The Fox talking head appears to have lost his mind….
Social media has so conditioned people to expect hyperbole that there’s a perverse satisfaction when a clip is truly as bad as advertised. Last night, a viral tweet claimed that Fox News’s Tucker Carlson had told his audience to harass people on the street wearing masks—and to “call the police immediately; contact child protective services” if they saw a child wearing one.
Surely, this couldn’t be a fair description; naturally, it was. Having spent the early part of the month espousing the white-supremacist “great replacement theory,” Carlson is now seeking to use the power of the state to harass and immiserate his political opponents:
Carlson delivered his rant with the combination of astonished indignation, obvious bad faith, and smug sarcasm with which he delivers everything these days, a volatile mix that makes it impossible to know when and to what extent he’s trolling. Like his fellow traveler Donald Trump, Carlson delights in making appalling statements with a straight face and then insisting he was just joking; unlike Trump, Carlson has in the past shown enough of a sense of humor that you can’t discount that possibility…
I disagree.
He hasnt “lost his mind,”unless one considers being a Right Wing extremist a perennial state of lunacy,which come to think of it ,might be true!
He’s playing his audience ,mostly Republicans ,who like this kind of stuff,witness their illogical war on Dr. Fauci.(see Rand “ the Prick “ Paul and the hero of the Gym showers,Jimbo Jordan).
Then again a Federal Court ,at the urging of Carlsons own lawyers, has declared that no reasonable person can take anything he says seriously.
That Judge though might not have understood that a significant number of his audience,are not “reasonable people.”
I hope we didn’t start seeing reports of people following Carlson’s ‘jokes’ like they did from Trump….
His comments are irresponsible and could be dangerous….
Maybe he NEVER had a mind to lose….
And now people just accept it?
Republican members of Congress who also have some kind of medical, dental or pharmaceutical degree released a video urging everyone to get vaccinated
That is a welcome move .
I hope it has some effect ,as Republicans remain one of the most resistant group to being vaccinated.
Of course,likely some Republicans will likely label those participating “ RINOs.”
John Barrasso M.D., a RINO ?
National Journal rating for 2017-18: 6% Liberal 94% Cons.
19% ACLU
0% ADA
0 – 7% League of Conservation Voters
C – Info Tech Industry Council
70 – 86% Chamber of Commerce
C – 73% Heritage Fdn
80 – 86% Am. Conservative U
87 – 77% Citizens for Growth
100% Family Research Council
The video is short but it seems specifically designed to address conservatives and Republicans.
Indeed…. It IS good that these members present their view….
It’s not just so called “commentators “like Carlson who spread crazy garbage over at the Republican News network.
In the past weeks their so called “straight news “ anchors” are part and parcel of the kookiness now rampant at this Right Wing proaganda outlet.
John Roberts ,once a respected newscaster, went full Trump after the election,claiming he couldn’t say that Biden would be inaugurated, this giving legitimacy to Republican lies about the election.Then, last week,” reported” that Biden was planning on prohibiting people from eating red meat!He later claimed it was all some mixup.
Also Fox “ reported” that immigrant children were being given copies of Kamala Harris’s book when coming into the country ,another lie to which there was no basis.
Nuts of a feather Bull Shit together over at Fox?