A felony to give someone waiting to vote water?
WTF would pass such a law?
Yes Republicans….
Who have hundreds of new vote suppression bill’s up for votes across the country.
They themselves have made it easier for Democrats to run against this with a push for more voter law protections and another push for voters to come out and vote ….
Republicans are furious over what they view as Democrats and the media misconstruing elements of the Georgia bill to establish a narrative that the GOP is seeking to suppress the Black vote.
The food and water provision, from their standpoint is a good example. The new law establishes boundaries that are on the books in many blue states, allowing poll workers to distribute food and water but relegating activists to stations outside of polling places. Language that would have rolled back voting on Sundays was taken out of the legislation.
And they say the voter ID requirement for absentee ballots, which replaces a signature matching system, will streamline the certification process while causing inconvenience to a negligible number of voters.
“As everyone learns what is actually in the bill, a lot of this will die down,” Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) said on Newsmax on Monday. “And hopefully folks will punish the people who are spreading these lies and mistruths and call them out for what they really are.”
Biden and other White House officials have been outspoken in opposition to voting restrictions being proposed and implemented nationwide. Biden decried the rollback of voting rights during a press conference as “despicable,” and on Friday he denounced the Georgia law as an “atrocity.”
He suggested the Department of Justice could look at the Georgia law, and the president earlier this month signed an executive order intended to leverage federal resources to ensure ballot access. The passage of voting rights legislation in Congress is also a top priority, officials said, though existing proposals are unlikely to garner enough votes in the Senate.
The White House has limited tools at its disposal to directly fight back against laws like the one in Georgia given elections are run by states.
Instead, officials have focused on hammering home the idea that the right to vote is under attack and elevating the issue whenever possible….
There are now 3 lawsuits against the new Georgia voter restrictive law…
Kentucky Moves to Expand Early Voting
“The Kentucky General Assembly passed significant legislation Monday night that will make three days of widespread early voting a regular part of the state’s future elections and expand people’s access to the ballot in other ways while also instituting new security measures,” the Louisville Courier Journal reports.
This was a bi-partisan bill! Yay!
It’s my understanding that expanded voting access helped Republicans in Florida in 2020.
Yes Scott ….
It works both ways….
Some states WILL work to EXPAND the voting numbers and not screw even Right leaning voters…
Yea Z…..
They are unset that the media doesn’t see rhis bill as common sense?
There may be things in this bill from Georgia that are bad, but it also appears to be true that some of the media narrative is not exactly correct about what exactly the bill contains and what it does.
Things can be nuanced and complex. Some of the reporting seems to very off base on what the bill actually does, such as the water thing. Perhaps people should read the actual article here.
If I were a Georgia legislator, I probably would have voted against it, and those who pushed this bill failed in understanding how political narratives can be formed and used against you. That does not mean the narrative is factually correct however.
Gabriel Sterling, the Elections Administrator from Georgia, who received plaudits for his actions after the Presidential election (and the ire of Trump) has said there are numerous misconceptions and inaccuracies associated with what this law does. I would tend to believe him.
For Democrats in Georgia and elsewhere, creating a narrative of victimization and unfairness of course is powerful in turning out the vote.
You obviously are aware that politics is perception.
Georgia Republicans knew this was goijh to be rightly perceived as an attempt to keep certain people from voting.
They just don’t care.
But hey if you want to argue the “nuance” of this bill go right ahead CG.
Perceptions are not always honest or accurate though. We all know that.
Generally speaking though, a perception of telling people who are eligible to vote that you are not wanted to vote, will just make them want to vote more? That is certainly the narrative Democrats will push.
And like many pieces of legislation from federal to local, the most controversial aspects of it were removed before it was passed.
This law does seem to expand access to voting or “making voting easier” in Georgia for the first time besides what were one time only Covid exceptions in 2020.
The most obvious unfair concepts such as banning Sunday early voting were removed and the whole brouaha of “food and water” seems to be really nothing more than a statute against electioneering within so many feet of a polling place which already exists in my state and I assume almost all others.
Like I said. Feel free to defend this bill that you said you would have voted against.
Go nuts!
I like to defend facts and truth against conspiracy theories and inaccurate agendas no matter the source. I do not know how I would have voted on this particular bill as a Georgia legislator. I am suspicious of anyone suggesting anything happened in Georgia to “steal” the election from Trump, but some simple research and basic common sense shows that some of the criticisms of this bill are not factually correct or tremendously overblown.
Donald Trump says the election was rigged and a bunch of Republicans in Georgia reacted to that.
