The press has been complaining for a while that the new President has not made a standup formal appearance before their political firing squad….
President’s instantly do NOT like the media….
Except for Donald Trump’s love of attention ?
They do not relish the questioning that IS designed to showcase some in the media with the ‘gotcha’ question and to get presidents ‘on the record’ on policy….Biden likes talking to anyone…But he’s the President now….And he has enjoyed very good polling numbers by limiting gaffs…
He goes into the lions den today….
The session will generate good media days afterwards and headache’s for Biden’s people…
The good thing for Biden IS that most Americans will cut him more slack than the media …..
He did hold a CNN town hall and has sat for a handful of one-on-one interviews, including one last week with ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos that seemed like a test run for the news conference. Biden also occasionally stops before or after a flight on Air Force One to answer a few questions.
But Thursday’s event will be different, with reporters from various outlets posing questions for an extended period. Biden has been known to lash out when his fitness or motives are questioned.
“It’ll be interesting to see if he’s more disciplined, or the settings have allowed him to be more disciplined,” said one former Biden adviser, speaking on the condition of anonymity to offer a candid assessment. “Candor is an absolute blessing. … It comes with the occasional cleanup job and needed clarifications, but it’s also what people love about him.”
Over his decades of public life, Biden has generally seemed to enjoy the give-and-take with reporters. But his press handlers enjoy them less and often try to shut them down as quickly as possible.
It’s a long-running joke among Biden advisers how hard he can be to control. His time as a senator yielded endless jokes about his loquaciousness, his gaffes and the perils of coming between him and a TV camera.
But after nine weeks, White House advisers concluded they could not put off Biden’s first news conference any longer.
“From the White House’s point of view, it’s a necessary chore,” McCurry said. “There’s always potential to get something wrong or create a gaffe. But on balance presidents fuss and fume about doing them, and then when they come off, they say, ‘Well, that went better than I thought!’ ”….
image….NY Times
Biden is talking now….
He’ll also be talking later about Obamacare
There is also going to be talk about later on Obamacare…
There is gonna be HEAVY news night tonight…
He’s handling immigration questions…
Filibuster questions….
He sounds like he’s been well briefed….
Announces a larger virus shot supplies….
Right to Vote…..
He wants to ‘get things done’in Congress….
Afghanistan troop levels….
‘ We will leave’ …. Unknown when…
Compassion for migrant kids at the border…
Gets pissed as a reporter who tries to hold him responsible for the whole mess now and in the past
Dealing with North Korea….
So far he’s doing fine
Voting suppression and the midterms…
Says Republican voters are against the voting access issue
Biden says ‘his plan IS run for re-election…
He would like GOP Lawmakers support, but feels he has some GOP voters support….
The filibuster is a relic of the ‘ Jim Crow’ era…
Biden says he doesn’t think of Trump
Questions on the future are fine but NOT A CONCERN
Answering Kaitlen Collins badgering he explains he doing things day by day….
Points to his effort to unite the country…
He wants to work to help ‘hard working’ people…
( he keeps going against the Trump just self involvment veiw )
Question on China
Says the relationship is complex and he talked to that country leader for several hours…
He emphasizes America will push America ….
Says America MUST work woth other countries to balance against them….
He will talk with US Allies after the presser’s
Putin and China heads are betting against Democracy….
Biden’s breath of answer’s are light years above Trump…
He will continue to deal with problems we see within their borders
Biden IS pressing that Democracy worldwide is TROUBLE….
(I am SO happy i voted fir this man‼️)
Biden says American troops will be out of Afghanistan next year.
Hopes Jack…
Well we all know you “hope” they stay.
Biden said he Couldnt picture the troops being there past next year;however, we all know that you understand these things better than all of us and probably even Biden!
Of course there will still be troops in Afghanistan in 2022 and pretty much everyone knows it, including Biden.
Yes CG….
And Jack….
Wait. There are still troops in Afghanistan? The way Republicans talk Trump the “peacenik” brought them all home. I use quotes as the new Republican “peaceniks” don’t want a dime cut from bloated ” defense” budgets.
Better one Scott…..
The ‘official’ count was 2,500…..
Trump ordered them out by Jan 20th….
I understand President Trump got taken in a room for a talk by his National Security people and when they came out the order was changed to they stay…..(Members of BOTH parties in Congress want MORE troops sent there)
We come to find out that there are another 1,000 MORE Spec Operators in country also….
