Politico has seven GOP Senator’s confirming that the President is tuned in to things and up to speed after they had face to face meeting’s…
The sales campaign to define Biden as too old for the job by some is not working on other Republican senator’s who’ve interacted with the President….
As time passes more and more Republicans will step away from the 2020 campaign rhetoric and deal with reality….
Oh, about the Biden Air Force One going up misstep?
Trump had trump walking down a simple ramp….
For former President Donald Trump’s GOP allies, President Joe Biden’s recent stumble on the Air Force One stairs was a sign of bigger problems. But Republican senators who’ve met with Biden say the 78-year-old president is just fine, with one describing him as “sharp as a tack.”
Biden’s fitness for office, a longtime fixation among conservatives, is dominating conversations on the right as Trump openly sows doubts about the health of the man who defeated him. One Republican senator recently texted an acquaintance his private suspicions that Biden, the oldest president in history, is mentally unwell. In on-the-record interviews, however, seven GOP senators who’ve met with Biden lately described him as cogent and well-versed on the issues they discussed. And none echoed the warnings many pro-Trump Republicans have issued about Biden amid the chatter about his stair-stepping acumen.
“In the two meetings I was in with the president, he was as sharp as a tack,” Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) said in an interview.
Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.), who joined Capito at a February meeting with Biden on Covid relief, said he didn’t see anything amiss: “I visited with him in the Oval Office, and he seemed well-prepared and well-briefed for the meeting.”
During the 2020 campaign, Biden — who stuttered as a child — weathered Trump’s attacks on his faculties, dismissing clips of his verbal tics and minor memory lapses. Trump’s allies are still trying to paint Biden as deteriorating in office, even after he stayed largely on-message fielding questions at a 62-minute Thursday press conference. While the more centrist GOP senators interviewed this week wouldn’t criticize colleagues for floating unsubstantiated theories about Biden’s health, their varying reactions show an enduring gulf between those Republicans who publicly emulate Trump’s go-for-the-jugular politics — and those who shy away from it….
image…The Seattle Times…
Who ya gonna believe Republicans? These Senators who have actually spent time with Biden or a heavily edited You Tube video by some guy whose handle is “Q Knows All”?
Unfortunately many Republicans,upon hearing what these Senators say ,would instantly brand them as “RINOS” and refer to the you tube video as telling it like it is!
We really don’t have a word for a Republican who has a more traditional conservative perspective, but is not always willing to bow to Trump. James calls them “moderates”, but that word is not appropriate. Cheyney, for example, is not really a moderately by almost any standard.
“Non Trump Supporting Republican?”
They could or could NOT support Trump..
They just have different policy views…
Some GOPer’s like Kemp did something against Trump on one hand but still look to be good Right leaners…(Romney)
It’s complicated like most things humans do…
Oh, back to
“it’s complicated – people can be more than one thing” James talk.
I don’t see anything “complicated” about it.
I don’t even understand the usage of the word in this instance.
Susan Collins ,for instance ,would be a “Non Trump supporting Republican “
Josh Hawley is a Maga red hat wearing bootlicker .
Where’s the “complication?”
Susan Collins is a moderate Republican
I, for instance, am an anti-Trumpism principled conservative.
That is better than moderate! I guess it is probably as good or better than anything else we could come up with!
All Republicans are divided into three parts (in tres partes sunt divisi): Never Trump; non-Trump-supporting; and boot-licking lackeys, time-servers or true-believers.
DSD, but boot-licking lackeys are not necessarily true believers. Some just want power and they know that power might be hard to maintain if they are not a boot licker.