There’s the “nuance” for you.
When Trump talks?Republicans listen!
And the people who pushed back against Trump, such as Gabriel Sterling, (at great political and personal cost to himself) are now saying that aspects of criticism of this bill are off-base and that people are claiming it does things it does not do.
Considering his track record, I think he is a reliable source of what is going on in the state.
Why was a bill even needed?
Because Trump claimed with no evidence whatsoever that the election was stolen from him.?
So he lies and Georgia Republicans see the need to “restore confidence.?”
and at the same time, it formally expands early voting, etc,
I get why the Trump aftermath leaves such a bad taste, but still, the bill should be judged on the merits. It seems like it contains some good things and some bad things.The move to strip authority from the Secretary of State seems to be done out of spite and I might have voted against it for that reason
The bill, for the first time, also allows Georgians to vote via absentee ballot for any reason whatsoever.
I think the lawmakers down there DO want to suppress the vote….
They just did NOT think the media and legal attention would be so swift and BIG…
Trump stuff tends to turn to shit,…
You think a lot of things james that are not necessarily sensible.
For example, your idea that Andrew Cuomo will run for and win reelection is right up there with Q-Anon theories about Donald Trump re-taking office in August.
All did worst…
They did NOT quit….
I’m sticking with my view for now….
That was one of your most ridiculous posts ever, and that’s saying something.
The only comparison would be to Clinton, in regards to actions while serving as an Executive in government.
I do not for a second believe that you actually think that Clarence Thomas or Brett Kavanaugh ever physically assaulted anyone.
And whatever point you are trying to make has nothing to do with your “he will win reelection” prediction.
Up to the latest we had no woman that said they
Actually assaulted
The perception thing IS the same though
That Secretary of State ,Raffensperger?
He’s toast.
A Trumpite has already announced.
That race is over.
I have not seen what Raffensberger has said about it. I think it is far too early to call primaries, etc., but I am pointing out what Gabriel Sterling is saying.
He is pointing out, I think rightly, that both major parties are treating voters like children and are too interested in fighting grievance battles for political advantage that have no actual basis in reality.
Yes all this was being done by the Georgia Republicans in the interest of “fairness.”
Yes of course.
If your starting point is “the other side can never be trusted”, we are never going to have any action at any level of government, good or bad.
Whatever the motivations of the bill, people should at least be honest about what it really contains. It is also true that early voting access is greatly increased under the bill.
Democrats claim Georgia was stolen in 2018
Republicans claim Georgia was stolen in 2020
So, maybe something was needed via legislation to make it harder to claim such a thing next time.
Of course, both parties seem more interested in working early to create a narrative that if they do not win the next election, it was stolen.
Why does the bill not provide for more voting machines in areas that had long lines. Black people know that the districts they vote in have longer lines than “white districts”, and we should work to change that and not complain that black people are being treated like children by Democrats.
The issue of lines should definitely be addressed. I do not understand why anyone would have to wait more than 15-30 minutes in line to vote. (of course there is also now much larger amounts of early voting as well Vote by Mail for any reason.)
Is it an issue of not enough machines? Maybe. Is it an issue of these precincts not having the proper amount of staff because of no-shows or improperly trained staff? That could all play a part. Nobody can go to a voting machine unless they have interaction with an Election Judge first to give them a ballot or a card, etc.
The answer would seem to be to increase the number of polling locations, but there are likely difficulties recruiting workers to staff them.
It is likely Vote by Mail will drastically increase across the board after 2020.
Of course, most Democrats believe that Kavanaugh tried to commit rape, and then wrote about it in the yearbook. I bet everyone on this site, with the possible exception of you believes it. I understand you don’t like it when your heroes are exposed for what they are. And I would be willing to bet that the group here all believes Justice Thomas was guilty too – with the possible exception of you.
I don’t think you actually believe that he tried to commit rape.
I swear I do
Do you believe Bill Clinton attempted to rape Juanita Broaddrick?
not even “attempted.” She has claimed he did so, violently.
I wouldn’t put anything past Bill Clinton. I don’t have an opinion on that question. Clinton was and probably still is a sleezeball.
Broaddrick claimed under oath that Clinton did not rape her, and she continued to appear with Clinton after the event occurred. I don’t have an opinion of what happened. I thought Ford is much more credible than Broaddrick.
Not even light and day in the specificity of the allegations. Broaddrick was far more credible. She never “appeared with him” after the alleged incident. She claimed he attempted to apologize to her years later. There is zero evidence to suggest that Ford and Kavanaugh have ever met.
