No surprise…
Donald Trump the media may ‘think’ he own’s the ‘party’
He does NOT...
He ….Never really did….
It’s McConnell’s Senate Grand ole Party…
Mitch may have lost a few skirmishes…
But he’s STILL in office…
Trump took over 4 years ago …
He isn’t President now…
McConnell has no use for the guy, who he never liked in the first place…
Sen. Rick Scott challenged the certification of Donald Trump’s reelection loss, bashed Trump’s second impeachment trial and recently spoke with the former president about Senate races. But don’t take that as the Florida Republican siding with Trump over Mitch McConnell.
In fact, the National Republican Senatorial Committee chair said he “absolutely” supports McConnell as Senate Republican leader. He gave no oxygen to Trump’s trashing of McConnell as someone who “doesn’t have what it takes” following the GOP leader’s withering criticism of Trump’s lack of leadership during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.
“I’m not going to get involved in that. My job as chair of the NRSC is just to focus on recruiting candidates and raising money,” Scott said on Monday afternoon. He said he told Trump he wants to win Senate races next year.
The crumbled alliance between Trump and McConnell, who worked hand-in-glove on political and legislative strategy for four years, has finally brought the GOP to the reckoning that never happened after the 2016 election. Trump may take another swipe at McConnell in the coming days at the Conservative Political Action Conference. But McConnell probably won’t hear it: He is not expected to speak at CPAC, according to Republican sources. McConnell still hasn’t spoken to Trump in more than two months.
And interviews with nearly a dozen Senate Republicans on Monday night make clear that it will take more than a war of words with Trump to knock McConnell off his perch. Both Sens. John Thune (R-S.D.) and John Cornyn (R-Texas), the two most likely successors to McConnell at the moment, back him vocally.
“Sen. McConnell’s been the best Republican leader since I’ve been here. He understands this place better than anybody,” Cornyn said. “I believe he enjoys the overwhelming support of the conference.”….
The Senate is not like the House; it’s less factionalized and there’s no organized opposition within the Senate GOP to McConnell as leader. Johnson said McConnell’s leadership position is “not even a question on the table.”
Being respected by his colleagues as a master legislative tactician has nothing to do with the fact that Donald Trump is overwhelmingly considered the Leader of the Republican Party.
Grassroots Republicans don’t give a damn about internal Senatorial politics.
For example,if Mitch McConnell attended the Trumpite CPAC conference.he would likely be booed off the stage and possibly need police protection to exit the convention site.
You claim to be “stubborn.”Whatever you want to call yourself have at it.However, your insistence that Trump is not the undisputed Leader of the Republican Party flies in the face of all rational thought.
There’s another word that begins with “s.”Think about it.
I’m happy to see u are coning around to my view that the Grand ole Party is NOT exclusively Trump’s party Jack…
It’s taken me a long time to get u there
Now i have to het u to acknowledge that Trump
Doe NOT give a shit about the ones that follow him except to make money and placate his ego…
Other’s are fighting political power
In a little while Trump the has been could be fighting to stay out of jail ….
Indeed to exhibit your incredible silliness as to this topic,just yesterday you posted an article about the Anti Trumpers in the Republican Party all of whom conceded Trumps current preeminent role in the Republican Party and how they are trying to combat it.
Apparently based on your comments on this thread?Theres nothing to combat because Trumps isn’t the Leader of the party.Never has been!
Another example of why your comments are not taken seriously here.Just a guy banging at his keyboard in a momentary stream of consciousness .Tomorrow?Who knows?He May totally contradict the whole thing.
Meanwhile Mitt Romney says Trump would win 2024 GOP nomination if he were to run.
Thank you for sharing Scott.
While we are a long way from 2024, Trump is the clear head of the GOP. And if badly botching the pandemic response to the tune of hundreds of thousands dying needlessly won’t make him lose support with his flock, then what will? He tried
to overthrow the government, and he still hardly lost any support.
