The increased use of masks and social distancing seem to have also cut down flu infections drastically ….
Scientific American: “Since the novel coronavirus began its global spread, influenza cases reported to the World Health Organization have dropped to minuscule levels. The reason, epidemiologists think, is that the public health measures taken to keep the coronavirus from spreading also stop the flu. Influenza viruses are transmitted in much the same way as SARS-CoV-2, but they are less effective at jumping from host to host.”
“As Scientific American reported last fall, the drop-off in flu numbers was both swift and universal. Since then, cases have stayed remarkably low… The U.S. saw about 600 deaths from influenza during the 2020-2021 flu season. In comparison, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated there were roughly 22,000 deaths in the prior season and 34,000 two seasons ago.”
I find myself increasingly in agreement with the non governmental scientists and doctors who are advocating that the President and the administration should be more activist as regards masks for those vaccinated.
As The Washington Post reported yesterday the minuscule odds of contracting Covid if vaccinated certainly no longer justify telling those who are vaccinated that they still must wear masks.
Now that the vaccine is widely available!I also don’t believe it is justified in telling those vaccinated that they must stay masked to “ protect” those who refuse to get vaccinated ,particularly now that there appears to be increasing evidence that vaccinated people present little risk of passing an infection on.
I have long been an advocate of safe measures; however, the time to start moving forward is here. Indeed, by proclaiming that the vaccinated must essentially act as if nothng has changed is now being used by the unvaccinated as an excuse not be vaccinated.The exact opposite of what it’s intended to do!
Sorry, I think Biden needs to lead here.Saying that the vaccinated must continue to wear masks to be “ patriotic “ falls flat with me.
Just as smokers have to pay higher health insurance premiums I am ready for those who refuse to get vaccinated to pay more as well.
As Jack noted with the vaccine widely available to everyone now I no longer want to coddle the willfully unvaxxed
Totally agree.
Let them have to pay more for their health insurance?Ive got a feeling their so called “principles,”beliefs,” “faith “ etc.will quickly vanish and they’ll be in line with their sleeves rolled up!