Months and months after the Kavanaugh hearing, journalists looked into the matter further and determined that Congressional Democrats attempted to alter statements made by others. This was pure politics from the start.
And we also now have a new and changed allegation surrounding Kavanaugh’s High School yearbook.
I have heard it previously claimed that he made some coded reference in the yearbook passage to a consensual MMF threesome (which I very much doubt happened or was inferred) but now that he wrote about “rape” in the yearbook? That is a whole different allegation now.
I believe Democrats wanted this to be true so they could feel justified in opposing a conservative on the Court and what they fear that might do (though most predictions regarding Trump turned out to be unfounded) but that deep down they all realize there is zero evidence at all that places Kavanaugh in the same room, at any time in his life, with an accuser. Democrats went all in on this character assassination and it hurt them politically both in 2018 and 2020.
He wrote about the Devil’s Triangle in the yearbook. Only a complete fool believes Devil’s Triangle is a drinking game. There is no one (literally)that I am close to who believes Kavanaugh was truthful (with the caveat that I haven’t discussed this with everyone I am close to).
You claim that the Devil’s Triangle is a threesome and that you know about this with certainty. Now, you are saying it is a rape admission?
It can’t be both.
And yes, I think you discuss things with people you either know will agree with you or are inclined to due to similar politics.
A Devil’s Triangle is a threesome and a threesome can be rape too.
But is it always? You are stretching yourself in ridiculous contortions here over Brett Kavanaugh’s perceived judicial politics.
A “Devil’s Triangle” sounds like a drinking game to me because most other drinking games I can think of also are named after either body parts, functions, or sexual lingo. I was never one for drinking games myself.
Look it up and tell us how to play this alleged drinking game.
Quarters game with three glasses in a triangle. Played by rich Irish kids who may or may not be Kennedys.
The “triangle” aspect of a male/male/threesome seems more complicated. Better do some stretching first.
This whole topic seems better suited for 8chan.
You are linking to the Michael Avenatti “rape train” allegations, which I think says it all pretty much about the emptiness of those ridiculous allegations.
We all know what Michael Avenatti turned out to be.
People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones…
I rest my case…..
Cuomo is in a world of political trouble that would make it ridiculous to think he could possibly win reelection, not just because of the sexual harassment/assault allegations, but because of the way he handled Covid, such as the nursing home data and giving priority testing priveleges to his family and friends.
Major Biden has bitten someone again.
If he declares himself an Italian-American Shepherd as opposed to a German Shepherd, he can maybe stick around longer like Cuomo.
Kavanaugh would have taken a lie detector test if he had nothing to hide.and he would have welcomed further investigation.
He said he would, but lie detector tests are not permissible in Court. There is not a Court anywhere in America that would have even entertained the allegation against him because there was purely zero evidence and zero corroboration.
Lie detectors are not used in court, but they are widely used. I took one once to prove my innocence over an inaccurate allegation.
Well, that sounds like a whole story we better not get into. I am glad the legal system treated you with the Constitutional respect that Brett Kavanaugh also deserved.
I was never charged for anything. I was only suspected of doing something. I voluntarily took a lie detector test. Had I not taken one, I still wouldn’t have been charged. Unlike Kavanaugh I had nothing to hide.
I think Kavanaugh owned up to plenty embarrassing things about his teenage years and drinking.
It has zero to do with whether he was qualified for the Supreme Court or not.
It was always about politics.
I don’t really care if Kavanaugh is an alcoholic.
But saying Uber oath that the Devil Triangle was a drinking game was a lie. And a potential Supreme Court justices should not lie under oath.
A. It was a question that should never have been asked.
B. It may very well have been a drinking game in his circle. You have no idea.
C. Certainly is no reason to believe he is an alcoholic. He has been an adult for a long time now and nobody has claimed he has not conducted himself personally or professionally in a purely appropriate way.
I sort of doubt anyone here ever heard the term “Devil’s Triangle” one way or another before 2018.
I do remember from my college days that “triangle” was used in regards to drinking games
Yes. I agree that anyone who could support Kavanaugh is only doing so because of politics,
As right wing Charlie Sykes pointed out, there were plenty of reasons from Kavenaugh’s testimony that suggested he is unqualified for the Supreme Court. But because he was a conservative, they were overlooked by some.
