In a little notice piece in Politico we find out that the Trump Treasury Sec Manchin borrowed an extra $1 trillion last year in bonds knowing that either Trump or Biden would be looking to spend that money for the pandemic economic slowdown to get cooking again…
This in fact makes the argument from Republicans against the Biden Bill a bit ridiculous ….
The Government ALREADY borrowed for 2/3’s of the money it will give out in Biden ‘Rescue/Stimulus’ program….
The economy getting better from that will put the government in a better place to go forward with possible ‘long term’ infrastructure boost’s to the economy that could be paid back over a longer period of time…
In essence the Trump Treasury Sec has actually helped President Biden help the American economy, something Mnuchin should be crowing about not his fellow party lawmakers….
Republicans are bashing the new $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package for further ballooning the federal debt, but it’s the Trump administration that greased the path for a smooth federal spending spree.
The Treasury has a cash pile of well over $1 trillion, which will allow the government to quickly disburse money in line with the sweeping new law, including direct checks to millions of Americans that are expected to start hitting bank accounts in the coming week. That robust rainy-day fund was built last year by then-Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who preemptively cranked up the pace of government borrowing, unsure of how and when Congress might mandate further relief measures.
“There are enormous implications for everyone else, but the Treasury was out in front of this nine months ago,” said Lou Crandall, chief economist at research firm Wrightson ICAP.
The advance moves by the Trump team are proving to be key to limiting turbulence in government debt markets from such massive spending. Bond yields have already been inching up in recent months due to brighter prospects for the economy, raising the cost of new borrowing — a dynamic that’s rippling through markets and is expected to be a central focus as Federal Reserve policy makers meet in the coming week.
The planning by Mnuchin also demonstrates that, even as Republicans now balk at the price tag of Biden’s rescue package, the Trump administration itself was prepared for the possibility that the economy would need another big infusion of cash to fully emerge from the pandemic.
“Early on in the Covid crisis, I made sure we always had ample funds on hand to be prepared for any needed economic response,” Mnuchin said in an email…..
Mnuchin (not Manchin, D-WV)
Must of been a Freudian slip at the beginning cause James did get it correct later on…
This is actually a feel good news story and something done intelligently in the Trump administration…he borrowed when rates were at the lowest possible level, good job, I agree James he should be advertising that, but then if he did he would be debunking Republican arguments about voting against an over bloated stimulus plan that puts us into further debt and will overheat the economy…blah blah blah…Fucking Republicans…Spend money and cut taxes…Democrats spend money and increase taxes…at least one group gets you need revenue to spend money…
Republicans have been the borrow and spend party since Reagan. One thing Republicans excel at is increasing the budget (unusually with wasteful expenditures such as defense spending). They also consistently increase both the national debt and the budget deficit during their terms. And Trump did it even more than the other Republicans.
It changed to be ok for Trump to dramatically
Increase debt….
Now ‘his’ party members are crying?
The double standard between parties continues
Despite their rhetoric, Republicans had major increases in debt under Reagan and both Bushes. Look it up for yourself if you don’t believe me. Trump was just Republicans on steroids.
On steroids i’ll go along with….
I believe Clinton actually a balanced budget-for a time?
Run silent….
Run deep…..
Watch ur back Munchin
They don’t like GOPer’s ‘doing the Right Thing’