The beleaguered NewYork Governor has no friends….
It seems Black leaders and voters in New York….
Gov. Andrew Cuomo has become a pariah in many New York political circles, with almost the entire congressional delegation, both U.S. senators and most of the state Legislature calling on him to resign over mounting allegations of sexual harassment.
But the scandal-scarred leader was among friends Wednesday at Mount Neboh Baptist Church in Harlem, grinning and flashing a thumbs-up as he got his coronavirus vaccine surrounded by Black leaders and clergy members.
“Some people will say, why would the governor pick a time like this to be coming to Harlem to get his shot?” former Rep. Charlie Rangel said at the event. “When people start piling up on you … you go to your family, and you go to your friends, because you know that they are going to be with you.”
As Cuomo is abandoned by fellow Democrats in Albany and Washington, his strategy for staying in power — and maybe even getting re-elected — is a tried and true political play: “Dance with the one that brung ya.”
Cuomo, increasingly isolated, has leaned heavily on Black leaders during the crisis. His appearance in Harlem was the fourth such event he had held in recent days — all broadcast online but closed to the press, ostensibly due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Black voters came out in large numbers for Cuomo in his last two Democratic primaries and remain among his most important and reliable blocs of support. Two polls in recent weeks show Black voters continue to back the governor in large numbers despite his hemorrhaging support among elected Democrats.
Like many of the leaders who have stood by Cuomo in recent weeks, Rangel — who had his own brush with scandal — emphasized the need to reserve judgment until the conclusion of an investigation launched by the state attorney general into multiple allegations of harassment and inappropriate behavior Cuomo now faces.
“Back off, until you’ve got some facts,” he said….
Cuomo is taking a page out of Trumps book…
See if you can ride it out.
This is probably the new norm in these type matters.