT tonight….
New young sports millionaires….
Trevor Lawrence goes #1 to the Jacksonville Jags….
Morning Everyone……
Morning People….
Morning All….
Trump can claim the first round of yesterdays Texas House runoff race. Democrats efforts in that state still won’t get off the ground ….
It probably did not hurt that woman ,Wright, who is first is running for seat her husband held before passing away….
Democrats just ain’t graining on their thin majority in the House,…
Democrats Likely Locked Out of Texas Runoff
“Susan Wright, the widow of the late congressman, and fellow Republican Jake Ellzey are running first and second in the all-party special House election in Texas, which would lock Democrats out of the runoff and end their most promising chance to expand their House majority this year,” Politico reports…
Afternoon People…..
Morning People….
¡ Felíz Cinco de Mayo !
Morning People….
Morning people….
If signed into law by the Governor, South Carolina would allow death row inmates the opportunity to die by a firing squad. The other states where death row inmates have this privilege are MS, OK, and UT
Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms won’t run for reelection
Morning on a Bright and Nice Mothers Day!
Hundreds of Palestinians were injured by Israeli police following the protests over the Israeli ethnic cleansing taking place in East Jerusalem.
A few interesting posts coming in afew….
Asked in a poll to name a prominent Asian American, the top answer was ‘don’t know.’ Wake up, America
By Shirley Leung Boston Globe Columnist,
Prominent Asian Americans have been hard to ignore: Kamala Harris became not only the first woman to serve as vice president but also the first Black person and first Asian American. Andrew Yang, fresh off a 2020 White House run, is now among the front-runners in the New York City mayoral race. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s chief medical correspondent, has become even more of a fixture in living rooms because of the pandemic.
Yet in a recent online survey of 2,766 American adults in which participants were asked to name a well-known Asian American, the most common answer was “don’t know” (42 percent), followed by Jackie Chan (11 percent), and Bruce Lee (9 percent).
There’s only one response to the fact that an aging martial arts movie star (who is not even American) and martial arts legend who’s been dead nearly 50 years make the biggest impression: My fellow Americans, crawl out of your closet of ignorance…
Well at least Apu of the Simpsons wasn’t named.
I am not a big fan of that question. Do we need to notice the racial origin of Americans? Next we will be asked to name a famous Argentinian-American.
First people in?
Those who walked over from Asia who are now called ‘Native American’ Indians’?
And they get no credit….
Liz Cheney Day!
East Coast Oil pipeline back up and runnning after ransomeware cyberattack..
The incident had NOTHING TO do with President Biden as some are trying to blame on social media
Morning All..
Yes Z….
The GOP ‘war’ is Not over..
It HAS just begun in earnest….
And it’s no longer a ‘tug of war’
HerE we go again…
Now on to more serious matters…
President Biden approval @ 54.3% in the RCP average these days….
Cheyney will be interviewed on Fox News tomorrow. My bet is she does well. There aren’t too many politicians who give up power for their principles, and at some macro level, everyone respects deep down admires that.
Republicans in the Missouri legislature are looking to require runoffs in party primaries if no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote.
This is apparently an attempt to thwart the Senate candidacy of former Gov. Eric Greitens.
Democrats Still Favored In Virginia Governor’s Race
Cook Political Report: “Youngkin winning is certainly encouraging good news for Republicans, but Democrats still have the recent history and ideological shift in the state on their side. We initially rated this race Likely Democrat, and for now we are keeping it there until we know officially who the Democratic nominee is after the June 8 primary.”
“While it’s McAuliffe, who was barred from running for a second consecutive term, is the obvious frontrunner, there’s a question of what Black turnout could be in November as well given the former governor is running against two African-American women candidates in former state Del. Jennifer Carroll Foy and state Sen. Jennifer McClellan who are looking to make history as the first Black female governor in U.S. history. And we need to see data that we just don’t have now on how a McAuliffe vs. Youngkin race starts out.”
The Lt, Governor is also a black primary opponent for McAuliffe.
In a discussion months ago, I stated here that I experienced anti-Catholicism from right wing people than from left wing people. The below article proves absolutely nothing, but it reminded me of that discussion. I got my undergraduate degree at Seton Hall.
It was nice going to a restaurant with a friend this evening.
Good for YOU!
Morning All….
There’s another possible challenge to Biden’s progressive agenda: Kyrsten Sinema
(This behind a paywall for me….)
Hey Jack?
McKissick Wins Race for South Carolina GOP Chair
Pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood’s bid to bring “chaos” to South Carolina’s GOP was halted on Saturday when he failed to unseat the party’s chairman after baselessly accusing the incumbent of voter fraud and a host of other slurs, Politico reports.
McKissick was the incumbent and was endorsed by Trump in three seperate letters to delegates.
The obviously deranged Wood ,who at one time claimed Trump still had the nuclear codes, still managed to win 28% of the delegates.At various times he threatened to “expose” McKissick and Sen, Lindsay Graham.Fir what was never made clear.
SC Republican Party is totally Trumpized .The only Republican officeholders of note in the state who has anything negative to say about Trump is Rep.Tom Rice who voted to impeach him.Most political observers here think Rice will be hard pressed to win renomination and he himself has adopted sort of a fatalistic attitude about it.
Essentially this was a contest between a Trumpite cultist(McKissick) and full fledged Trumpite nut (Wood) .
So the NUT lost, eh?
Yes he did.
Having said that?
McKissick is a full fledged MAGA red hat wearing Trump supporting Bootlicker!
The difference between him and Wood is marginal at best.Maybe McKissick doesn’t believe Trump still has the nuclear codes!
U have a LOT of Rightwingnuts down there, eh?
They come in degree’s….