Our democracy is at risk. What saved us in 2020 was that not all GOP election officials were MAGA supporters. But non-MAGA officials will likely be “replaced” by 2024.
You’re welcome Zreebs. I see this as Romney actually getting it and facing what the party he and his father belonged to all his life is in the deep throes of Trump. Can things change by 2024? Of course. But at this point what would that be?
Pointing to a few think pieces here and there or a county GOP official in a deep blue state rebuking Trump isn’t going to do it.
How about Romney working for Trumper’s points?
Romney said several times throughout 2020 that he expected Trump would get reelected. Perhaps he wound up to be closer to correct than many expected, but I think context is important.,, and one can read between the lines. Or maybe, he is just not the best political handicapper. There should be no suggestion that Romney is in anyway endorsing Trump or giving in to him. He has not voted for him in two Presidential elections and twice voted to convict him via Impeachment.
I do not believe any of the few people who post here actually believe Trump will be the 2024 Republican nominee.
Of course, nobody but SE believed Trump could be the 2016 nominee and nobody but james believed a year ago at this time that Biden would be the 2020 Dem nominee.
As of right now if Trump runs I think he wins the GOP nomination hands down.
Why wouldn’t I?
I do not think you actually think he is going to run. Logically, he can’t be nominated if he does not run.
But you can speak for yourself of course if you actually think he will
I give even odds on Trump running in 2024. If he runs he is in the best position to win the nomination. At least in 2021. I thought he would either not run in 2015 or would drop out before the Iowa caucuses.
If Trump doesn’t run the reasons why will be critical as to where his support goes.
His whole term I thought that if he lost he would claim it was because he was “too good” for politics and the whole system was corrupt. In that scenario I saw him fading from the political scene.
I was sort of half right. He claims the system is corrupt because it didn’t anoint him the winner despite getting fewer votes. I see no evidence of him claiming he and his family are “too good” for the political arena. That being said if he decides the whole thing is a lost cause I could see his supporters drifting to various other candidates who talk the talk like he did–Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, etc.
However if legal issues keep him from running I could see Don Jr. stepping into the fold as a sort of proxy candidate while Trump Sr. fights the “corrupt legal system” or something.
All speculative of course but we can only wait and see.
I think that Trump has better odds of being the 2024 nominee than any other Republican that I can think of. I would give his odds at no less than 1 in 3, and it is only that low because I am not convinced he will run. The GOP absolutely loves Trump.
And I did believe in 2015 that Trump could be the 2016 GOP nominee, although CG is correct that SE predicted it years before me.
Donald J.Trump is gonna be a bruised and battered shell of what he WAS last year by 2024….
Nobody wants to talk about the clouds forming….
I’m not convinced that he will run either and of course it’s awhile off.Lots could happen.
Certainly though he’s the leading candidate as of now.
Yeah 1 in 3 is about right.
No I don’t think Romney was endorsing Trump.
As for being a political handicapper?I think he was giving a commonsensical view that ,as of now?Yes he’s the leading candidate for the nomination.
I also think his statement might be a hint that he is not going to be an active participant in the anti Trump movement in the Republican Party seeing it,at least at present, as essentially futile.
If that’s true, it’s a blow to that movement.Romney has by far the most national stature of those either participating in that movement or being identified with it.
Sounds to me more like (as he was in 2020) trying to give a warning to others to act by speaking in a blunt but matter of fat way way, such as a parent might, or a CEO might. He may be a Senator, but at his age, he is of course, in his mind, not the “future” of any party or movement.
I think both CG and Jack could be right about Romney’s statement here.
He could be giving both straight talk to never Trumpers in the GOP that assume Trump’s influence will fade as well as signaling that it’s their fight now and he would prefer someone else like Ben Sasse to be the face of this movement.
That’s about what i think on Romney dancin
As the white flag flutters in the wind.
Here we have the best known anti Trumper ,with truly National standing ,in effect surrendering the fight.
Oh and the “spin” on this here ought to be quite humorous.