Did the Republicans after Trump won?
Let the Republican’s cry….
(They will get their chance in the Senate)
The ones with balls and common sense will join the Democrats on some things….
Others won’t….
The aid package, which is Mr. Biden’s first significant legislative initiative, passed over widespread opposition from Republicans, who argued that the measure was too costly and too broad in scope. Democrats, with slim margins of control in both chambers, were pushing the legislation through Congress using a fast-track budget process, known as reconciliation, that shields it from a Senate filibuster — which requires 60 votes to overcome — and allows it to pass on a simple majority vote, bypassing Republican opposition.
“This isn’t a relief bill,” said Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the Republican leader. “It takes care of Democrats’ political allies, while it fails to deliver for American families.”
The legislation now heads to the Senate, where it was expected to be amended and then sent back to the House for a final vote in Congress.
The bill could change substantially during Senate consideration. While it included a marquee progressive proposal to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025, that measure has been ruled out of order by a top Senate official who said that it did not qualify under the strict budgetary rules governing reconciliation bills. Senate Democrats were exploring alternatives that would allow them to maintain a version of the wage increase in the stimulus package without imperiling the broader plan.
At a news conference before the measure passed, Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California said House Democrats had preserved the wage increase in their bill to send a message about its importance, even if it ultimately had to be removed from the final legislation….
As President Biden predicted ….
The $15 a hour min wage proposal is unlikely to approved by Congress in any way or form…He will NOT support losing the bill over just that issue…
The Bill passed in the House by only seven votes….
Biden has given progressives things….
But the min wage just won’t make the train……
While most of the talk here revolves around ,way too much I might add, the small group of anti Trumpers in the Congress ,little is said about a rather simple ,yet most important fact.
Despite whatever disagreements exist as to the person,Trump,Republicans remain pretty much of one mind as to their legislative priorities.
Perhaps Biden will be able to make some inroads here and there on specific matters with a few Republicans .;however, my view is that such will be few and far between.
Yea Jack….
But in a swing district?
You keep voting AGAINST people getting checks and health insurance is gonna give your Democratic challengers a TON of things to bury you in next year….
Trump’s name will NOT be on the ballot….
2010 was against JUST Obamacare…
This is against money and a declining panic with a possible rising economy….
I could be wrong….
But 2022 Midterms for GOPer’s could be another example something Trump touched that turned to shit….
Remember Trump does NOT care about winning….
He’;s about himself and making money
Adam Schiff
Senators arguing against raising the minimum wage make $174,000 a year.
The minimum wage is now $7.25 an hour, or $15,000 a year.
That’s not a living wage. Raising it to $15 will lift millions out of poverty.
Americans don’t care how it gets done, just that we do it. ASAP.
Well they just all,everyone of them ,voted against giving people money even though polls show 60% of their own party members said they were for it.
Someday they’ll learn eh James?
That-or they’ll lose their jobs
Maybe?Maybe not?
They’ll yell a bunch of inanities about “them libruls” and the cult will eat it up!
After all they already got their money!
Big win that the minimum wage increase didn’t go into this bill…
Now the Democrats can put it up as a solo bill and have all the Republicans oppose a wage increase to low income folks…They will need to compromise on the number cause I doubt it will be 15.
Infrastructure might be the only bill that can get bipartisan support and even then I am not sure enough Republicans can look like they are working with democrats to get shit done for the country…
Might depend on whether Donald Trump still champions Infrastructure as more than an empty slogan.
Infrastructure i agree
I don’t know on $15jhr min
I’m for adding an amendment to the bill requiring anyone eligible for a stimulus check must present proof of Covid vaccination.
You watch all these “principled” people line up and roll up their sleeve (all the while railing against Socialism).
Not gonna happen….
But I understand ur reasoning….
By the summer I would assume over 50% of the American population will be able to get a shot ….
It will never be 100%….
Things just do NOT work that way…
Republicans Push Murkowski to Oppose Relief Bill
“Senate Republicans are leaning on Lisa Murkowski to reject President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion pandemic relief plan, hoping they can get unanimous GOP opposition and prevent Democrats from claiming the bill is bipartisan,” Politico reports.
“Murkowski is unique, however, and so is her home of Alaska. The state is suffering economically, the pandemic has exacerbated the state’s woes, and she’s complained repeatedly that Biden’s less fossil fuel-friendly energy policies are hurting Alaskans. Moreover, her state changed its primary system recently to dilute the possibility of a conservative or Trump-inspired challenger, giving her room to legislate from the middle.”
Gonna be interesting for some of these GOPer’s to tell voters they where AGAINST them getting their $1,400 check when they go home for the Easter Holiday….