The New York Times does an extensive pice that pulls together the chaotic and desperate failed effort of Donald Trump and others to undo an American Presidential election….
All of the players in this effort had their own goals ….
Some were not to help Trump….
But to only help themselves or their own separate goals or wants in doing so?
The players where willing to derail the wishes of the voters and the American political system and government with breaking the nation’s and states laws and the US Constitution ….
It went as far as an assault on the offices of the countries legislative body with some in that group hunting for the hooded up Vice President…
The Times piece points to a coordinated effort by conspirators to overthrow the government of the United States of America….
A New York Times examination of the 77 democracy-bending days between election and inauguration shows how, with conspiratorial belief rife in a country ravaged by pandemic, a lie that Mr. Trump had been grooming for years finally overwhelmed the Republican Party and, as brake after brake fell away, was propelled forward by new and more radical lawyers, political organizers, financiers and the surround-sound right-wing media.
In the aftermath of that broken afternoon at the Capitol, a picture has emerged of entropic forces coming together on Trump’s behalf in an ad hoc, yet calamitous, crash of rage and denial.
But interviews with central players, and documents including previously unreported emails, videos and social media posts scattered across the web, tell a more encompassing story of a more coordinated campaign.
Across those 77 days, the forces of disorder were summoned and directed by the departing president, who wielded the power derived from his near-infallible status among the party faithful in one final norm-defying act of a reality-denying presidency.
Throughout, he was enabled by influential Republicans motivated by ambition, fear or a misplaced belief that he would not go too far.
In the Senate, he got early room to maneuver from the majority leader, Mitch McConnell. As he sought the president’s help in Georgia runoffs that could cost him his own grip on power, Mr. McConnell heeded misplaced assurances from White House aides like Jared Kushner that Mr. Trump would eventually accede to reality, people close to the senator told The Times. Mr. McConnell’s later recognition of Mr. Biden’s victory would not be enough to dissuade 14 Republican senators from joining the president’s last-ditch bid to nullify millions of Americans’ votes….
image…Credit…Kenny Holston for The New York Times
I urge EVERYONE to read the linked NY Times piece which is first of many studies , books and probably TV specials on the unsuccessful effort to Nullify the 2020 Presidential results….
The Federal Election Commission does not agree with the EX-President.
The F.E.C. just published its presidential results, although (with a couple of counts still incomplete) not congressional ones.
Unfortunately for me, it’s in a PDF form that I can’t wrangle. I’d like to download the PDF to my Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.1, from which I can use the “Column Select” to transfer it (slowly) to an Excel spreadsheet, but I don’t see how. (Should anyone else have better luck or skill in opening and copying this, I’d appreciate any hints.)
When the full federal election report (Pres+Cong) is published later this year, the F.E.C. usually provides a copy already reduced to spreadsheets.
Anyway, the FEC reports from official state (and D.C.) reports that Joe Biden won 81.27 million votes (51.31%) to Donald Trump’s 74.22 million (47.86%).
You already know how the Electoral College voted (306-232).
Ya just click on the link….
I’d forgotten about the “Save Document As…” button in my browser’s menu. Now that I’ve downloaded the PDF, I’ll see what I can do.
OK, after remembering a lot that I’d forgotten, let’s see how well this version of the F.E.C.
returns looks on PDog. (I haven’t yet let Excel calculate state by state margins or %.)
AL 2,323,282 AL 849,624 1,441,170 32,488
AK 359,530 AK 153,778 189,951 15,801
AZ 3,387,326 AZ 1,672,143 1,661,686 53,497
AR 1,219,069 AR 423,932 760,647 34,490
CA 17,500,881 11,110,250 6,006,429 384,202
CO 3,256,980 1,804,352 1,364,607 88,021
CT 1,823,857 CT 1,080,831 714,717 28,309
DE 504,346 DE 296,268 200,603 7,475
DC 344,356 DC 317,323 18,586 8,447
FL 11,067,456 FL 5,297,045 5,668,731 101,680
GA 4,999,960 GA 2,473,633 2,461,854 64,473
HI 574,469 HI 366,130 196,864 11,475
ID 868,014 ID 287,021 554,119 26,874
IL 6,033,744 IL 3,471,915 2,446,891 114,938
IN 3,033,121 IN 1,242,416 1,729,519 61,186
IA 1,690,871 IA 759,061 897,672 34,138
KS 1,372,303 KS 570,323 771,406 30,574
KY 2,136,768 KY 772,474 1,326,646 37,648
LA 2,148,062 LA 856,034 1,255,776 36,252
ME 819,461 ME 435,072 360,737 23,652
MD 3,037,030 MD 1,985,023 976,414 75,593
MA 3,631,402 MA 2,382,202 1,167,202 81,998
MI 5,539,302 MI 2,804,040 2,649,852 85,410
MN 3,277,171 MN 1,717,077 1,484,065 76,029
MS 1,313,759 MS 539,398 756,764 17,597
MO 3,025,962 MO 1,253,014 1,718,736 54,212
MT 603,674 MT 244,786 343,602 15,286
NE 956,383 NE 374,583 556,846 24,954
NV 1,405,376 NV 703,486 669,890 32,000
NH 806,205 NH 424,937 365,660 15,608
NJ 4,549,353 NJ 2,608,335 1,883,274 57,744
NM 923,965 NM 501,614 401,894 20,457
NY 8,594,826 5,230,985 3,244,798 119,043
NC 5,524,804 2,684,292 2,758,775 81,737
ND 361,819 ND 114,902 235,595 11,322
OH 5,922,202 OH 2,679,165 3,154,834 88,203
OK 1,560,699 OK 503,890 1,020,280 36,529
OR 2,374,321 OR 1,340,383 958,448 75,490
PA 6,915,283 PA 3,458,229 3,377,674 79,380
RI 517,757 RI 307,486 199,922 10,349
SC 2,513,329 SC 1,091,541 1,385,103 36,685
SD 422,609 SD 150,471 261,043 11,095
TN 3,053,851 TN 1,143,711 1,852,475 57,665
TX 11,315,056 TX 5,259,126 5,890,347 165,583
UT 1,488,289 UT 560,282 865,140 62,867
VT 367,428 VT 242,820 112,704 11,904
VA 4,460,524 VA 2,413,568 1,962,430 84,526
WA 4,087,631 WA 2,369,612 1,584,651 133,368
WV 794,731 WV 235,984 545,382 13,365
WI 3,298,041 WI 1,630,866 1,610,184 56,991
WY 276,765 WY 73,491 193,559 9,715
Total: 158,383,403 Total: 81,268,924 74,216,154 2,898,325
51.31% 46.86% 1.83%
Thanks DSD….
It doesn’t travel that good but it’s good to see the REAL numbers….
So Trumps pollster ,in an extensive post mortem,says that his defeat is attributable to his loss of White voters.
Yep. Trump took the GOP 2 steps back with educated white suburban voters.
His supposed machismo and anti socialism took the party a half step forward with Cuban and Venezuelan voters in South Florida and among Mexican Americans in South Texas. Otherwise Florida might have come down to a photo finish and Texas decided by 1 to 2 points instead of 5. Even as is Texas GOP margin shrunk significantly again (18 pts in 2012 to 9 pts in 2016 to 5 last year).
Scott Dworkin
The House passed a rule tonight imposing fines on lawmakers who try to bypass security—$5,000 for first offense, $10,000 each time thereafter.