It’s actually not a ‘football’….
It’s really bags that carry the computer units that would transmit a code from the President or Vice President if the United States had to to launch a nuclear strike against another country…..
The bags are carried by a military officer and are with the President and Vice President wherever they go on the planet…
Tomorrow Joe Biden and Kamala Harris get sworn in as the head’s of the American Government and with that?
Goes the ‘football’ responsibility …
It would seem that tomorrow there will be at least 5 of the dual units floating around….
President Trump…
Vice President Pence…
President -Elect Biden…
Vice-President -Elect Harris…
One unit away from the Capitol for the nations highest elected official ….
While that process may play out slightly differently than it has in years past, there are safeguards in place to ensure a seamless transition of nuclear control from one president to the next, regardless of circumstance, according to Stephen Schwartz, a nonresident senior fellow at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
Trump’s nuclear ‘football’ has been deactivated , the codes switched to Joe Biden’s as his ‘football’ is activated….
As of this moment?
The world IS a safer place….
‘We must meet this moment as the United States of America….’
‘We must reject the culture that facts themselves are rejected….’
‘Don’t tell me things can’t change’….