Biden was the lone person to NOT want to do the Bin Laden Raid when Obama asked for a vote….
He has lost a son in the military….
He REALLY wants to leave Afghanistan….
But I doubt his military and foreign affairs people are EVER gonna agree to leave….
There are more than 7,000 NATO troops in countries try also….
And yea….
I doubt that Republicans will want to cut the Defense Budget…
PDog Ref: Link…..
There where NO questions on the pandemic today to Biden from the media….
In his first press conference as commander-in-chief, President Biden forcefully defended his administration’s response to the surge of migrants at the southern border and signaled he could be open to getting rid of the filibuster that is imperiling his legislative agenda.
Biden, who waited longer than his predecessors to take questions in a formal setting, made some news, saying he “can’t picture” having U.S. troops in Afghanistan next year and acknowledging his intention to run for reelection in 2024.
His appearance was composed and controlled as he fielded questions for about an hour on immigration, the filibuster, his future political plans, and foreign policy. He notably was not asked about the coronavirus pandemic….
…As he ventured on to other topics, Biden tried to maintain that discipline he’d brought to the pandemic, largely with success but with some notable hiccups.
He called on 10 socially-distanced reporters, mostly from high-profile, mainstream newspapers and networks, though conservative and liberal outlets were present, including Newsmax, Huffington Post and Sinclair Broadcasting.
They peppered him with question after question about the rush of migrants seeking refuge at the border, which has drawn criticism from Democrats complaining about the treatment of children in crammed shelters and Republicans who blame him for rescinding Trump policies, which they say caused the influx.
“I make no apologies for ending programs that did not exist before Trump became president that had an incredibly negative impact on the law, international law, as well as on human dignity,” Biden said….
He has not lost a son in the military. I would have assumed you knew his son died of cancer.
Assuming James possesses knowledge on any subject is fraught with peril.
He was ‘IN’ the military…..
Reserves when he pasted….
I guess I wasn’t clear enough…
His illness and death had nothing to do with military service, anymore than my grandfather’s, fifty years after WWII.
His son WAS in the military….
I am well aware of Joe Biden’s sense of attachment with the troops….
You are NOT gonna change my feeling on this….
Biden HAS a strong attachment to military families….
He had two sons in the military (including one that was kicked out), but that has nothing to do with the fact that his son Beau tragically died of cancer. It is not an apt linkage and is disrespectful, both to those who died in service to the country and to those lost to cancer.
U have any kids CG?
Your plainly stated that “he lost a son in the military.”
Any logical reading of that sentence would be that he died while serving.
Then you try to completely change the meaning of what you said by claiming that what you were saying was that he had a son in the military and that contributes to Biden having a military attachment.
Disingenuous at best and an out and out lie at worst.Me?Based on your past record?
I’ll assume the latter !
U know were i was going Jack….
But u can keep on this
I’ve made my point….
Using James’s logic, I can honestly say that I went to MIT and I studied science. You can read what you want into that statement, but if James can make a case that Biden list a son in the military, then I can make a case that I went to MIT and studied science. The only caveat is that my statement is only true if you accept james’ logic. Otherwise it is a lie.
Yes Jack…..
My bet is there WILL BE US and NATO troops STILL in that country when Biden finally leaves office…
Nothing about ‘liking’….
Just a read of history….
I got some exciting news (for me) to report! I just participated in Mark Halperin’s Focus Group – which will be broadcast nationally this Saturday and Sunday on Newsmax. The show will be 1/2 hour.
I hope Mark behaved himself!
Let us know the times, (if you wish.) I do not get that crazy right wing network on my cable system but I know others that do and can have them record it,
I assume you will be playing the role of the token Commie in the group or something. Should be fun.
There were 4 Biden voters and 4 Trump voters. The Biden and Trump voters agreed on almost nothing.
Please tell me you called someone “evil.”
I did not.
Unfortunately, I’m told the times are subject to change. They are currently scheduled for 3pm (Central) on Saturday and a re-airing on Sunday at 2:30pm (Central).
That’s cool Zreebs. I don’t think I have that network but maybe there will be a link after to check it out online.
“Sharp as a tack”
Republican Sen Shelley Moore Capito describing President Joe Biden.
Yeah those Boot lickin Trump Republicans claiming Biden is “mentally unfit?”
You fools support Donald Trump.
A poster child for the term “mentally unfit.”
Yeah good thing Shelly just got reelected. Otherwise she’d be in for a primary fight.