I don’t want to jump into the sexual assault part of the debate because all the names mentioned above are scumbags…
But in regards to the Georgia Election Bill…Jack and James have seemed to agree in principle on the rationale for the bill…Trump says the election was stolen…Georgia officials said the election was extremely secure…but yet we need new laws put in place to ensure free and fair elections…That doesn’t make any sense…I have a clean bill of mental health, but my wife says I am crazy so then the doctor prescribes me Seroquel…WTF…you get my point…no need for the bullshit law, are there aspects to the law that “help” sure but the very purpose of the bill is to placate an individual scumbag who has shit all over the entire institution of elections…Not to mention the most recent Supreme Court case where the Republicans argued that politics is a zero sum game and if certain rules are instituted it makes it more difficult for them to win…That’s what this Georgia law is…to help the Republicans win future elections and CG if you can’t see that then I don’t know what to say to you to help you see the light…
Sounds like an argument that some might use that because Trump was so proud of “Operation Warp Speed” and the fact that the virus did indeed arrive at an earlier anticipated time, that there would be reason to be skeptical of or oppose the vaccine,
One way or another people, need to get over Trump. He is gone. As I said, this Georgia law seems to have good and bad in it. People should address it based on the facts though.
I cannot see how it helps Republicans though (and they played themselves into it), if the perception is they are trying to get Democrats not to vote, when the actuality is that it is easier for Democrats (and everyone) to now vote in Georgia.
Yes CG agree….
‘Get Over’ the chump….
But then everyday we read about another group of Red State officials passing laws to get rid of their own rules for Trump’s type of zombie following the political wind, not the VOTERS votes?
Yes Bdog…..
If everything was ‘alright’?
WTF do u need a new law?
For whatever it might be worth: Rich Lowry (editor) in National Review
The Voter-Suppression Lie<
By Rich Lowry
March 30, 2021 6:30 AM
It’s not ‘Jim Crow’ to require ID, to expand weekend voting, or to provide food and drink for the general public near polling places.
President Joe Biden is so committed to bipartisan cooperation and fact-based governance that he’s launched an ignorant and incendiary attack on the new Georgia voting law.
Biden says the new law is “Jim Crow in the 21st century” and “an un-American law to deny people the right to vote.”
It’s now practically mandatory for Democrats to launch such unhinged broadsides. Elizabeth Warren, accusing Georgia governor Brian Kemp of having stolen his 2018 election victory over Democratic activist Stacey Abrams (a poisonous myth), tweeted, “The Republican who is sitting in Stacey Abrams’ chair just signed a despicable voter suppression bill into law to take Georgia back to Jim Crow.”
Anyone making this charge in good faith either doesn’t understand the hideousness of Jim Crow or the provisions of the Georgia law.
More in Georgia
The old Jim Crow was billy clubs and fire hoses; the alleged new Jim Crow is asking people to write a driver’s license number on their absentee-ballot envelopes.
The old Jim Crow was poll taxes; the new Jim Crow is expanding weekend voting.
The old Jim Crow was disenfranchising voters en masse based on their race; the new Jim Crow is limiting ballot drop boxes to places they can’t be tampered with.
It’s hard to believe that one real voter is going to be kept from voting by the new rules.
To better ensure the security, the law requires that voters provide a driver’s license or state ID number to apply for a ballot and one of those numbers (or the last four digits of a Social Security number) when returning the ballot.
The law narrows the window for requesting absentee ballots, although still allows plenty of time. A voter can request a ballot as early as eleven weeks prior to an election or as late as eleven days prior (any later date risks the completed ballot not getting delivered in time).
Ballot drop boxes were a pandemic-era innovation in Georgia. The law keeps them, while limiting their location to early voting sites.
After getting blowback over proposed limits on weekend early voting when black churches run their “Souls to the Polls” events, Georgia lawmakers expanded the potential for weekend voting.
The law gives the State Election Board more authority to take over local election operations, but there’s no doubt that election officials in Fulton County, where metro Atlanta is located and long lines at the polls are common, have been incompetent.
Perhaps most controversially, it bans people from distributing food or drink to voters standing in line, an effort to keep partisans from trying to sway voters near polling places. But poll workers can provide food and drink for general use.
The deeper point is that in the contemporary United States, with such wide and ready access to the ballot, changes around the edges don’t disenfranchise people.
Georgia considered limiting no-excuse absentee voting to voters 65 and over. Even this wouldn’t have dissuaded anyone from voting. A study published by the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research found that turnout increased in 2020 just as much in states without no-excuse absentee voting as in states with it….
Rich Lowry is full of shit…..
Richard Lowry (/ˈlaʊri/; born 1968) is an American writer who is the editor of National Review, an American conservative news and opinion magazine….
