Remember the term ‘fiscal conservative?’
That seems to be going by the wayside for some Republicans as there post Trump Presidency Republican Party shows signs of splitting at the seems…..
Republicans embracing ‘Big Government’ seems left turn in the making for Republicans these days….
Who knew?
(They still voted against Biden stimulus bill though)
The Republican Party is showing signs of softening its trademark fiscal conservative brand in favor of a new populist approach, a potentially seminal shift as the party becomes more reliant on blue-collar white voters after Donald Trump’s presidency.
The last time Republicans were thrown out of power, in 2009, they embraced an unabashed tax-cutting and spending-cutting vision to find their way out of the wilderness. Now, the party is taking a different path as ambitious figures seek to curry favor with voters by pushing a larger government safety-net that includes cash to families and a minimum wage hike.
The new approach comes at a time of deep economic hardship — rising income inequality and escalating costs of health care and college tuition — made worse by the coronavirus pandemic. The trend, if it continues, will test the longstanding alliance between the GOP and big business and has the potential to reshape the future of American policymaking.
“I hope there’s support for getting working people a fair shot. Most Americans — they don’t want to be taken care of. They would like a fair shot though — to be able to get a job, be able to raise their family,” Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said.
Hawley’s rhetoric echoes progressives who say the government has a larger role in providing equal economic opportunity. He has been a vocal supporter of direct cash payments to Americans, even teaming up with democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., recently on the issue….
Some Democrats say this shift is shows Republican counterparts are searching for an identity after four years of Trump and then his re-election defeat.
“The Republican Party’s a snow globe right now,” said Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Wis. “They don’t know if they’re QAnon, if they’re tea party, if they’re fiscal conservatives, if they’re a religious right party — they don’t know. And during that time, you’re gonna see lots of shit falling from the sky.”
But Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., said the decline of fiscal conservatism is good for the country….
Well looks like I don’t have to refer to conservatism as “bunk” anymore.
Now even the conservatives think it is!
Let’s see if any of these blue collar populist Republicans argues for higher taxes on the rich. Until them they’re still the party for the 1% on actual policy
But who knows how any of the more-dominant strands in today’s G.O.P. would react to the 1948 Republican Party platform that accompanied Tom Dewey’s renomination. Continuing to fight the New Deal, the Fair Deal and internationalism was not a promising campaign strategy, although I should add that the opening section is immediately followed by one praising and defending the work of the Do-Nothing 80th Congress (Republican controlled from 1947 to 1949).
June 21, 1948
I Declaration of Principles
To establish and maintain peace, to build a country in which every citizen can earn a good living with the promise of real progress for himself and his family, and to uphold as a beacon light for mankind everywhere, the inspiring American tradition of liberty, opportunity and justice for all—that is the Republican platform.
To this end we propose as a guide to definite action the following principles:
Maximum voluntary cooperation between citizens and minimum dependence on law; never, however, declining courageous recourse to law if necessary.
Our competitive system furnishes vital opportunity for youth and for all enterprising citizens; it makes possible the productive power which is the unique weapon of our national defense; and is the mainspring of material well-being and political freedom.
Government, as the servant of such a system, should take all needed steps to strengthen and develop public health, to promote scientific research, to provide security for the aged, and to promote a stable economy so that men and women need not fear the loss of their jobs or the threat of economic hardships through no fault of their own.
The rights and obligations of workers are commensurate with the rights and obligations of employers and they are interdependent; these rights should be protected against coercion and exploitation from whatever quarter and with due regard for the general welfare of all.
The soil as our basic natural resource must be conserved with increased effectiveness; and farm prices should be supported on a just basis.
Development of the priceless national heritage which is in our West is vital to our nation.
Administration of government must be economical and effective.
Faulty governmental policies share an important responsibility for the present cruelly high cost of living. We pledge prompt action to correct these policies. There must be decent living at decent wages.
Our common defense must be strengthened and unified.
Our foreign policy is dedicated to preserving a free America in a free world of free men. This calls for strengthening the United Nations and primary recognition of America’s self-interest in the liberty of other peoples. Prudently conserving our own resources, we shall cooperate on a self-help basis with other peace-loving nations.
Constant and effective insistence on the personal dignity of the individual, and his right to complete justice without regard to race, creed or color, is a fundamental American principle.
We aim always to unite and to strengthen; never to weaken or divide. In such a brotherhood will we Americans get results. Thus we will overcome all obstacles.
In the past eighteen months, the Republican Congress, in the face of frequent obstruction from the Executive Branch, made a record of solid achievement. Here are some of the accomplishments of this Republican Congress:
The long trend of extravagant and ill-advised Executive action reversed;
the budget balanced;
taxes reduced;
limitation of Presidential tenure to two terms passed;
assistance to veterans, their widows and orphans provided;
assistance to agriculture and business enacted;
elimination of the poll tax as a requisite to soldier voting;
a sensible reform of the labor law, protecting all rights of Labor while safeguarding the entire community against those breakdowns in essential industries which endanger the health and livelihood of all;…..
And how many of today’s “Republicans” would stand on Section V of the 1948 platform:
statehood for Puerto Rico, elections mirroring the popular vote, E.R.A., equal pay for equal work,…
We pledge a vigorous enforcement of existing laws against Communists and enactment of such new legislation as may be necessary to expose the treasonable activities of Communists and defeat their objective of establishing here a godless dictatorship controlled from abroad.
We favor a revision of the procedure for the election of the President and Vice President which will more exactly reflect the popular vote.
We recommend to Congress the submission of a constitutional amendment providing equal rights for women.
We favor equal pay for equal work regardless of sex.
We propose a well-paid and efficient Federal career service.
We favor the elimination of unnecessary Federal bureaus and of the duplication of the functions of necessary governmental agencies.
We favor equality of educational opportunity for all and the promotion of education and educational facilities.
We favor restoration to the States of their historic rights to the tide and submerged lands, tributary waters, lakes, and streams.
We favor eventual statehood for Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico. We urge development of Alaskan land communications and natural resources.
We favor self-government for the residents of the nation’s capital.