Joe Biden polling numbers crusin in the Mid 50%’s
His average is at 53.1% at Real Clear Politics…
His average is at 53.9% at Five Thirty Eight....
Wednesday, April 28 |
Race/Topic (Click to Sort) | Poll | Results | Spread |
President Biden Job Approval | CNN | Approve 52, Disapprove 45 | Approve +7 |
President Biden Job Approval | Politico/Morning Consult | Approve 60, Disapprove 37 | Approve +23 |
President Biden Job Approval | Rasmussen Reports | Approve 48, Disapprove 50 | Disapprove +2 |
President Biden Job Approval | Economist/YouGov | Approve 52, Disapprove 41 | Approve +11 |
Tuesday, April 27 |
Race/Topic (Click to Sort) | Poll | Results | Spread |
President Biden Job Approval | Marist | Approve 54, Disapprove 44 | Approve +10 |
Sunday, April 25 |
Race/Topic (Click to Sort) | Poll | Results | Spread |
President Biden Job Approval | ABC News/Wash Post | Approve 52, Disapprove 42 | Approve +10 |
President Biden Job Approval | FOX News | Approve 54, Disapprove 43 | Approve +11 |
President Biden Job Approval | NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl | Approve 51, Disapprove 43 | Approve +8 |
McClatchy: “Republican lawmakers are struggling to define him. The conservative base is more agitated about ‘cancel culture.’ And even former President Donald Trump is turning his attention elsewhere.”
“Right now, nobody inside the GOP knows quite what to do with President Joe Biden.”
“In the nearly 100 days since Biden took office, Republicans have not yet mounted a sustained, vigorous opposition to the new White House, slowed by a president who has avoided being villainized thanks — at least in part — to a low-key style that stands in stark contrast with his immediate predecessor.”
President Biden is also being seen as LESS ‘liberal’ that his his old boss President Obama…THAT could also be a reason GOPer’s are having trouble defining him….
A new NBC News poll released finds that 44% of registered voters see President Joe Biden as “very” or “somewhat” liberal, while 42% see him as “moderate.”
In contrast, in April 2009, the NBC News poll found that 59% of registered voters saw Barack Obama as “very” or “somewhat” liberal, while 30% saw him as moderate.
Biden: A UMass poll has Biden’s approval rating at 51-44, but with his approval on COVID at a strong 66-28. Most of the rest of the poll shows Biden has middling-to-good approval so far, which is bad for a President at this point historically but might just be a new normal in America these days…
Only one of these polls shows disapproval below 40%.
Joe Biden must (if he can) drop the disapproval even if he can’t dream of 60% approval, if he’s going to be able to accomplish much after next month.
I WANT him to keep going strong
And his pandemic efforts should help
Bur stimulus involved direct payments to people
The next things won’t
Word is Biden is quietly talking to several GOPer’s already…
Voting against Biden popular stuff has to be worrying some Republicans even if they have tow the line on Trump…
I have done something on state and local Red state governors and local’s taking the money
People are talking!
My God!
To Biden no less!
That wasn’t quite my point which is that at first blush (without comparing historical data for other presidents) it’s worrying to me that so high a proportion (around two out of five) of voters already disapprove of Biden’s performance as president.
He is clearly modelling himself after Franklin D. Roosevelt although that was a different kind of crisis, or, rather, a different mix of crises.
But I don’t think that large and mid-size U.S. corporations are prepared to hoist the Blue Eagle of the National Recovery Administration. They might be pushed on education or even the minimum wage, but they certainly don’t want any reversion of the corporate and capital-gains tax rates towards pre-Trump levels.
Nor do most companies want an increase in the min wage….
I thought that was done with
I believe Biden wants. $15 min wage on al government contract work…
Biden IS asking fir increases in some corporate tax rates, but i doubt Congress is gonna raise them much…
We are coning out of a recession…
This will involve give and take
Biden worked in the Senate he knows how this works
He IS ALREADY getting some questions from moderate Democrats ….
This is what Biden wants
Congress decides what he gets
In Biden’s first 100 days the Dow Jones is performing better than under any new administration since FDR.
You know what that means. Trump Republ9cans will g9 back to a line they haven’t used since 2016. That the stock market doesn’t matter.
That while they make money…..
Thus reinforcing my view that most things Trump touches tirns to shit including the US economy…
The knuckleheads should be HAPPY with ole’ Joe in the White Housr!
Someone said that the capitalists always blamed FDR for saving American capitalism.
My interpretation of these three polls?
They show that Biden has added very slightly to his support from the election.He polled around 51% of the vote.Here he’s at right about that figure to three points above.
His disapproval shows that Republicans remain almost universally opposed at around 43% .
Trump got around 46%.
So around 3% of that supports has either slipped over to Biden or has moved to undecided.
Overall?Very little change from Nov. 2020.