I basically agree with everything said by Lowry.
The post-Trump era should be one in which honesty and responsibility in our rhetoric and claims should be given a greater priority.
Lowry, of course, is full of shit. This bill is direct result of the GOP losing the last election in Georgia. Any defense of the bill on good government or expanded voting access is bullshit. The bill specifically targets people of color and gives the legislature the power to overturn the results of an election. Why not have potential voters count the number of jelly beans in a jar?
What a day, folks here defending voter suppression and trying to excuse our preppy drunken junior Supreme Court Justice to argue what that Devil’s Triangle might be, when we all know the truth.
My issue: what is the reason behind this endless line of bullshit when everyone knows the truth? Is our friend trying to convince us or himself.
Let’s hope the FBI completes the Kavanaugh investigation. He can cry again at his next hearing.
Once again,why was there a necessity to do anything about the voting in Georgia?
There didn’t seem to be any problems before.What happened?
Oh that’s right ,Donald Trump tried to steal an election with the connivance and support of the vast majority of Georgia elected Republicans.And all of a sudden Republicans felt that they had to “restore confidence” in as system that wasn’t broken ,until Donald Trump told them it was.
Oh yes ,Trump has “congratulated” the Georgia Republicans on their handiwork.
Wow!Thats a surprise!
Jack and Zreebs said it very well, why fix something that isn’t broken. Unless you want to “fix” something. In the case of Georgia that is exactly what those Crackers are attempting to do and what others are trying to excuse.
Of course Charlie Sykes is correct, Kavanaugh, like Roger Stone has been, was being rewarded for his past efforts for the Republican Party at election time.
I truly hope the FBI completes its investigation.
I think in the wake of the pandemic, there may be a need for all states to examine election procedure law and act accordingly. This should be done at the state level and not the federal level, as elections are run by states.
There were reasons for Georgia to enact new laws regardless of Trump’s inaccurate claims of being cheated in 2020 and Stacy Abram’s inaccurate claims of being cheated in 2018.
People can now vote by mail for any reason they want. Easy to do. No lines, Anybody who has even an iota of worry that they may be “suppressed” can vote that way. Without this new law, that would not be possible. Those who want to vote in person can now do so many days before the election to an extent they were not able to do before or otherwise able to do before.
Some parts of the law that would have been unfair were scrapped, which is good. Some parts of it may serve no real purpose. Others are being deliberately distorted in order to create a false narrative.
The Washington Post gives Biden “Four Pinocchios” for lies told about the Georgia election law.
So Georgia actually cut some of the worst exclusions in the FINAL law…..
Here ARE some of the changes….
Opponents of the bill said it will create obstacles for voting, especially on absentee ballots and in runoffs.
Absentee voters will be required to submit driver’s license numbers or other documentation under a new process for checking their identity, replacing signature matching processes. Over 200,000 Georgia voters lack a driver’s license or state ID number, meaning they will need to submit additional proof of their identities.
In addition, there will be as little as one week of early voting before runoffs, down from the current three-week early voting period. The bill calls for runoffs to be held four weeks after general elections, leaving little time for early voting….
The 98-page Georgia election bill covers many aspects of voting access, ballot counting, election oversight and runoffs.
Besides requiring ID numbers to vote absentee, the bill mandates that ballot drop boxes be located inside early voting locations, limiting their usefulness. Drop boxes won’t be available to voters in the last four days of an election, when it’s often too late to mail them in time.
Weekend voting before general elections will be expanded, with mandatory voting hours on two Saturdays statewide. Counties will retain the option to allow early voting on two Sundays. But early voting before runoffs will be reduced to a minimum of just one week before election day.
The bill also will allow the State Election Board to take over county election boards that it deems need intervention. Skeptics say that will allow Republican officials to decide which ballots count in majority Democratic areas, such as Fulton County.
In addition, the legislation sets a deadline to request absentee ballots 11 days before election day and disqualifies provisional ballots cast in the wrong precinct. Distributing food or drinks to voters waiting in line is also prohibited….
Biden got his part wrong but the changes in the law do benefit state wide Republicans who could have a allegiance to Trump or others over the local people trying to do their jobs….The no water idiocy is there and the voter ID effort to make people go an extra step is there….
The changes are going to be ruled on by the courts….
Eight-year sentences for uncooperative legislators? If it’s fair, right and just for Martin Lee in Hong Kong, it must also be fair, right and just for Rep. Park “knock-on-the-governor’s-door” Cannon in Georgia: